Electric Talk.mp3 Hanged Gussy XII!nCB6jAxtAw 2009/12/21 (Mon) 22:38 No. 333 ID: ▼ This thread = Discussion of any stories I write/wrote. Just thought I'd start one, just to see what others thought of what I write and what they want to see changed.
Voters help the story move along so I want to make sure mine (however few or numerous they are) are satisfied with what they read. That said any, questions/comments/critiques about my CYOAs (or me in general) then you can lay them all on me here.
Since I write two stories (one of which will return after a long haitus), be sure to state which one you're referring to. Then again, since both are essentially based on games from entirely different franchises, it's not really a requirement, I guess.
In anycase, Enjoy.
Anonymous 2009/12/22 (Tue) 01:16 No. 334 ID: ▼ Update more (both) and I want to see more that Touhou Mother story (and progress with Yuuka)