Scheduled downtime - 2024/11/07 @ 01:05 - by Teruyo

THP will be down for a few hours on the 16th of November at around 01:00 UTC due to our hosting company physically relocating its servers. This is unavoidable but hopefully the downtime will be brief.

Help Wanted - 2023/06/18 @ 23:15 - by Teruyo

Over the past few months and years, THP has implemented better ways of recognizing updates and organizing stories. It has had tags for a while but, unfortunately, the vast majority of our stories remain untagged or without a synopsis. While this is something that's only going to get done with a lot of work, it's much easier with multiple people chipping in however and wherever they can.

So I'm once again asking for people to help out in contributing to cataloging their favorite stories and the site if they can. Whatever help you can give is appreciated. Please let the staff know if you're interested in our Discord or Matrix communities. And if you're already a writer, I'll remind you that you can always contribute via the user interface where stories are managed and posts can be edited as well.

Front page changes - 2022/01/15 @ 18:32 - by Teruyo

Hey all, I've given the front page a bit of a tweak. I've also changed up the FAQ and other pages with information that should be useful for both new and more experienced users. Things should be more consistent no matter the size of your device. Hope you enjoy the new look.

Story List Reborn - 2020/09/02 @ 23:23 - by Teruyo

After a long time in the works, our story list has gotten a much-needed overhaul. While there's much more work that's yet to come, I hope you enjoy using the new and improved story list. I'll also use the opportunity to remind users to check out our FAQ page as it describes a lot of the site's features you might not know about.

Nano Reimu - 2019/11/04 @ 01:22 - by Teruyo

The yearly tradition is underway! Writers have taken upon themselves to start new stories and update as much as they can for the whole of November. See the details here and make sure to read and vote. Good luck to everyone that's participating and have fun!

Ready silly hats! - 2019/04/01 @ 12:40 - by Teruyo

Happy Birthday! It's been 11 years since we first started our special brand of fiction on THP and it's been a fun and wild ride. Let's keep on being of good cheer!

Talking points - 2019/01/06 @ 17:07 - by Teruyo

There's now an official THP Discord server that you can join here or by visiting the chat tab above. Additionally, a few more user settings were also added in December, so check those out if you haven't already.

Watching the watchers - 2018/10/07 @ 05:51 - by Teruyo

Even more new features have been added to the site and our old friend, the watched threads feature, has come back with a complete retooling. Check out more details here.

A few new features - 2018/07/10 @ 20:52 - by Teruyo

There's been a couple of changes to THP and there's new options for users to play around with. Check out more details here.

Some downtime - 2018/05/07 @ 17:48 - by Teruyo

There will be some downtime starting at around 0400 GMT on the 8th that is scheduled to last for most of the day. This is due to the host migrating servers to another datacenter so you'll have to be a little patient about getting your touhou fix.

A decade of excellence - 2018/04/01 @ 00:25 - by Teruyo

Happy birthday THP! It's incredible that our brand of fun adventures with touhous has been around for so long. I hope you've got your silly hat on to celebrate. Here's to ten more years!

Mystery unveiled - 2018/01/23 @ 00:00 - by Teruyo

If you were waiting with bated breath for this, you probably passed out quite some time ago. But even if you weren’t, the sometimes gossiped about “mystery box” on this front page has finally revealed its first (but not final) form. Right now it’s a list of all the recent updates and you can read more about how it all works here.

Mobile Accessibility - 2017/06/05 @ 10:24 - by Teruyo

If you surf THP from a phone or other mobile device, I've added in a beta theme that should improve usability of the site for you. It's still a work in progress and I need feedback as to what needs improvement. See this post for more details.

Happy Birthday! - 2017/04/01 @ 03:47 - by Teruyo

It's been 9 years since we first woke up in Gensokyo and it's been a lot of fun to watch THP evolve since way back then. We've come a long way and what better way to celebrate than to inject a healthy dose of silly hats into the mix? Be sure to vote in your favorite story as well as look over this thread regarding donations and the future funding of this site.

Encryption - 2016/03/29 @ 00:23 - by Teruyo

After a lengthy trial period where it was optional, SSL has been made the only way to access the site. If you're running any modern browser there's no need to change any settings as this should be handled automatically. Encryption helps maintain users' privacy as well as improve their security browsing the web. This should be a smooth transition but if you have any issues going forward, let us know.

New Front Page - 2015/10/27 @ 06:09 - by Teruyo

The front page has been redone to show more useful information at once. There's still a few optimizations to be made, so feel free to give feedback in /gensokyo/ about the changes. Viewing the front page on either a mobile device or a bigger monitor shouldn't be a problem. Additionally, a few minor tweaks elsewhere have been made here and there that should make browsing the site snappier. Hopefully a few other changes to improve the user experience will be forthcoming. More details as plans mature.

New Userscript - 2015/10/21 @ 00:22 - by Teruyo

A user of the site has created a script for your browser that enhances the THP experience by creating a page where you can keep track of the latest posts across any boards you like using the site's in-built RSS feeds. In short, it allows you to keep an eye on activity across the boards in one place. You can grab it here.

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