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File 153244072559.jpg - (472.29KB, 3259x2444, __fate_stay_night_and_fate_series__75aafd8738ebec5.jpg)
So here it is. I said I was preparing to write something, and, well, it's happened. I haven't written much in at least three years, and this format in longer, so it might be a bit rough, so just bear with me. If you have any feedback, I'm here to listen to my audience, too.

With all that said - Let's begin.


It’s dark. A shivering, swallowing, oppressive darkness. Not a darkness of the world, but of knowing there is a world and being unable to see it. My other senses report back to me, letting me know that I’m not alone. A soft voice – not speaking to me, but making noises to itself. A soft touch, the fluffiness of pillows and the delicacy of thin fingers that work across my face.

“ ––––––, wake up.” The voice calls to me. “I’m almost done, so you should wake up.” I hear a ‘word’, but I can’t understand it. I know it has to be my name, it just feels like it. How does one even describe the sensation of hearing their own name? But that means I need to wake up. Am I even asleep? Or was I already awake? Were my eyes closed in slumber, or incomplete, like me? I move my mouth a little to reply, but I can’t understand what comes out.

...This is pointless. I need to wake up. Pushing those that thought to the forefront, and willing my sight to return, I start to move…

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[x] Train
– [x] With your sword. It's your trustworthy companion, isn't it?
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x] Train
– [x] With spellcards. They surely know how these things work, right?
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Ugh, my time has just not been mine recently. I'll definitely get back to this, it definitely won't be dropped, but I need some time.

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File 144632778849.jpg - (377.51KB, 1200x1200, 9cd753e999f483d43ba1eedb8d734c78.jpg)
Infiltrator has reached the third milestone! Thanks for reading, people. Update will be up within the next hour.

Thread #1: >>5934
Thread #2: >>13575

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[x] Explore the Tengu Mountain with her.

this should be interesting
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[c] Explore the Tengu Mountain with her.
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[x] Explore the Tengu Mountain with her.

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File 130171291092.jpg - (457.56KB, 780x2000, 83774eff3434342.jpg)
You awaken early in he day, the sun hardly beginning yet to look over the horizon as it awakened from it’s nightly slumber. But the sun would have no part in your actions today, and, truly, had not for some time. For once more you must venture below the earth, digging deeper, ever deeper into the secrets of the caverns below. Even that which already you have discovered would fill a dozen anthropological papers, but that mattered little. The warnings, the dangers expounded upon in the carvings and paintings that filled the caves…

They piqued your interest.

So now, ever more curious, increasingly eager to discover the lost secrets and hidden dangers, you seek that which has long been hidden in the depths of the earth. Your camp has progressively migrated farther and farther into the system of caverns as you worked, and now you would have to rely on maps and the trailing line you’ve been stringing out behind you to even find the surface anymore. Your eyes have long been adjusted to the dim, yellow lights you’ve been using . The darkness of the caves holds no more fear, for you - regardless of the morbidity of the warnings that coat every wall, the only feeling you have towards the darkness into which you venture is curiosity, and a constant hope, every day, that perhaps you would find something, some clue as to the final revelation you seek. You have long since abandoned your original efforts to catalogue and study the ancient carvings and paintings, instead heedlessly going deeper and deeper into the bowels of the earth, setting up your small camp when you grow too tired to continue, and whenever you grow hungry eating tasteless food like paste and dry, uncooked prepackaged ‘meals’ of nutrient bricks, that you could only wish were as flavourless as the paste.

Your carefree whistling as you walk down into the darkness echoes around you, mixing with the dull thudding of your footfalls and the clattering of your gear. Occasionally you allow your fingertips to trail across the rough and jagged stone of the cavern walls, noting the carvings by their unnatural smoothness as you navigate almost entirely without the use of sight, a light breeze always at your back, flowing from
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[X] "What kind of eggs are they, anyway?" Do they have chickens down here?
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File 153084520689.webm - (879.32KB, 590x754, cooked like this.webm)
cooked like this
Egg-citing questions await!

Prepare yourselves for some of the most eggs-ellent questions about the eggsotic foods of the Underground! No yolks here, folks, it's serious! Why, when you see some ovum, you'll hardly believe it!

I'll scramble this one out, and hopefully it won't be too badly de-laid.
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File 153154020456.jpg - (148.55KB, 338x732, image.jpg)
reading that physically hurt me

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File 140062962096.jpg - (63.15KB, 440x617, 83cebcfcefc6a77a4ebc63dd2566de67.jpg)
Before I get started with the story, let me just say that this new story of mine doesn't mean I drop my others. As I get inspiration I need to act on it, because it makes me motivated and inspired to work on my older stories.

This is also a BIG experiment. You'll see why in a moment.

“I didn’t mean it. I didn’t want to hurt anyone.”

Oh gods, I can still see it. All the blood, their bodies lying there in pieces, the words carved into the walls, and their faces.

Oh gods, make it stop!

“Please, don’t leave me here! I won’t hurt anyone again, just let me out!”

The last nail in the coffin is hammered.

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[X] Sure, but maybe not “pet”, that doesn't sound right to me.

W-Why does everyone want to be a pet!?
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[X] Sure, but maybe not “pet”, that doesn't sound right to me.

W-Why does everyone want to be a pet!?
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[X] Sure, I guess being a pet wouldn't be so bad.
>Not wanting to be a cute girl's pet.
What's wrong with you?

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File 145732711228.png - (1.33MB, 1031x609, little shop of corners.png)
little shop of corners
(Previous music continues)
[ ♫: http://youtu.be/knC2kyRf-n8 ]
[ ♫: http://www.listenonrepeat.com/?v=knC2kyRf-n8 ]
[ ♫: http://tindeck.com/listen/hqrrk ]

[Ļ] Not right yet, no. Girl asks th' dame what might be on 'er mind.

"Well, no," I reply. "Not yet, I guess." <well that sure was something to tell a demon> A demon who lives right next to the onje district? Yeah, that's totally how predators work <by looking as harmless as possible yes>. That's not a word I'd use to describe her. "I've got someone to meet after this, and then I'll check in for the night somewhere." Crashing in someone's shed seems like it would get me in trouble, here. I already know I won't be fortunate enough to find another Elis.

"O h ?" Verritine lifts a very orange eyebrow. Hold on, are those scales up by her hairline? "Y o u ' r e w e l c o m e t o t r y , I g u e s s ."


"...Try what?"
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I keep sitting down to read this and then wandering off to do something else. Again and again and again. Fucking hell.
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Are you dead, Fell? You have to tell us if you're dead.
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New thread: >>16427
Too long in coming.

I am not.

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File 148115700448.jpg - (724.49KB, 924x1265, 59638022_p4.jpg)
Wherein Yamame Kurodani realises a few things.
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File 151111666596.gif - (2.72MB, 352x352, a forlorn insect.gif)
a forlorn insect
>He likes patches and watermelons.

Patches are good civilization. Watermelons are bad civilization.

If I had to choose a touhou, I'd go with Patches. Or a certain night-flying light, if you get my drift.
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> which ‘hou would you burden me with in this circumstance?

Nazrin. Grump is love, grump is life.
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Next thread, 'cause the OP forgot: >>15717

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File 149926788932.jpg - (357.37KB, 650x433, Underground.jpg)
Hello everyone and welcome to...well my first real story on this site given that the last one was more of a prototype. So welcome to Imperiled Indentured Servant! This story starts with a line I'm sure many have used, someone catches Yukari's eye then she fools around again. But before we get into all that we need to craft our MC. Our MC is a youngish male student living in the outside world in Japan. He starts out as a normal, if somewhat shy, student but as he gets dumped into very different situation (god damn it Yukari) your posts can alter his personality.

Name: Up to you guys

Age: 16ish but if you guys want more shotamoe you can discuss that in the comments and if gets enough people behind it we can hash it out

Personality: A normal and kind, if somewhat shy student but can change with your votes. You want to turn him into a deadpan snarker? Do it!

Body type: A tad short. Likes to keep himself fit by running so normal with the budding signs of a runner's body

Hair: You guys

Eyes: You guys

Hobbies: Mostly up to you guys but he is part of the archery club
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[x] Leave the palace and head into town
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[X] Next 1 roll is treated as a 20
[X] Try to find someone
-[X] Orin

>Wherever this story ends I was thinking about running the same kind of base premise for the next one only in a different household. Would you guys want that or a whole new story?

Not many writers here can actually finish their story, let alone make a second playthrough of it. So no need to think that far ahead yet. That said, I'd prefer a new story.
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I like planning ahead

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File 147414478672.jpg - (951.47KB, 800x1047, __kurodani_yamame_touhou_drawn_by_masa_neku__78751.jpg)
“In examining disease, we gain wisdom about anatomy and physiology and biology. In examining the person with disease, we gain wisdom about life.”
― Oliver Sacks

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File 148088910998.png - (1.09MB, 1400x1400, 37361100_p0.png)
Used to be big time into stouts, and my absolute favourite brand remains a regional brand stout named “Sawn”/“Screwed” in my native tongue. However, as my alcohol tolerance has dwindled since college days, I’ve found myself downing one or two local brand tequila- and cranberry-flavoured bitters every odd evening.


Thy Futo impression for an authentic word order wanteth. Verily it my sensibilities irketh. Eth, eth. Ye zwounds.
>Let's say hypothetically a dude posts a stupid-rank comment at the very end without, you know, reading the whole dealio. How uncool is that?
At the risk certainty truth of sounding full of myself, it’s your loss, bossu. My Stand, 「Paperback Writer」, grants me 「control over words」 of a degree unparalleled by ordinary TH-P writers! This 「thread」… No, this 「story」, is a 「test」 of my will to write!
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(X) Punch.
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Kurodani Yamame Has Another Thread: >>15173

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File 138544137570.png - (523.62KB, 826x596, The fumbling forms of darkness.png)
The fumbling forms of darkness
[≤] Girl sticks to the trail leadin' outta here. Bounty's not as important as that.

Moments pass. Silence stays. Mind races. All of this at once.

I really hope that she can't hear me thinking about jumping her here and now.

[ ♫: http://tindeck.com/listen/itws ]

She continues to grace me with that look that speaks of quiet mirth and expectation. The look of a woman who has much and knows that more is coming <so why chase after the inevitable>. The look that tells you that money can, in fact, buy happiness.

A look as benign as that shouldn't be worn by someone so dangerous.

...And... that's the key, here. Danger.
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> 'Boutaround niney'nine by one-fiff'five, vel-zed, Dis-rellah.

"99 by 155, vel Z, Dis-relative."

... what "vel Z" means, I have no idea. Vel is "ascending" and so may denote "height level Z", i.e., the ground. On the other hand, it may instead mean "in this context, vel is the z-positive axis"... which would imply that other, less obviously sensible possibilities are in common use.

> Makaian addressing is technically logical but bizarre in actuality. Trigonometry was involved.
Just (r,θ) rather than (x,y), I hope?

Or using cylindrical coordinates with z⁺ pointing due an, so that neighbors along a street have no coordinate values in common, and likewise, second-floor apartments differ in all three coordinates from their first-floor counterparts?

(Cylindrical coordinates with z⁺ pointing up are almost reasonable, if you have named streets; it introduces a bit of redundancy that can help if you get one of the coordinates wrong, but still know the street name. Except on the central radii; but everybody knows what's on those, right?)
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Next thread: >>14636

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File 139825296132.jpg - (146.68KB, 1200x850, eee29e8c14a99c272d79785c0e25c340.jpg)
So we finally reach the new thread for Infiltrator, update will be posted in a few moments.

Thread #1: >>5934

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[X] Ask Remilia if she or Flandre is available. Better if both does. (Night Raid)
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[x] Ask Okuu for this role. (Day Raid)

It's definitely not just because I want to make nuclear fusion with a certain bird.
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Votes are closed and we just hit the second milestone. Congratulations for reading it this far.

Thread #3 is this way: >>14411

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