!foOlREAVlE 2021/08/10 (Tue) 21:51
No. 41112
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The rooms had plumbing. That was more than could’ve been said of most of New Hell’s denizens, let alone their homes. It had put Suiki, as it were, in context.
Hecatia strolled out of the shower, nude, crownless, lazily towelling her hair – red again. The choker and chained orbs were gone;
had been gone, in fact, no sooner than the doors’ shutting out the party noises below. Out of her clothes and bereft of her devices, Hecatia Lapislazuli was as much a goddess as she had always been – but also, in a hefty, recent addition, a woman. On the raised, western bed, lying naked on its thrice-changed sheets, Suiki felt atingle in areas which, he would have sworn, had been pressed and juiced dry across the previous hours. Tingly in particular was the part the blue-haired Hecatia had clenched her teeth on while squirting on Suiki’s face. That part still reported for duty, sick leave notwithstanding.
There was a phrase, “an apple never falls far from the tree,” and it was
Saṃsāra’s own truth, except for Hecatia, for she was someway three trees rooted in the same, unliterary space. They were all Hecatia, which Suiki had learned the hard, wet, intimate way – but Hecatia with slightly differing tastes and experiences. The blue one had a filthy mouth which nonetheless loved being plugged; meanwhile the blond one had acted the unutterable prude all the while roughly milking his dick in the cowgirl position. The red Hecatia, whom Suiki had seen flitting in whenever their lips had been engaged (then, often, married), was the touchy-feely type: all misty-eyed and “kiss me while you fuck me.” The moment-to-moment manoeuvring between the Three had been an exercise.
Where plenty was no plague, two were still company. Three had been
a crowd.
And yet… the chief of the Kishin felt easy. Not the ease of a concluded hunt; nor even the pretty break of his straitlaced, bossy Yama reminding him with an oh-so-tragically crooked brow that she was a person with quirks, same as he. Watching Hecatia, a woman adjudged inaccessible by most, himself included, perusing the
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Anonymous 2021/08/13 (Fri) 18:42
No. 41113
That was a very nice read Reavie.
Liked how ya did the character Suiki a lot and it gave me a bit more insight on how hell is like. even if that's not really the main intent of reading smut I had fun reading it in my own way.
I looked up the Kisin in question and yeah they did appear in Wild and Horned Hermit.
May I ask why you chose said person as the viewpoint of this story?
Other than that, thanks for the time taken to write and share this.
!foOlREAVlE 2021/08/14 (Sat) 16:45
No. 41115
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>May I ask why you chose said person as the viewpoint of this story?
1) Needed a male PoV. As I’ve absolutely no grasp of Hecatia’s character, narrating from inside her head would have been excruciating. A blank-ish slate was easier, compared.
2) On that note, I get off on sticking to canon, and Suiki was right there in WaHH, a male character ripe for lewding. What’s more, they both have a vested interest in Gensokyo – practically a ready-made scenario for how they met.
3) Which brings me to the point that somebody who is old-fashioned and/or stuck in their ways is the perfect foil for Hecatia’s explicit desire to modernise and adapt Hell.
I can only apologise their relationship isn’t more personal or heartfelt, but I couldn’t picture either of them committing to anything serious before breaking this particular ice.
Oh, well, maybe in a sequel someday…