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PipFairy ⑨000 Vers 1。2。2x

©RobCo 2076

Last modified 15:00:59、 10/23/2277
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[ ftp://falloutgensokyo.dyndns.org/pip-boy1.mp3 ]

║Sorted by: Date / Time / Origin / Subject
║✇ 10/24/2277, 15:12JST, HoloDoc, Wasteland Survival
║Guide: Gensokyo Edition
║➥Note: The below reference ranges are for normal
║human populations. The immunocompromised (e.g.,
║HIV+, receiving chemotherapy, diagnosed with myelo-
║proliferative disorders, receiving corticosteroids
║or other immune-suppressing drugs), children, the
║elderly, the malnourished, those who have renal
║disease, and those with ongoing infections are at
║increased risk of developing more serious forms of
║radiation sickness. Likewise, those who have con-
║trolled food absorbency problems, who are on mech-
║anical ventilation, who receive IV food & liquids,
║who wear sunscreen, use diuretics, iodine tablets,
║or chelating agents may fraction or decrease their
║radiation dose, without affecting the intensity
║and course of the syndrome per se. This also
║includes the effects of Rad-X. Once exposure
║occurs, the amount of the 'creeping dose' is the
║only factor that is important in judging the na-
║tural course of the poisoning.
║Metahumans seem to be affected by radiation more in-
║tensely than humans, but in different ways, although
║the effect we've seen is weak and interpersonal var-
║iation is high. In theory metahumans would be more
║susceptible to direct damage and mutation as their
║typically chimeric DNA is poorly protected by in-
║trinsic repair mechanisms, but likewise they would
║protected from disease by their heterogeneous and
║rapidly mutating genes. This is all theoretical;
║without more data it is impossible to predict ex-
║actly how to stratify risk for nonhumans. For eth-
║ical reasons, said data might never be re-
║We find another exception to the standard model in
║feral fairy test populations and many of the more
║successful mutant animal populations that make up
║the unique fauna & ecology of post-War Gensokyo.
║The suggestion that radiation may improve
wound healing in said animal or feral pop-
║ulations however is currently unsubstantiated.
║This is clearly not true for true youkai.
║Anecdotes actually suggest that they are more
susceptible to radiation, but this is us-
║ually compensated by their increased resist-
ance to toxins and disease. In any case
║Not even these 'rad' animals or the ferals are
║completely immune to the effects of radiation as
║looking at any average Wasteland beast shows a
║host of disfiguring, radiation-induced dermato-
║logical problems. Like any other manifestation
║of the chronic effects of radiation poisoning,
║these skin dermatoses resulting from chronic ex-
║posure are beyond the scope of this report.
║One interesting challenge comes not from exper-
║iments and observation, but from a careful read-
║ing of pre-War literature. It was known that
║some living organisms can be extremely resistant
║to ionizing radiation, and that some extremo-
║philes, like radiotrophic cave fungus, can act-
║ually use it for energy production. I'm told
║this is analogous to how we can use uranium in-
║side a nuclear reactor to produce electricity—
║the fact however does not make uranium exposure
║any less harmful to the individual, and his
║genes, no matter how 'rad resistant' he claims
║to be.
║I would like to express my gratitude to Mokou-
║no-Fujiwara and the Scarlet Devil zaibatsu
║for their help in preparing this critical sec-
║tion of the Wasteland Survival Guide: Gensokyo
║Have fun in the sun!
║— 稗田-の-阿住求
║(Ajukyu-no-Hieda, 19th Child of Miare)
║➥No symptoms
Subclinical radiation sickness
║➥Subacute ('prodromal') phase (symptoms 6–12
║hrs after exposure for 1–6 hrs)
║ ➥Somatic symptoms:
║ ➥Mild headache
║ ➥Mild nausea
║ ➥Mild fatigue
║ ➥Rad-Away is still effective at this point
║➥Latent phase (2–14 days after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Total white blood cell count drops temp-
║ orarily
║ ➥Biological resistance: -5%
║ ➥Efforts must be made to prevent infection
║ ➥Isolation from the sick; sanitation &
║ proper wound-dressing important
║ ➥Confirmed infections should be treated
║ aggressively with antibiotics
║ ➥No damage to bone marrow
║ ➥Reproductive:
║ ➥Decreased sperm motility in males
║➥Acute phase (15–21 days after exposure)
║ ➥Neuropsychiatric:
║ ➥10% chance of mild symptoms
║ ➥Irritability
║ ➥Malaise
║ ➥Mild cognitive impairment
║ ➥Insomnia
║ ➥Gastrointestinal:
║ ➥10% chance of mild-to-moderate diarrhea
║ with tarry stool
║ ➥Persistent diarrhea may lead to dehy-
║ dration & anemia
║ ➥High fluid & iron intake advised
║ ➥Nephrological:
║ ➥25% chance of dark, cloudy urine
║ ➥Diuretics indicated only if patient is
║ at risk
║ ➥Blood electrolytes must be monitored
║ ➥10% chance of bloody urine
║ ➥Diuretics indicated if antibiotics are
║ used concomitantly
║➥Convalescence (3 weeks after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Total white blood cell count returns to
║ baseline
║➥Succinct effects of poisoning
║ ➥☠ P-RES: -0%
║ ➥☣ B-RES: -5%
║ ➥⇥ DR: -0
Mild radiation sickness
║➥Subacute ('prodromal') phase (symptoms 5–10
║hrs after exposure for 6–12 hrs)
║ ➥Somatic symptoms:
║ ➥Mild-to-moderate headache
║ ➥Mild-to-moderate nausea
║ ➥Fatigue
║ ➥Rad-Away is still effective at this point
║➥Latent ('walking ghost') phase (2–13 days
║after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Total white blood cell count drops for a
║ sustained period
║ ➥Biological resistance: -10%
║ ➥Platelet production temporarily impaired
║ ➥Damage resistance -2
║ ➥ Special effort must be made to prevent
║ infection
║ ➥Isolation from the sick is recommended
║ ➥Confirmed infections should be treated
║ aggressively with antibiotics
║ ➥Injection of cultured leukocytes may
║ obviate immunosuppression
║ ➥Damage to bone marrow damage generally
║ reversible
║ ➥Reproductive:
║ ➥Decreased sperm motility in males
║ ➥Spontaneous abortion in first trimester
║ pregnancies
║ ➥Other:
║ ➥Transient hair thinning on scalp
║➥Acute ('killing') phase (14–21 days
║ after exposure)
║ ➥Neuropsychiatric:
║ ➥25% chance of mild symptoms
║ ➥Irritability
║ ➥Malaise
║ ➥Mild cognitive impairment
║ ➥Insomnia
║ ➥Gastrointestinal:
║ ➥25% chance of mild-to-moderate diarrhea
║ with tarry stool
║ ➥Persistent diarrhea may lead to dehy-
║ dration & anemia
║ ➥High fluid & iron intake advised for
║ the afflicted
║ ➥10% chance of severe diarrhea with
║ bloody stool
║ ➥Oral electrolyte & fluid replacement
║ indicated
║ ➥Persistent bleeding may require a
║ transfusion
║ ➥Nephrological:
║ ➥50% chance of dark, cloudy urine
║ ➥Diuretics indicated only if patient is
║ at risk
║ ➥25% chance of bloody urine
║ ➥Blood electrolytes must be monitored
║ ➥Diuretics indicated if antibiotics are
║ used concomitantly
║ ➥Blood toxins rise transiently because of
║ renal impairment
║ ➥Poison resistance: -5%
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Total white blood cell count drops slightly
║ ➥Biological resistance: -10%
║ ➥Increased bleeding risk from platelet in-
║ hibition
║ ➥Damage resistance: -2
║ ➥Anemia may develop if there is bleeding;
║ resolved by fluid intake
║➥Convalescence (3–4 weeks after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Anemia generally self-resolves
║ ➥Symptomatic treatment requires blood trans-
║ fusion
║ ➥Platelet function is restored by surviving
║ bone marrow
║ ➥Endogenous white blood cell count rises again
║➥Succinct effects of poisoning
║ ➥☠ P-RES: -5%
║ ➥☣ B-RES: -10%
║ ➥⇥ DR: -2
Light radiation poisoning
║➥Subacute ('prodromal') phase (symptoms 4–8
║hrs after exposure for 12–24 hrs)
║ ➥Somatic symptoms:
║ ➥Mild-to-moderate headache
║ ➥Mild-to-moderate nausea
║ ➥Fatigue
║ ➥Rad-Away is still effective at this point
║➥Latent ('walking ghost') phase (2–12 days
║after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Total white blood cell count drops sig-
║ nificantly
║ ➥Platelet production impaired for a sus-
║ tained period
║ ➥Special effort must be taken to prevent
║ infection
║ ➥Isolation from the sick recommended
║ ➥Confirmed infections should be treated
║ aggressively with antibiotics
║ ➥Injection of cultured leukocytes may
║ obviate immunosuppression
║ ➥Significant risk of permanent bone mar-
║ row damage
║ ➥Reproductive:
║ ➥Temporary sterility in males
║ ➥Spontaneous abortion in first & second
║ trimester pregnancies
║ ➥Other:
║ ➥Hair thinning on the scalp is common
║➥Acute ('killing') phase (13–28 days af-
║ter exposure)
║ ➥Neuropsychiatric:
║ ➥50% chance of mild symptoms
║ ➥Irritability
║ ➥Malaise
║ ➥Mild cognitive impairment
║ ➥Insomnia
║ ➥Gastrointestinal:
║ ➥50% chance of mild-to-moderate dia-
║ rrhea with tarry stool
║ ➥Persistent diarrhea may lead to de-
║ hydration & anemia
║ ➥High fluid & iron intake advised
║ for the afflicted
║ ➥25% chance of severe diarrhea with
║ bloody stool
║ ➥Fluids & electrolytes may be re-
║ quired if diarrhea continues
║ ➥Persistent bleeding may require a
║ transfusion
║ ➥10% chance of intestinal necrosis
║ with bloody, tarry diarrhea
║ ➥IV fluids & electrolytes mainten-
║ ance required
║ ➥Intensive blood monitoring is re-
║ quired
║ ➥90% of so afflicted will develop
║ neutropenic sepsis
║ ➥Untreated septic shock leads to
║ multiple organ failure & death
║ ➥50% all-cause mortality even with
║ treatment
║ ➥Fever with sudden and intense onset
║ ➥Profuse sweating and bacteremia
║ ➥Hyperpyrexia (body temp >106.7 °F)
║ is common
║ ➥Requires antipyretics and immedi-
║ ate ice-water immersion
║ ➥Nephrological:
║ ➥75% chance of dark, cloudy urine
║ ➥Diuretics indicated only if patient
║ is at risk
║ ➥50% chance of bloody urine
║ ➥Blood electrolytes must be monitored
║ ➥Diuretics indicated if antibiotics
║ are used concomitantly
║ ➥10% chance of mild-to-moderate hemor-
║ rhaging
║ ➥Diuretics & hemofiltration required
║ ➥Blood toxins rise for a sustained per-
║ iod because of renal impairment
║ ➥Poison resistance: -10%
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Total white blood cell count drops
║ significantly
║ ➥Biological resistance: -25%
║ ➥Temporary risk of severe bleeding
║ from platelet loss
║ ➥Damage resistance -5
║ ➥5% chance of uncontrollable extern-
║ al bleeding
║ ➥Gums
║ ➥Nail-beds
║ ➥Poor wound healing
║ ➥Internal hemorrhaging in various
║ organs
║ ➥5% chance of mild-to-moderate hemor-
║ rhaging
║ ➥Anemia may be corrected by iron & flu-
║ id intake
║➥Convalescence (4–6 weeks after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Anemia may become symptomatic before
║ bone marrow regenerates
║ ➥Symptomatic treatment requires regular
║ blood transfusion
║ ➥Platelet function is restored by sur-
║ viving bone marrow
║ ➥Endogenous white blood cell count rises
║ slowly
║ ➥Bone marrow transplant may be required,
║ or recovery will be slow
║➥Succinct effects of poisoning
║ ➥☠ P-RES: -10%
║ ➥☣ B-RES: -25%
║ ➥⇥ DR: -5
Moderate radiation poisoning
║➥Subacute ('prodromal') phase (symptoms 3–6
║hrs after exposure for 12–24 hrs)
║ ➥Somatic symptoms:
║ ➥Mild-to-moderate headache
║ ➥Mild-to-moderate nausea with or without
║ vomiting
║ ➥Fatigue
║ ➥Rad-Away is still effective at this point
║➥Latent ('walking ghost') phase (2–11 days
║after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥White blood cell production greatly im-
║ paired
║ ➥Platelet production impaired significant-
║ ly
║ ➥Significant efforts must be made to pre-
║ vent overwhelming infection
║ ➥Isolation from the sick; sanitation &
║ proper wound-dressing important
║ ➥Broad-spectrum antibiotics must be ini-
║ tiated on first sign of infection
║ ➥Injection of cultured leukocytes may ob-
║ viate immunosuppression
║ ➥Some of the body's bone marrow is perman-
║ ently destroyed
║ ➥Bone marrow transplant will be needed
║ ➥Eventual anemia will set in from lowered
║ production of red blood cells
║ ➥Stem cell & cloning technology can poten-
║ tially stop progression here
║ ➥Reproductive:
║ ➥Temporary sterility in males
║ ➥Spontaneous abortion in pregnant females
║ ➥10% chance of permanent sterility in fe-
║ males
║ ➥Other:
║ ➥Partial hair loss on the scalp
║➥Acute ('killing') phase (12–35 days after
║ ➥Neuropsychiatric:
║ ➥75% chance of mild symptoms
║ ➥Irritability
║ ➥Malaise
║ ➥Mild cognitive impairment
║ ➥Insomnia
║ ➥10% chance of moderately severe symptoms
║ ➥Uncontrollable aggression
║ ➥Ideas of reference
║ ➥Hallucination
║ ➥Catalepsy
║ ➥Stupor
║ ➥Severe cognitive impairment
║ ➥Retrograde amnesia
║ ➥Tremor
║ ➥Gastrointestinal:
║ ➥75% chance of diarrhea with tarry stool
║ ➥Persistent diarrhea may lead to dehy-
║ dration & anemia
║ ➥High fluid & iron intake advised for
║ the afflicted
║ ➥50% chance of severe diarrhea with
║ bloody stool
║ ➥Fluids & electrolytes may be required
║ if diarrhea continues
║ ➥Persistent bleeding may require a
║ transfusion
║ ➥25% chance of intestinal necrosis with
║ bloody, tarry diarrhea
║ ➥IV fluids & electrolytes maintenance
║ required
║ ➥Intensive blood monitoring is required
║ ➥90% of so afflicted will develop neu-
║ tropenic sepsis
║ ➥Untreated septic shock leads to multi-
║ ple organ failure & death
║ ➥50% all-cause mortality even with
║ treatment
║ ➥Fever with sudden and intense onset
║ ➥Profuse sweating and bacteremia
║ ➥Hyperpyrexia (body temp >106.7 °F) is
║ common
║ ➥Requires antipyretics and immediate
║ ice-water immersion
║ ➥Nephrological–hepatological:
║ ➥90% chance of dark, cloudy urine
║ ➥Diuretics indicated only if patient is
║ at risk
║ ➥75% chance of bloody urine
║ ➥Blood electrolytes must be monitored
║ ➥Diuretics indicated if antibiotics are
║ used concomitantly
║ ➥25% chance of mild-to-moderate hemor-
║ rhaging
║ ➥Diuretics & hemofiltration required
║ ➥10% chance of moderate-to-severe hemor-
║ rhaging
║ ➥Dialysis required
║ ➥Blood toxins rise significantly because
║ of renal impairment
║ ➥Poison resistance: -25%
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Total white blood cell count drops
║ greatly
║ ➥Biological resistance: -50%
║ ➥Aplastic anemia from destruction of
║ bone marrow sets in
║ ➥Mild thrombocytopenia results from
║ platelet loss
║ ➥Damage resistance -10
║ ➥10% chance of uncontrollable external
║ bleeding
║ ➥Gums
║ ➥Nail-beds
║ ➥Poor wound healing
║ ➥Internal hemorrhaging in various organs
║ ➥10% chance of mild-to-moderate hemor-
║ rhaging
║ ➥Anemia may be corrected by iron & IV
║ fluids
║➥Convalescence (5–8 weeks after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Anemia may become symptomatic before
║ bone marrow regenerates
║ ➥Symptomatic treatment requires regular
║ blood transfusion
║ ➥Platelet function largely restored by
║ surviving bone marrow
║ ➥Endogenous white blood cell count rises
║ slowly
║ ➥Bone marrow transplant will eventually be
║ required
║➥Succinct effects of poisoning
║ ➥☠ P-RES: -25%
║ ➥☣ B-RES: -50%
║ ➥⇥ DR: -10
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[ ftp://falloutgensokyo.dyndns.org/pip-boy2.mp3 ]

Moderately-severe radiation poisoning
║➥Subacute ('prodromal') phase (symptoms 2–4 hrs after expo-
║sure for 1–2 days)
║ ➥Somatic symptoms:
║ ➥Moderate headache
║ ➥Moderate-to-severe nausea with or without vomiting
║ ➥Torpor
║ ➥Rad-Away is still effective at this point
║➥Latent ('walking ghost') phase (2–10 days after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥White blood cell production severely impaired
║ ➥Platelet production is stunted
║ ➥Intensive efforts must be made to prevent overwhelming in-
║ fection
║ ➥Isolation from general population is strongly advised
║ ➥Prophylactic broad-spectrum antibiotics are indicated
║ ➥Injection of cultured leukocytes may obviate immunosup-
║ pression
║ ➥Significant amount of the body's bone marrow is permanent-
║ ly destroyed
║ ➥Bone marrow transplants will be needed
║ ➥Eventual anemia will set in from lowered production of
║ red blood cells
║ ➥Stem cell & cloning technology can potentially stop pro-
║ gression here
║ ➥Reproductive:
║ ➥Temporary sterility in males
║ ➥Spontaneous abortion in pregnant females
║ ➥25% chance of permanent sterility in females
║ ➥Other:
║ ➥Significant amount of hair loss over the entire body
║➥Acute ('killing') phase (11–42 days after exposure)
║ ➥Neuropsychiatric:
║ ➥90% chance of mild symptoms
║ ➥Irritability
║ ➥Malaise
║ ➥Temporary memory deficit
║ ➥Mild cognitive impairment
║ ➥Insomnia
║ ➥25% chance of moderately severe symptoms
║ ➥Uncontrollable aggression
║ ➥Ideas of reference
║ ➥Hallucination
║ ➥Catalepsy
║ ➥Stupor
║ ➥Severe cognitive impairment
║ ➥Retrograde amnesia
║ ➥Tremor
║ ➥Gastrointestinal:
║ ➥90% chance of diarrhea with tarry stool
║ ➥Persistent diarrhea may lead to dehydration & anemia
║ ➥High fluid & iron intake advised for the afflicted
║ ➥75% chance of severe diarrhea with bloody stool
║ ➥Fluids & electrolytes may be required if diarrhea contin-
║ ues
║ ➥Persistent bleeding may require a transfusion
║ ➥50% chance of intestinal necrosis with bloody, tarry diar-
║ rhea
║ ➥IV fluids & electrolytes maintenance required
║ ➥Intensive blood monitoring is required
║ ➥90% of so afflicted will develop neutropenic sepsis
║ ➥Untreated septic shock leads to multiple organ failure
║ & death
║ ➥50% all-cause mortality even with treatment
║ ➥Fever with sudden and intense onset
║ ➥Profuse sweating and bacteremia
║ ➥Hyperpyrexia (body temp >106.7 °F) is common
║ ➥Requires antipyretics and immediate ice-water immersion
║ ➥Nephrological–hepatological symptoms:
║ ➥99% chance of dark, cloudy urine
║ ➥Diuretics indicated only if patient is at risk
║ ➥90% chance of bloody urine
║ ➥Blood electrolytes must be monitored
║ ➥Diuretics indicated if antibiotics are used concomitantly
║ ➥50% chance of mild-to-moderate hemorrhaging in kidneys
║ ➥Diuretics & hemofiltration required
║ ➥25% chance of moderate-to-severe hemorrhaging in kidneys
║ ➥Dialysis required
║ ➥10% chance of precipitating hepatorenal syndrome
║ ➥Blood & urine monitoring required
║ ➥Liver failure requires immediate transplant
║ ➥Renal failure requires transplant or life-long dialysis
║ ➥Blood toxins rise greatly because of renal & hepatic im-
║ pairment
║ ➥Poison resistance: -50%
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Total white blood cell count drops severely
║ ➥Biological resistance: -75%
║ ➥Aplastic anemia from destruction of bone marrow sets in
║ ➥Gangrene in may result from tissue anoxia
║ ➥Symptomatic thrombocytopenia results from platelet loss
║ ➥Damage resistance: -25
║ ➥25% chance of uncontrollable external bleeding
║ ➥Gums
║ ➥Nail-beds
║ ➥Poor wound healing
║ ➥Constant debridement is required to prevent infection
║ ➥Internal hemorrhaging in various organs
║ ➥25% chance of mild-to-moderate hemorrhaging
║ ➥10% chance of moderate-to-severe hemorrhaging
║ ➥Anemia must be corrected by blood transfusion
║➥Convalescence (6–10 weeks after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Untreated aplastic anemia can kill within months
║ from loss of erythrocytes
║ ➥Symptomatic treatment requires regular blood transfusion
║ ➥Platelet function largely restored by surviving bone mar-
║ row, but slowly
║ ➥Endogenous white blood cells are replaced at a very slow
║ rate
║ ➥Bone marrow transplant is required for full recovery
║➥Succinct effects of poisoning
║ ➥☠ P-RES: -50%
║ ➥☣ B-RES: -75%
║ ➥⇥ DR: -25
Severe radiation poisoning
║➥Subacute ('prodromal') phase (symptoms 1–2 hrs after expo-
║sure for 1–2 days)
║ ➥Somatic symptoms:
║ ➥Moderate-to-severe headache
║ ➥Severe nausea with occasional vomiting
║ ➥Torpor
║ ➥Rad-Away is still effective at this point
║➥Latent ('walking ghost') phase (2–9 days after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological symptoms:
║ ➥White blood cell production profoundly impaired
║ ➥Platelet production greatly impaired
║ ➥Intensive efforts must be made to prevent overwhelming sys-
║ temic infection
║ ➥Isolation from general population is strongly advised
║ ➥Prophylactic cocktail of broad-spectrum antibiotics is
║ indicated
║ ➥Antivirals & interferon indicated on first suspicion of
║ infection
║ ➥Injection of cultured leukocytes may obviate immunosup-
║ pression
║ ➥Significant amount of the body's bone marrow is perma-
║ nently destroyed
║ ➥Multiple bone marrow transplants will be needed
║ ➥Eventual anemia will set in from lowered production of
║ red blood cells
║ ➥Stem cell & cloning technology can potentially stop pro-
║ gression here
║ ➥Reproductive symptoms:
║ ➥Temporary sterility in males
║ ➥Spontaneous abortion in pregnant females
║ ➥50% chance of permanent sterility in females
║ ➥Other:
║ ➥Large amounts of hair loss over the entire body
║➥Acute ('killing') phase (10–49 days after exposure)
║ ➥Neuropsychiatric symptoms:
║ ➥99% chance of mild symptoms
║ ➥Irritability
║ ➥Malaise
║ ➥Temporary memory deficit
║ ➥Mild cognitive impairment
║ ➥Insomnia
║ ➥50% chance of moderately severe symptoms
║ ➥Uncontrollable aggression
║ ➥Ideas of reference
║ ➥Hallucination
║ ➥Catalepsy
║ ➥Stupor
║ ➥Severe cognitive impairment
║ ➥Retrograde amnesia
║ ➥Tremor
║ ➥10% chance of severe symptoms
║ ➥Frank delirium
║ ➥Convulsive seizures
║ ➥Persistent catatonia
║ ➥Toxic encephalopathy
║ ➥Coma
║ ➥Gastrointestinal symptoms:
║ ➥99% chance of diarrhea with tarry stool
║ ➥Persistent diarrhea may lead to dehydration & anemia
║ ➥High fluid & iron intake advised for the afflicted
║ ➥90% chance of severe diarrhea with bloody stool
║ ➥Fluids & electrolytes may be required if diarrhea con-
║ tinues
║ ➥Persistent bleeding may require a transfusion
║ ➥75% chance of intestinal necrosis with bloody, tarry diar-
║ rhea
║ ➥IV fluids & electrolytes maintenance required
║ ➥Intensive blood monitoring is required
║ ➥90% of so afflicted will develop neutropenic sepsis
║ ➥Untreated septic shock leads to multiple organ failure
║ & death
║ ➥50% all-cause mortality even with treatment
║ ➥Fever with sudden and intense onset
║ ➥Profuse sweating and bacteremia
║ ➥Hyperpyrexia (body temp >106.7 °F) is common
║ ➥Requires antipyretics and immediate ice-water immersion
║ ➥Nephrological–hepatological symptoms:
║ ➥99% chance of bloody, cloudy urine
║ ➥Blood electrolytes must be monitored
║ ➥Diuretics indicated if antibiotics are used concomitantly
║ ➥75% chance of mild-to-moderate hemorrhaging in kidneys
║ ➥Diuretics & hemofiltration required
║ ➥50% chance of moderate-to-severe hemorrhaging in kidneys
║ ➥Dialysis required
║ ➥25% chance of precipitating hepatorenal syndrome
║ ➥Blood & urine monitoring required
║ ➥Liver failure requires immediate transplant
║ ➥Renal failure requires transplant or life-long dialysis
║ ➥Severe systemic poisoning because of renal & hepatic im-
║ pairment
║ ➥Poison resistance: -75%
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Total white blood cell count drops precipitously
║ ➥Biological resistance: -90%
║ ➥Aplastic anemia from destruction of bone marrow sets in
║ ➥Gangrene may result from tissue anoxia
║ ➥Significant thrombocytopenia results from platelet loss
║ ➥Damage resistance: -50
║ ➥50% chance of uncontrollable external bleeding
║ ➥Gums
║ ➥Nail-beds
║ ➥Poor wound healing
║ ➥Constant debridement is required to prevent infection
║ ➥Internal hemorrhaging in various organs
║ ➥50% chance of mild-to-moderate hemorrhaging
║ ➥25% chance of moderate-to-severe hemorrhaging
║ ➥Anemia must be corrected by regular blood transfusion
║➥Convalescence (7–12 weeks after exposure)
║ ➥Untreated aplastic anemia can kill within months from loss
║ of erythrocytes
║ ➥Symptomatic treatment requires regular blood transfusion
║ ➥Platelet function only partially restored by surviving
║ bone marrow
║ ➥Endogenous white blood cells are replaced at a very slow
║ rate
║ ➥Multiple bone marrow transplants required for full recovery
║➥Succinct effects of poisoning
║ ➥☠ P-RES: -75%
║ ➥☣ B-RES: -90%
║ ➥⇥ DR: -50
Critical radiation poisoning
║➥Subacute ('prodromal') phase (symptoms 30–60 min after expo-
║sure for 2 days)
║ ➥Somatic symptoms:
║ ➥Severe headache
║ ➥Severe nausea with recurrent vomiting
║ ➥Profound torpor
║ ➥Rad-Away is still effective at this point
║➥Latent ('walking ghost') phase (2–8 days after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological symptoms:
║ ➥White blood cell production almost entirely halted
║ ➥Platelet production severely impaired
║ ➥Exhaustive efforts must be made to prevent overwhelming
║ systemic infection
║ ➥Isolation in a completely sterile environment necessary
║ ➥Prophylactic cocktail of broad-spectrum antibiotics in-
║ dicated
║ ➥Other measures include: antifungals, steroids, interfer-
║ on, antivirals
║ ➥Injection of cultured leukocytes may help obviate immu-
║ nosuppression
║ ➥Much of the body's bone marrow is permanently destroyed
║ ➥Multiple bone marrow transplants needed over the entire
║ body
║ ➥Eventual anemia will set in from lowered production of
║ red blood cells
║ ➥Stem cell & cloning technology can potentially stop pro-
║ gression here
║ ➥Reproductive symptoms:
║ ➥Temporary sterility in males
║ ➥Spontaneous abortion in pregnant females
║ ➥75% chance of permanent sterility in females
║ ➥Other:
║ ➥Near total hair loss over the entire body
║➥Acute ('killing') phase (9–49 days after exposure for up to
║3 weeks)
║ ➥Neuropsychiatric symptoms:
║ ➥99% chance of mild symptoms
║ ➥Irritability
║ ➥Malaise
║ ➥Temporary memory deficit
║ ➥Mild cognitive impairment
║ ➥Insomnia
║ ➥75% chance of moderately severe symptoms
║ ➥Uncontrollable aggression
║ ➥Ideas of reference
║ ➥Hallucination
║ ➥Catalepsy
║ ➥Stupor
║ ➥Serious cognitive impairment
║ ➥Retrograde amnesia
║ ➥Tremor
║ ➥25% chance of severe symptoms
║ ➥Frank delirium
║ ➥Convulsive seizures
║ ➥Persistent catatonia
║ ➥Toxic encephalopathy
║ ➥Coma
║ ➥Gastrointestinal symptoms:
║ ➥99% chance of severe diarrhea with bloody stool
║ ➥Fluids & electrolytes may be required if diarrhea contin-
║ ues
║ ➥Persistent bleeding may require a transfusion
║ ➥90% chance of intestinal necrosis with bloody, tarry diar-
║ rhea
║ ➥IV fluids & electrolytes maintenance required
║ ➥Intensive blood monitoring is required
║ ➥90% of so afflicted will develop neutropenic sepsis
║ ➥Untreated septic shock leads to multiple organ failure &
║ death
║ ➥50% all-cause mortality even with treatment
║ ➥Fever with sudden and intense onset
║ ➥Profuse sweating and bacteremia
║ ➥Hyperpyrexia (body temp >106.7 °F) is common
║ ➥Requires antipyretics and immediate ice-water immersion
║ ➥Nephrological–hepatological symptoms:
║ ➥99% chance of bloody, cloudy urine
║ ➥Blood electrolytes must be monitored
║ ➥99% chance of mild-to-moderate hemorrhaging in kidneys
║ ➥Diuretics & hemofiltration required
║ ➥75% chance of moderate-to-severe hemorrhaging in kidneys
║ ➥Dialysis required
║ ➥50% chance of precipitating hepatorenal syndrome
║ ➥Blood & urine monitoring required
║ ➥Liver failure requires immediate transplant
║ ➥Renal failure requires transplant or life-long dialysis
║ ➥Profound systemic poisoning because of renal & hepatic imp-
║ airment
║ ➥Poison resistance: -90%
║ ➥Immunological–hematological symptoms:
║ ➥Total white blood cell count is almost zero
║ ➥Biological resistance: -95%
║ ➥Plastic anemia from destruction of bone marrow sets in
║ ➥Gangrene may result from tissue anoxia
║ ➥Severe thrombocytopenia results from platelet loss
║ ➥Damage resistance: -75
║ ➥75% chance of uncontrollable external bleeding
║ ➥Gums
║ ➥Nail-beds
║ ➥Mucosal linings
║ ➥Poor wound healing
║ ➥Constant debridement is required to prevent infection
║ ➥Internal hemorrhaging in various organs
║ ➥75% chance of mild-to-moderate hemorrhaging
║ ➥50% chance of moderate-to-severe hemorrhaging
║ ➥Anemia must be corrected by constant blood transfusion
║➥Convalescence (7–14 weeks after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Untreated aplastic anemia can kill within months from loss
║ of erythrocytes
║ ➥Symptomatic treatment requires regular blood transfusion
║ ➥Platelet function only partially restored by surviving
║ bone marrow
║ ➥White blood cell production is poor; patient permanently
║ immunocompromised
║ ➥Multiple bone marrow transplants required
║➥Succinct effects of poisoning
║ ➥☠ P-RES: -90%
║ ➥☣ B-RES: -95%
║ ➥⇥ DR: -75
Fatal radiation poisoning
║➥Subacute ('prodromal') phase (symptoms 15–30 min after expo-
║sure for 2 days)
║ ➥Somatic symptoms:
║ ➥Severe, analgesic-resistant headache
║ ➥Severe nausea with uncontrollable vomiting
║ ➥Profound torpor
║ ➥Rad-Away is still effective at this point
║➥Latent ('walking ghost') phase (2–6 days after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological symptoms:
║ ➥White blood cell production completely abolished
║ ➥Platelet production profoundly impaired
║ ➥Exhaustive efforts must be made to prevent overwhelming
║ systemic infection
║ ➥Isolation in a completely sterile environment necessary
║ ➥Cocktail of broad-spectrum antibiotics in heroic doses
║ are needed
║ ➥Other measures include antifungals, steroids, interfe-
║ ron, antivirals
║ ➥Phage therapy & injection of cultured leukocytes may be
║ lifesaving
║ ➥Destruction of bone marrow is almost total
║ ➥Large amounts of marrow must be cloned and implanted
║ ➥Eventual anemia will set in from lowered production of
║ red blood cells
║ ➥Reproductive symptoms:
║ ➥Temporary sterility in males
║ ➥Spontaneous abortion in pregnant females
║ ➥Permanent sterility in females
║ ➥Other symptoms:
║ ➥Total hair loss over the entire body
║➥Acute ('killing') phase (7–56 days after exposure)
║ ➥Neuropsychiatric symptoms:
║ ➥99% chance of mild symptoms
║ ➥Irritability
║ ➥Malaise
║ ➥Temporary memory deficit
║ ➥Mild cognitive impairment
║ ➥Insomnia
║ ➥90% chance of moderately severe symptoms
║ ➥Uncontrollable aggression
║ ➥Ideas of reference
║ ➥Hallucination
║ ➥Catalepsy
║ ➥Stupor
║ ➥Serious cognitive impairment
║ ➥Retrograde amnesia
║ ➥Tremor
║ ➥50% chance of severe symptoms
║ ➥Frank delirium
║ ➥Convulsive seizures
║ ➥Persistent catatonia
║ ➥Toxic encephalopathy
║ ➥Coma
║ ➥Gastrointestinal symptoms:
║ ➥99% chance of intestinal necrosis with bloody, tarry diar-
║ rhea
║ ➥IV fluids & electrolytes maintenance required
║ ➥Intensive blood monitoring is required
║ ➥90% of so afflicted will develop neutropenic sepsis
║ ➥Untreated septic shock leads to multiple organ failure &
║ death
║ ➥50% all-cause mortality even with treatment
║ ➥Fever with sudden and intense onset
║ ➥Profuse sweating and bacteremia
║ ➥Hyperpyrexia (body temp >106.7 °F) is common
║ ➥Requires antipyretics and immediate ice-water immersion
║ ➥Nephrological–hepatological symptoms:
║ ➥99% chance of bloody, cloudy urine
║ ➥Blood electrolytes must be monitored
║ ➥99% chance of mild-to-moderate hemorrhaging in kidneys
║ ➥Diuretics & hemofiltration required
║ ➥90% chance of moderate-to-severe hemorrhaging in kidneys
║ ➥Dialysis required
║ ➥75% chance of precipitating hepatorenal syndrome
║ ➥Blood & urine monitoring required
║ ➥Liver failure requires immediate transplant
║ ➥Renal failure requires transplant or life-long dialysis
║ ➥Markedly impaired drug metabolism due to hepatorenal fail-
║ ure
║ ➥Poison resistance: -95%
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥White blood cell count is entirely absent
║ ➥Biological resistance: -99%
║ ➥Plastic anemia from destruction of bone marrow sets in
║ ➥Gangrene may result from tissue anoxia
║ ➥Profound thrombocytopenia results from platelet loss
║ ➥Damage resistance: -90
║ ➥90% chance of uncontrollable external bleeding
║ ➥Gums
║ ➥Nail-beds
║ ➥Mucosal linings
║ ➥Absent wound healing
║ ➥Constant debridement is required to prevent infection
║ ➥Internal hemorrhaging in various organs
║ ➥90% chance of mild-to-moderate hemorrhaging
║ ➥75% chance of moderate-to-severe hemorrhaging
║ ➥Anemia must be corrected by constant blood transfusion
║➥Convalescence (8–16 weeks after exposure)
║ ➥Immunological–hematological:
║ ➥Untreated aplastic anemia can kill within months from loss
║ of erythrocytes
║ ➥Symptomatic treatment requires regular blood transfusion
║ ➥Platelet function largely unrestored; remains at high risk
║ of bleeding
║ ➥White blood cell production is absent—permanently immuno-
║ compromised
║ ➥A large number of bone marrow transplants will be required ║ to restore blood homeostasis.
║➥Succinct effects of poisoning
║ ➥☠ P-RES: -95%
║ ➥☣ B-RES: -100%
║ ➥⇥ DR: -90
║All observed subjects soon die from thermal burns sustained by
║radiating bodies. No formal data can be presented at this time
║on a hypothetical radiation sickness at these supralethal do-
║ses, but expectations would be shorter subacute and an absent
║latent phase, followed by a more intense acute phase where di-
║rect multiple organ failure is induced directly by radiation
║through pervasive apoptosis—programmed cell death—rather than
║through secondary septicemia (in fact, a dose this high would
║be expected is enough to destroy most pathogens in the body),
║most importantly in the cardiomyocytes responsible for heart
║muscle contraction and non-differentiating neurons leading to
║irreversible brain damage, exacerbating autonomic derangement.
║any treatment for doses this high would be entirely palliative.

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