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File 124836638225.jpg - (283.10KB, 700x770, 4488caaa5167867486a28ea88c43060f.jpg)
[x] Go back to Eientei.

While a room in an inn would be a good choice, you’re quite sure affording it is a bit beyond you.
“Well, Miss Kamishirasawa, that’s indeed a fine idea, but as of late my finances seem to have gone the way of the Titanic. This regrettable fact leaves me with little choice but to try my luck against whatever may be knocking about out there.”
“Oh. Well…” You notice Keine shifting her gaze from you to the inside of her house and back. “I…Well, that is, maybe I…Perhaps you should…” Keine mutters while her face flushes. You stay quiet to allow her to collect her thoughts and once her complexion reaches a shade resembling a ripe apple a thought appears to strike her. “Oh, I could be your escort!”
“Hm?” While you know what she meant, her wording is a bit…
“I could escort you to Eientei. Consider it making up for being such a poor hostess earlier.”
“Oh, I’d hate to impose any more than I have. By the way, you were a fine hostess.”
“As Guardian of the Human Village, I insist.” Keine says with renewed vigor. “Oh, and, thank you.” She adds with a bit of her previous blush returning. Makes her look quite lovely, come to think of it.
“Well, I suppose there’s no helping it.” You say in resignation. Though, you’re not exactly broken up about the prospect of spending more time with her. “Shall we be off, milady?” You ask with a grin.
“Yes, let’s.” Keine says while returning your smile. After she shuts the door and follows you outside, the two of you make your way out into the night with Helios’ sister showing a crooked smile in the sky.

Once outside the city gates, Keine (as Guardian of the Human Village) offers to fly you instead of walking. You accept, since it’s quicker, easier, and you get to fly. As she takes you from behind (fnar fnar) something presses against your back. Well, make that two somethings. Two large and soft somethings that, truth be told, feel absolutely heavenly against you. Well…huh. You’d say something about it, but you decide it’d be more embarrassing for her than staying silent. You also can’t really think of a better way to fly (bridal style and piggyback are far too undignified and you like your arms in a non-dislocated state, so hanging in her grasp is right out). Thus, the “horror” of her…tracts of land to the back it is. Though, the decision kind of loses its power since Keine had taken to the sky during your little internal conflict. Well, nothing to do now but enjoy the ride.

During the rather uneventful flight, you strike up a conversation (easy enough due to Keine’s leisurely flying speed).
“Lovely moon out tonight.” You venture.
“Isn’t it? I’ve always preferred the crescent moon; especially when it’s waning.”
“Oh? Any reason for the distinction?”
“Well, things get hectic around the full moon and a waning crescent is not only lovely but means the full one is further off. The, ah, Youkai are sensitive to it.” Keine adds the last part almost hurriedly.
“I see. Remind me to keep an eye out for werewolves, then.” You say with a laugh. “Though, given the area, maybe I’ll get the chance to meet one.” In your mirth you almost don’t notice how stiff Keine gets after you say this.
“Y-Yes, you may.”
“Keine, is something the matter?”
“N-No, everything is fine. Nothing to worry about. Just remembering something.”
“Alright, then…” It seems to be a touchy subject, so you let it drop and the two of you continue in a silence lacking both awkwardness and comfort. For the remainder of the ride you contemplate just how a slender young woman can carry a full sized man with the ease Keine is doing right now.

Eventually, Keine touches down at Eientei as soon as you come to the conclusion that magic is just one hell of a thing.
“Thank you for this, Keine. I get the feeling I would have gotten lost on my own.”
“It was my pleasure, Casey. My powers with History make traveling an easy task. I just hope the ride wasn’t too bumpy.” Well, two bumps, actually.
“Not at all. It was quite pleasant and smooth, all things considered.” As if you’d fall prey to something like a Freudian Slip.
“Very good. Though, as enjoyable your company is, I must be going now. See you, Casey.”
“See you, Keine.” At that, Keine floats into the air and flies off while waving to you. In a dress. Giving you a full view up her skirt. That you can’t properly turn away from without seeming rude as you return Keine’s wave. As you mentally note they’re black, you fear you may be turning into a pervert. Well, no, that couldn’t be it. You’re just still a bit off from the episode with the mask, right? Right. Nothing to worry about. Thinking these self-assuring thoughts you make your way to your room without encountering anyone you recognize.

Well, you’re in your room and you’re feeling a bit tired. You were feeling as such a bit earlier as well, but the…stimulation from Keine’s ride did a fair job of keeping you awake. Keine’s…ride…riding…Keine riding y-Okay, wait, no. She’s a lovely woman and thoughts of whether her bra matches her knickers shouldn’t even register. Thoughts of how Keine’s would look on Reisen with her fuzzy tail pulling down the waistband like a lover’s hand are equally-Oh, bloody hell! For whatever reason, you’ve built up a fair amount of tension in a short amount of time.

[] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.
[] You have more self-control than that. Just go to bed.


Starting the strongest CUtMaS thread with a goodly amount of perversion. Also, some consideration was taken.
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[X] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.

Best take care of that sort of thing, chap. Wouldn't want it to come back at a poorer time.

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[X] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.

I wonder why people keep voting for masturbation scenes.
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Strange, isn't it.

[~] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.
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[X] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.


You forgot thepart about them ganging up on our dapper protagonist~!
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[X] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.

Better now than later, sleep may very well be needed for tomorrow.
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[X] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.

Just leave out those particular details.

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[+] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.

This brings back memories of Yukari finding us masturbating in a closet.
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[ze] You have more self-control than that. Just go to bed.
Fapping against the tide.

>As you mentally note they're black
I approve of your taste. Fuck this "...W-white..." bullshit.
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Stupid sexy Keine

Fap into tide, tide faps back!
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[x] You have more self-control than that. Just go to bed.

>Fap into tide, tide faps back!
This is perhaps the strangest mental image I've been given all day.
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[Q] You have more self-control than that. Just go to bed.
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[x] You have more self-control than that. Just go to bed.
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[x] You have more self-control than that. Just go to bed.
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[x] You have more self-control than that. Just go to bed.
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[x] You have more self-control than that. Just go to bed.
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[x] You have more self-control than that. Just go to bed.
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Curiously is the votespam due to really wanting an "ultra-dapper" KC or is it simply out of fear of the author getting too detailed upon KC tension-release..?

If anything Harker could just skip the details and simply have him make his trip to a rest room or something and leave it at that; almost making it no different than as if he just went to bed instead.

In fact I'm curious as to how either choice would make a difference later on.
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[x] You have more self-control than that. Just go to bed.

I'd rather have sexy dreams than a description of KC jerking his chicken.


The real question is why this is even a given option at all. A writer wouldn't normally give the reader an option selection like this.

It's like if you had spent an entire scene drinking alcohol and the options are either,
[ ] Go to the bathroom
[ ] Hold it in for now.

Unless of course the writer is hard up on ideas, but in that case it's better to just make it write-in only.
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[+] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.
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This was...not at all what I had expected, and although Harker took us along a route different from that which I (and probably some others) were thinking, I've got no problems with it.

Adding vote.

[x] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.

And hoping for a fantasy sequence involving a Keine-KC-Reisen threesome...(yeah, RIGHT)
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[x] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.


Or it turns into a horrendous nightmare with Keine caving KC with Yukari on the side watching with a fan hiding her amusement.
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No need to fret, I am going somewhere with this.

Now writing, since even if there is votespam the other option won.
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[x] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.

I know this isn't a useful vote


having read the whole story, that's more scary than I thought. (Considering what Yukari did to some poor random smuck)
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Of course you are. We're either going to pass out from some mask-trauma with our pants around our ankles, or we're going to be walked in on. Hopefully it is by anybody but Yukari or Yue.

Don't go there. For the love of all things sane. I'm begging you.
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Normally I'd be begging for updates, but the horrifying prospective of what may happen in the next scene makes me think twice.
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tentative request for updates
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I wash my hands of this nonsense.
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File 125007494819.jpg - (286.89KB, 600x450, 2f788230dec422520351a56cd9f76112.jpg)
[x] Relieve it. As dapper as you are, you’re still human.

Right, nothing wrong with a bit of self indulgence. Hormones are hormones, after all, and it would do you no good to deprive yourself of a very human urge. Thus, you find yourself some tissues, lock the door to your room (you’ll have to ask why the clinic of all places has locking doors), and let yourself sink into a sexy fantasy world.

First off, the subject. Well, Keine’s softness is still fresh in your mind, so there you go. Hell, since it’s a fantasy why not have Reisen as well? Yes, that works. And they’d be doing something sexy like making out on a bed or in the sixty-nine position. Wait, no, Reisen would be eating out Keine while she pleasures herself. And you’d walk in on them during coitus. Wait, even better, in the middle of orgasm! Yeah, that’s the ticket. Keine’s prodigious breasts would shake as her body tenses and Reisen would moan into Keine as she herself reaches climax, the two of them making an obscene chorus. Then they’d notice you and in their sex mad state (or whatever) they’d naturally pull you into the fun, stripping you down in record time. Then…both of them would perform fellatio? No, no, that doesn’t sound right. Keine would fellate you while Reisen sits in your lap and you play with her body? A bit awkward, but hot nonetheless. Your hands rubbing her perky breasts as you nibble her…wait, does she have ears on the sides of her head? Or only the top? …Sod it, she has ears and you’re nibbling them (you remember your ex loving it). While that’s happening, Keine would be going to town using her assets for a truly wonderful titwank. You’d have to reach down and give them a squeeze. In fact, you could do just that while putting it in her as Reisen takes control of her mouth in a kind of bisexual spitroast. Yeah, that’s the way. Also get a good grab of Keine’s shapely arse. Tha-ha-ah…there you go.

After you finish cleaning up, you find yourself ready for a night’s rest with a clean mind. As random as that spike of lust was, you feel better for it. Lying down, you quickly drift off into a deep and restful sleep.

You find yourself being rather abruptly shaken awake. With bleary eyes you try to find the rabbit responsible, but instead find a tall woman dressed in a white dress with a blue sash…apron…thing on the front and a dual pointed hat. Also a lot of golden yellow fluff behind her.
“Mister Mills?” The Golden Woman asks you in a serious tone.
“…Yes, that’s me.” You’d have given a more eloquent reply, but seeing an unexpected woman in your room after being awakened from a deep sleep has you a bit off kilter.
“I am Ran, Shikigami of Yukari Yakumo. You would normally be woken up around this time, yes?” The golden woman asks as she hands you your watch from the table.

⌛: 5:30 a.m.

“Close enough. So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” You ask with a bit of an edge creeping into your voice. Whatever a Shikigami is, the fact that she’s connected to Yukari has you on edge. The one known as Ran responds with pulling a folded paper from her voluminous sleeve and handing it to you. You open it and read its contents.

Mister Mills,
Get dressed~♥

“…I’m about to be shanghaied again, aren’t I?” You ask.
“Most assuredly.”
“Any chance of delaying this? I have work to do this morning.”
“Unfortunately, no; she insists you come as soon as you awaken. Now, if you would please get ready? Oh, and don’t bother with the shoes.” Ran says while turning around. You take the given opportunity to dress yourself (sans shoes), keeping your irritation mostly at bay. Surely Yukari has some reason for needing to speak with you first thing in the morning. Or she’s just messing with you. Either way, you’re soon dressed and ready to go. You bring up informing someone of your departure, but apparently Ran has already taken care of that. Convenient. Guess there’s nothing left but to follow her through the shard of Eyevoid that appeared when you weren’t looking. Despite how useless it would likely be, you’d rather like to have Cornelius right now…

One quick jaunt through the Void of Eyes later and you’re inside a different and distinctly Japanese room. You quickly set your gaze on the increasingly familiar blonde woman sitting at a low table and sipping tea (green, from the smell).
“Welcome to my home, Mister Mills. Sleep well?” Yukari’s excessively cheerful voice greets you. She’d to be dressed in something resembling a cross between an actual dress and a puffy evening gown.
“Well enough. Now, as for why I’m here?”
“Oh, there’s time enough for that in a bit. Care for some tea?”
“Thank you, but no. I would rather like to be done with this and back at Eientei as soon as possible.”
“Oh, pooh. Is there really any need for such seriousness? Mokou isn’t even here for me to behead. Unless…” Yukari says with a sly look, causing you to tense up.
“No? Then how about Kaguya? It would be fair, after all. Or maybe I could pick on one of the rabbits. They do have plenty to spare, so why not lose one or two?” Oh, that tears it. She begins to say something else, but you quickly cut her off.
“Damn it, what is your bloody problem, woman?! Are you trying to prove yourself a miserable shrew?” You shout at her, fury filling you as the sound of wildly pounding drums fills your head. “You, you bloody fucking damn beastly excuse of a female, have been nothing less than a damn blight on what has been a rather enjoyable stay in Gensokyo. Killing Mokou repetedly, messing with Keine, terrorizing a little girl, threatening Kaguya and the rabbits, dressing like a trollop, and waking me up early! What the fuck?! What kind of horrid bitch does that? Wha-” An iron grip on your shoulder causes you to turn around to see who dares touch you. Apparently it’s Ran who dares and a cold, vicious look is in her not-so-human-looking eyes. The sudden lack of drums (or any other instrument, for that matter) gives you the feeling that continuing your rant would be a very foolish move indeed.
“Ran, calm down. Mister Mills isn’t fully himself right now.” Yukari says, voice as cheerful as ever.
“Yes, Mistress.” Ran says before letting you go. With a grip like that she could crush walnuts if she wanted. Yukari smiles and then, without another word, points her fan at you. Suddenly your hands feel rather tingly and, looking down, you see your gloves have changed from white to a sickly dark yellow. While that is indeed odd, what is odder still is that they fall off your hands in tatters of cloth, forming into a lump at your feet. The lump then shifts and shakes a bit before melding and changing form into your mask.

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You’d really like to stay angry, but that was bizarre enough to leave you in stunned silence. You also must look very confused (appropriate, since that’s how you feel), because Yukari repeats her offer of tea. Should have taken it the first time, you suppose. Yukari stays cheerfully silent as you sit down and pour yourself a cup. After allowing you few sips, she has Ran place the mask on the table and begins talking again.
“You like my little experiment?”
“I’d like it a whole lot more if I knew what it was.”
“Reasonable enough. It was supposed to be a gift for Kourin, but I still needed to work the kinks out. Thanks to the circumstances, you get to try it out the latest one! Lucky you!” Yukari claps her hands and is quickly joined by Ran.
“So, wait, why me? And why did you send it to Rinnosuke?”
“I didn’t. I made it to follow the human with the least aptitude for magic in Gensokyo. Considering that you’re an Outsider with no training, it’s obvious that it would choose you.”
“Lucky me, I suppose. So, just what is it?”
“A familiar of sorts. You know, like a witch’s black cat?”
“I’m aware of the concept.” Wonderful. Before you know it you’ll be boiling newts and snakes in a cauldron.
“Excellent. This is like that, but with a more malleable form. Order it to do a task and it will do whatever it can to complete it.”
“Handy.” You can see how it would be a good gift for Rinnosuke.
“Very. It ingrains itself in your spirit, though, so it can wildly affect one’s moods; especially when one’s buttons are pushed.” So, your outburst was planned by her? Damn. “By the way, did you know you almost sound like Ringo Starr when you get mad?”
“I was raised in a city next to where he comes from, so yeah. So, how can I stop these mood swings?”
“Remember those kinks I was talking about?” Yukari says, voice losing a bit of cheerfulness. It’s only now that you notice the dark circles under her slightly bloodshot eyes.
“That’s one of them?”
“That’s the big one. I’ve only been able to reduce it so far, but completely getting rid of it has been a problem. This one actually has a personality, so I’m banking on it being the easiest to control.”
“I see. Any tips on that front?” Yukari stifles a yawn before answering you.
“Dunno. You’re human, so try talking with it or something. I based it partially off Ran there, so it might listen.” It’s surprising how level she is being with you. Maybe it’s because she’s sleepy?
“I see.”
“Yeah, though it has parts of her younger personality, so it might not. Now, you have any other questions? I’ve had my fun with you, so you get some freebies. You just can’t ask my three sizes~.”

Well, you have quite a few things you could ask her. You could ask her to just take the familiar away and have someone else play guinea pig. You could ask more about how it works or things to watch out for. You could even ask something unrelated to any of that. Despite the (rather charming) prospect of inconveniencing a woman that has been rather cruel to you and your friends, you could also just go back and figure things out yourself (who doesn’t like a bit of hands-on learning?).

Ultimately, you…


Bisexual Spitroast would make for a good band name.


Yeah, this isn't Fast Times at Eientei High or some such thing.


I'm very sorry to hear that.
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Taking or leaving the mask. This is basically the choice where it falls in someone else's hands, possesses them, and we play the hero by defeating that person and/or Yukari - or we accept it, fail at taming it, and become Yukari's plaything, thus making the story ten times harder, right? Either way, I doubt we're going to be having much fun from now on.

Maybe we could have it destroyed? The glove bonus may be nice, but I don't really want to keep it.
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Considering how relaxed (Yukari moments exempt) the story have been, this is rather drastic change of pace imo. However it does entertain me and actually support my earlier theory of the mask. {image related)

While perhaps no where near as... methodical... as that entity, it can be quite a boon to have as an ally; just needs some "house training" among other things.

essentially I say...

[X]Ask more about how it works or things to watch out for.
-(x)any way to "remove" the "familiar" from the host so it can be eased into said host without running amok..?
-(x)Any possible weaknesses (aside from moodswings)/new found strengths created by having the familiar attached?

There has to be more to Yukari making the mask. Especially considering it was originally a gift to Rinnosuke. If enslavement is what Yukari wanted I'd imagine she would have gone for a more... entertaining method.

Regardless of what anybody says I still continue to enjoy reading, just wish you were less sporadic with posts. Can't be helped at times I suppose...
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I was comparing this to Spirit Within in /shrine/. Of course, these aren't the only two to suddenly change.

I have a very strong feeling that the storyline is eventually going to end up that way.
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[X]Ask more about how it works or things to watch out for.
-(x)any way to "remove" the "familiar" from the host so it can be eased into said host without running amok..?
-(x)Any possible weaknesses (aside from moodswings)/new found strengths created by having the familiar attached?
-(x) Any sign of why you'd want to make such a thing for Rinnosuke.

But I must say this might give new insight on why Yukari's been acting the way she has.... she was trying to really provoke us (But I wouldn't rule out freaking out Keine caused by anything other than Rinnosuke-related reasons just yet)
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Be reasonable. Harker isn't Kira.
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I haven't read "Spirits Within" but it sounds like I should as I have no idea what you mean.

self saging for needless post.
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Hmmm.... a "pseudo-Ran/assistant" as our/KC's familiar...

Possibilities are endless...
(X]Ask more about how it works or things to watch out for.
-(x)any way to "remove" the "familiar" from the host so it can be eased into said host without running amok..?
-(x)Any possible weaknesses (aside from moodswings)/new found strengths created by having the familiar attached?

Nero's Devil Bringer, Soma's absorbed souls, "Shikigami" aid via specialized danmaku

Who's to say it will grow and take on traits from KC For better or worse?
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[x] Ask more about how it works or things to watch out for.
-(x) Any way to "remove" the "familiar" from the host so it can be eased into said host without running amok..?
-(x) Any possible weaknesses (aside from moodswings)/new found strengths created by having the familiar attached?
-(x) Any sign of why you'd want to make such a thing for Rinnosuke.
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>Who's to say it will grow and take on traits from KC

It'll only work after we tell it what time it is?
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More like it will be pmsing hardcore if she/he/it does not get some tea early in the morn.

KC gets real agitated enough without it, imagine how the familiar would behave if it does adopt this trait of KC's?

in before bratty variation of Yue with Lilly White's happy-trigger disposition when spring comes around

Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, as this could all end horribly...
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[x] Check the time.
[x] She referenced it as being based on Ran. Unfortunately, while she seems like a capable bodyguard, other than this you don't know Ran from Adam.
-[x] Ask her in what ways has Ran's personality changed since she was 'younger'.
[x] Ask more about how it works or things to watch out for.
-(x) Any way to "remove" the "familiar" from the host so it can be eased into said host without running amok.?
-(x) Any possible weaknesses (aside from moodswings) or new-found strengths created by having the familiar attached?
-(x) Any sign of why she'd want to make such a thing for Rinnosuke?
[x] Ask her frankly if she she normally intends to leave less than friendly impressions on her beau's new friends, or have you just been singled-out for special treatment?


'Coffee' is code for DEFENSIVE MODE

And liquor gives him 'wandering hands'
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[x] >>17334

Deleted old vote; revoting.

>Yeah, this isn't Fast Times at Eientei High or some such thing.
Jesus Christ, I didn't know anybody here ever watched that. I mean, I haven't either, but I at least know what you're referring to.

I know you're trying to Brit it up a bit for authenticity, but yeah... No. Feel free to ease up on it just a tad.

Also be more realistic in your time estimates, and stick to them, dammit.
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I wonder if the mask might give a strength bonus based on his dapper-ness....
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Then soon we'll be able to have arm-wrestling matches with Suika.
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Changing from >>17325 to that.
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Bumping to request post downtime updates of the dapper sort.
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Nah, I'm still alive. Writing at a pace that would make a snail blush, but alive.
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Know what time it is?

⌚: Time to Update, You Lazy Nigger.
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Wait till he gets to "glasnost's level" and when he finally reaches current day HY's level... Only then we can call him lazy.

Polite sage for not adding anything to the story...
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You forgot the ultimate level of laziness: Scorn level
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Lunatic: GM
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Current day HY is

Epitome of "Warmups": Overhype Level
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⌚ marching on and on waiting for nobody...
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last update was 2 months ago. Is this dead? I hope not.
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See You Space Cowboy....
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Harker's just being Harker, so chillax and read some other stories in the meanwhile!
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People need to stop bumping dead stories
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You say that like /eientei/ has any live ones.
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...get back to work...
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yassah, massah.
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I enjoyed this ending.
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I didn't start following this story until the third thread or so because I had given up on /eientei/. Then, during a site downtime, I caught wind of a new story over here. Now I'm checking each board every day to make sure I don't miss any more diamonds in the rough. Knoww that at least one Anonymous out there is F5ing this thread daily for the next dapper installment

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Let it rest in peace, as it makes the pain more bearable when it's not being flogged in futility to revive it...
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How about we don't, and you learn how to write?
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yue the price of liberty is eternal vigilance
Harker. I know you're there. This is Anonymous speaking.

You, you sir, and I will say without any qualifying, are the best of post-RAN writefags. Your dialogue is impeccable. Casey Mills, though superficially influenced by Higurashi and Achewood references, is an undeniably unique persona, as lasting in collective board memory as Nemo, or Alek, or Beer Spider.

We've had extended vacations from our writefags in the past. The aforementioned Ace Combat in Gensokyo had at least one interim of a month. The Fallout story is the work of a deeply troubled mind, but steps continue to be taken, the pace plodding and ponderous. Desdaxis came back to his own story in /other/ after like, what, a year? And there were trumpets. Maybe not in reality, but inside my head, there were trumpets.

Now I don't know what your deal is. You may be struggling through your studies, or maybe you're busy piling up a good income. Maybe you've fallen in love! These are all very good excuses, and there are innumerably more.

But just know that if and when you decide to update, there will be, at the very least, someone waiting.
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>But just know that if and when you decide to update, there will be, at the very least, someone waiting.
That makes two of us.
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You'll have my readership and commentary!
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and five.
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Six, fool.
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also: Seven
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Forgot your picture.
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I guess this Harker individual is dead? Or somehow didn't make the jump to the new site. Hm.
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>>17560 seems to have been made post-jump, so there's hope!

In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite! When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars, for hope burns bright!
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Harker... we miss you.
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"...ills. Mister Mills, please wake up." A girlish voice calls you to consciousness. You sit up and look to find a rabbit girl with pale green hair beside you with your watch in hand. Satisfied that you're awake, she hands you your watch and leaves with a bow. Huh, one of the quieter rabbits you've met. That aside, you give your watch a check.

⌛: 5:30 a.m.

Huh, a bit earlier than normal, but that's no matter since you feel rather well rested. In fact, you feel like you've slept for days (or months, even) and are full of energy. A bit more energy and you might even be uncomfortably so. You should probably burn some of this off before starting your day proper, but how?

[] Go for a jog around the perimeter of Eientei. Good cardio and will burn energy like nothing else.
[] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.
[] Calisthenics in your room. No need to leave when you can just do your thing in peace, right?
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I... don't... what? You're alive! Hooray!

[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.
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Jumping Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick, you are alive. and back. Welcome back.

[X] Go for a jog around the perimeter of Eientei. Good cardio and will burn energy like nothing else.
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Hiya, everybody! I bet you'd like an explanation for my absence, huh? Well, to put it simply, quite a few demotivating things (some major, some petty) happened one after another and ended up causing me to give up writing for a good while. Now that things have stabilized on my end, I can once again focus my attention on this. No explanation for the radio silence, though. Let's just say I'm a dick and leave it at that.

Unfortunately, I never wrote down my notes for this story and after my extended absence I've completely forgotten where I was going with a couple things. Normally that's not an issue since I kind of wing it with the events of the story, but one of the forgotten things was the mask jazz. So, I'm starting small with a simple update and a huge retcon of everything supernatural about the mask. Yesterday Casey tried on the mask, nothing happened, and went about his merry way. Still hears the music, though. What's up with that?

tl;dr version: I ATE'NT DEAD.
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>Harker is back

I never stopped believing. I still checked eientei only for this story.


>Mask Retcon.

Awesome, it was making KC decidedly undapper.

[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.
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[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.

I never liked the mask anyway.
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Does that mean things with Yukari are back to their terrible place? What about Keine, was meeting her Retconned? I could care less about the Mask subplot other than this.

You should really plan more, it'll make your story better.

[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.
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I don't have any words to describe how happy I am right now.

Welcome back you glorious bastard.
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Oh and by the way:

[ODIN] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.
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[x] Go for a jog around the perimeter of Eientei. Good cardio will burn energy like nothing else.

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[Q] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.

Please excuse me as I happily go into cardiac arrest.
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[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.
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[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.

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[X] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.
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[X]Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.

Holy fucking shit, it's a Haaarrrkeeer, Jesus Chriiiiist, what the fuuuuuuck?

Nice to see this story back by the way.
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[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.

I never thought this day would come, but I am so happy it did.
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[X] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.


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[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.
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I hope he answers my question soon (>>19847 ) since of the mask subarc, that Resolved why Yukari was acting like such a bitch, and meeting the ever so soft Keine. I'd be upset if the retcon undid the resolution of Yukari's behavior and meeting Keine. I can't be the only one here who likes Harker's Keine.
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I'm afraid the resolution with Yukari got pushed back a bit since the events ended up closely tied with the mask. You'll get a straight answer from her about her behavior eventually, but not quite yet.

You still had a pleasant visit with Keine, though. That much hasn't changed.
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Thank you for answering
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I... am so happy Harker is back ;_;

[x] Go for a jog around the perimeter of Eientei. Good cardio and will burn energy like nothing else.
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>Harker updates

>Gets more votes than 70% of other active stories

tee hee hee
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That's how good this story is.
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>Harker updated
Words... failing.
Must... express... joy!
Must resort... to picture... and vote.

[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.

...I damn well better not wake up tomorrow to find this was just a dream.
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Harker is back?

[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.
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No...way...Harker updated!! I wasn't sure if it was true or not, but now...I cry manly tears of joy. My long-spent hours on this site /eientei/ have meaning once again! At last, the Dapper Adventures of Casey Mills story continues!

[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber
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...It's Harker. This is his average update pace
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>⌛: 5:30 a.m.


[x] Go for a jog around the perimeter of Eientei. Good cardio and will burn energy like nothing else.
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[x] Stretching exercises in the courtyard. Low impact and makes you nice and limber.

Right, stretching sounds good. You've been feeling a bit stiff lately and you even have a nice place in mind which to do it. To the courtyard you go! Well, after you get dressed, that is. It just wouldn't do to run around in your tasteful Union Jack boxers.

...You make a mental note to never pair up tasteful with boxers ever again. Just sounds creepy. Anyway, you make your way to your intended destination.

After a few turn-arounds and dead ends (you honestly need a map of this place or something), you find your way to the courtyard with the stunning tree and expertly trimmed shrubbery. Taking off your outerwear, you place it on the deck alongside your various items (you certainly have quite a few). In a fit of whimsy you tie your scarf around Téodor's neck and put your hat on him. Heh, can't even see him anymore under all that cloth. Well, time to stop dilly-dallying. You unbutton the cuffs of your shirt and roll them up in preparation and start with giving your arms a good stretch. Haaaahhh~ You were a bit more wound up than you thought. Now to continue...

"Good morning, Mister Mills." A familiar voice greets you in the middle of doing some spinning-arm-circles-in-the-air things. Turning around, you see the good doctor standing on the deck.
"Ah, good morning, Madam Yagokoro. How are you?"
"Fine, thank you. You are looking rather active today."
"Ah, just found myself with a bit of extra energy this morning. I figured I may as well give the day a proactive start. Care to join?" You ask her. She takes a moment to consider before nodding slightly."
"Yes, that sounds quite nice. I am afraid to say I have let myself grow a little stiff lately." Eirin says as she steps down to join you. She extends one arm and you hear several loud pops and cracks. Jesus...
"Hm? Is something the matter?" She asks you.
"Nothing. Just, ah, don't overdo it, alright?"
"Mister Mills, please. I am a doctor, after all." While saying this, Eirin stretches out her legs, producing another cacophony of pops. Looks like somebody needed this more than you.


After what you're guessing is half an hour filled with a gradually lessening concert of pops (You're convinced you heard the overture of Carmen somewhere in there) Eirin advises you that now would be a good time to stop. The small group of rabbits that joined about fifteen minutes ago take this as a cue to run off to parts unknown.
"They always seem to have somewhere to scamper off to." You say.
"Indeed. The many rooms and passages of Eientei are quite accommodating to their exuberance." Eirin says with a smile.
"Verily. So, considering the likely time, shall we head off to break our fasting?"
"Hm, maybe not. We seem to have worked up a grand amount of perspiration for such a little amount of exertion. I suggest we bathe so as to not repulse our companions."
"That's...actually a capital idea, Madame Doctor. Though, I'm afraid the smell will likely cling to my shirt."
"That is of little matter; one of the patient robes will suffice. Now, you are aquainted with one of the baths, yes?"
"That I am."
"Very good. Off you go, then. We shall discuss your work for today after eating."
"Right then. See you in a bit, Madam Yagokoro."
"See you in a bit, Mister Mills." At that, Eirin leaves the area, as are you after gathering your things.

After finding the bath in record time (For you, anyway.) you wash up quickly. Upon exit you find a white robe has been placed with your clothing and your shirt is nowhere to be seen. Well, you're sure you'll see it again eventually. For now you take a look at the new article of clothing that has been provided. All in all, it is rather unremarkable. To be expected, really. It is the equivalent of those gowns you get in hospitals on the other side, after all. That done, you slip on your pants and the like and wrap the robe around yourself, putting the folds at a rather extreme angle to allow your legs more freedom. Checking a mirror, you look, in your humble opinion, spiffy (Sort of an East-meets-West thing you've got going on with your hat and scarf). You look to your watch to check the total time elapsed.

⌛: 6:05 a.m.

...Now what?

[] Go to breakfast, duh.
[] Wander around a bit. You're not that hungry, anyway.
[] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...


You lot really know how to make a guy feel welcome.


Just had a bit of trouble ending this update, is all.


It's good to be back, comrade. I regret that I didn't get my ass in gear in time for the CUtMaS anniversary, though.


Same to you!
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[X] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...

As if this habit's gonna die.
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[X] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...
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Bumping into the good doctor first thing in the morning? Quite an auspicious start, and I'll never tire of your dialogue.

[X] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...

Just one more thing to start the day proper.
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>Just had a bit of trouble ending this update, is all.
It was effort well-spent, then. We're only one update in, and the boards are already looking more dapper for it!

[x] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...
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[X] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...
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[X] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...
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Mr Mills let us engage in gentlemanly things
[x] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...
[x] Go to breakfast, duh.

Any reason we can't have the first at the second?

>"Indeed. The many rooms and passages of Eientei are quite accommodating to their exuberance."
>"Verily. So, considering the likely time, shall we head off to break our fasting?"
>"Hm, maybe not. We seem to have worked up a grand amount of perspiration for such a little amount of exertion. I suggest we bathe so as to not repulse our companions."
>"That's...actually a capital idea, Madame Doctor.
Goddamn, they're having a veritable dapper-off. I couldn't help but think of this line (from Hiimdaisy's P4 comic) when I read this part.
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[X] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...

A clash of dapperness.
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This man...he bleeds dapper so profusely it's beyond the realms of common sense! Then again, common sense only holds you back in Gensokyo...

[x] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...
[x] Go to breakfast, duh.


Seconded on that. I was surprised he didn't ask if she was hitting on him. I would have loved seeing how dapper that conversation would get.
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[x] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...
[x] Go to breakfast, duh.
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>Seconded on that. I was surprised he didn't ask if she was hitting on him. I would have loved seeing how dapper that conversation would get.

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...Totally phrased that wrong, didn't I?
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For one Casey would go straight for some tea (and whatever wacky things may happen on the way) while the other option has him wait for breakfast to be fully prepared and served with the rabbits and whoever else shows up.
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You meant that he should ask if by 'we should bathe' she meant 'we should bathe togheter?'

Also, Harker? I just read 'Yukari's what if' with Mokou's kiss. That was awesome and unexpected. We sort of dropped the ball there.
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[x] Go to breakfast, duh.

If that's the case I'll wait until breakfast, his day's been pretty nice so far even despite the lack of 'interesting' things with Eirin (And he thinks Keine is sizable... well she is, but Eirin is more so)
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>tasteful Union Jack boxers

Is there such a genre as 'British exploitation'?

>In a fit of whimsy you tie your scarf around Téodor's neck and put your hat on him. Heh, can't even see him anymore under all that cloth.


[x] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...

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If it's any consolation, "Yukari's What-If Theatre" failed to mention that in the main story you'd have quickly been making out with either a disembodied head or a bloody stump. Funny how her memory works, no? You'd also have been pretty much Mokou's man after a passionate kiss like that, and I get the feeling a few of you would rather avoid that.
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Which post was that again? It's been a while since I read the back story. But I think the general aim is Reisen or Reisen/Keine at the moment. I'd suggest possibly Reisen/Keine/Eirin, but I suspect that'd be over the top if you're of the "multi-girl endings are BAD" school of thought.
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>You'd also have been pretty much Mokou's man after a passionate kiss like that...
>You'd also have been pretty much Mokou's man
>Mokou's man

Image related

Well let's see how the story goes eh?
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>I suspect that'd be over the top if you're of the "multi-girl endings are BAD" school of thought.

It just wouldn't work with the way I write this group. Kaguya won't share her treasure, Eirin is too controlling to share, Mokou sure as hell won't let another important man in her life be taken by another woman, Keine has had her fill of that jazz, Reisen will go along with it and be miserable, and for every woman you sleep with that isn't Tewi she'll sleep with twice as many dudes (the inverse applies as well). If I was writing one of the other sets of girls it'd work, but these? Not so much.

Vote's called, by the way.
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I'm not part of the few but meh, no sense crying over spilled milk.
Finally let me add that I enjoy these little mid-update conversations that your story had since thread 1. It shows that you care-or that you have a helluva free time.
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>(the inverse applies as well)

For every dude you sleep with that isn't Tewi, (s?)he'll sleep with twice as many girls?
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Little bit of both.


Exactly. And since there are no dudes that are Tewi (barring cosplayers), you can sleep with as many men as you want. As clunky as the inversion sounds, I'm sticking with it.
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Well so it's ultimately either Reisen or Keine alone? Guess I'd have to go with Reisen then and wish the best for Keine.

Thanks for answering.
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>Reisen will go along with it and be miserable

Most depressing thought of the day. Anyone still aiming for harem ending can get fucked.
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"Um, Casey? Do you think we could, um... Well, can it be just you and me tonight? I've been seeing you less and less lately and, well, I've been pretty lonely. I know Keine has a better body than me, and she's willing to do...different things with you, but I love you too, you know...

Huh? Oh, right, it's the full moon tonight... I forgot. No, please, don't mind me! This is your special night with her, so go have fun! I'm sorry for being so selfish. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight, darling."

Then two days later Keine and Casey are found dead and riddled with arrows. BAD END.
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well that's one notion Harker quickly squashed. It's Reisen all the way for me. Zenergy's story seems to have promise of a Keine route anyways. That and Reisen appeared first, and is in need of love. (Before Luna Ars Memorativa, this was the original Reisen route story)
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The only route is Moon Bunny route.
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>Before Luna Ars Memorativa, this was the original Reisen route story

No, the original Reisen Route story was MiG before things went completely to hell.

Part of me still wants Kira to make up for that clusterfuck ending by writing us a happy Reisen story. The poor moon bunny went through hell, then watched us die for nothing. Makes me sad.
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Speaking of Luna Ars Memorativa, that Anon finally updated.

Well, at least we know the harem ending is a no-go.
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That's why I asked that question to see if such a thing as a go or not before seriously thinking about it. I wished that Were-Hakutaku story would get an update soon.

Seems Eirin'll have to wait for her route. Isn't it sad, Eirin?
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You know, the more I think about itthe more I see how a Reisen/Keine thing might work. It would take quite a bit of convincing for both parties, but Reisen and Keine have rather compatible personalities for such a situation. There may be hope for you harem fans yet.

I certainly hope this revelation isn't wholly tied to the rum and ale....

No update yet, by the way. I'm just a bit more talkative lately.
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It's to hear from you even if you're not updating just yet. Lets us know that you're not dead yet.
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We'd have to get them to fall for each other somehow or they'd feel like rivals. Three-way relationships need to go all three ways.

Still sounds too risky, though.
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But I think if the writer has it be possible, it's possible. KC has the power of Dapper after all. And we'd have to all agree on this; united we stand, divided we fall.
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>We'd have to get them to fall for each other somehow or they'd feel like rivals.

You know, I'm not even that big on the whole three-way thing, but the idea of trying to set up a Reisen x Keine scenario appeals to me greatly.
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A quest to engineer a situation in which Keine and Reisen can tenderly embrace each other, whisper quiet words of love, and exchange a soft, chaste kiss? Potentially before drawing Casey into the exchange?

This, my friends, is something I can get behind.
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You know there's a great deal that they can learn from each other. I'm certain that Keine would love to hear about what Lunarian history she can. Keine could perhaps serve as a big sister figure, sharing some of her experiences.
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But Reisen is somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 at the very least. She's probably been around longer than Keine has.
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But does she have relationship experience like Keine does? Or dealing with kids, etc? Reisen's lived most of her life on the moon in the military, while Keine spent her life learning and dealing with people. Point is they both have things to learn from each other.
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While you're correct about Reisen, there's not much in canon to indicate Keine's age. A couple things in PMiSS and BAiJR imply that she's recorded all of Gensokyo's history since the border went up, but the way it's worded it's also possible she inherited the job at some point in recent history. Then again, from a fanon standpoint, history hax could also mean she's whatever age she wants to be.

Basically, Keine's age is vague enough for it to come down to a judgment call on Harker's part. Come to think of it, that applies to quite a few members of the IN cast.

Incoming meta-info dump:
Eirin: She was already old when the lunar capital was founded, and has some vague ties to myths going back to the beginnings of Shinto. One can place her as anywhere from two to five millennia old without it being a stretch.

Mystia & Wriggle: All we know is that they're (probably) post-border natives, and that Wriggle is supposed to be older than she looks. Anything up to 120 years works.

Tewi: Minimum 1300 years, and likely quite a bit older since she was already a notable figure among youkai at that time. What's interesting about her case is that the only information that puts any kind of upper bounds on her age is the fact that she's a long-lived rabbit with enough luck to survive almost anything. About all we can take from that is that she isn't older than her species of rabbit, which she could be one of several, so all we have to go on is "rabbit". Rabbits, or family Leporidae, have been around at least 33 million years. Obviously 33Ma is a hell of a stretch even for a youkai, but that still puts the range for "safe" guesses at her age in the millions of years. Which is goddamn ridiculous.

tl;dr: God bless ZUN for being so vague, and character age is the author's decision.
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You heard it here first, /eientei/. Tewi is 33 millions years old.
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Assuming the world is that old in the first place.
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Tewi is older than the world.

Tewi is God.
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4.5 billion years
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And she's in fantastic shape for her age. She can easily pass off as a 13-14 year old. Only other person who could say something similar is Yukari and Yuyuko. One reality warper and one ghost. And if you count Suwako, one god.
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Tewi: Supplying authors with lie juice since ages before the written word!
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Lie juice is like eating too much chocolate.

Bad for you, But oh so sweet. ;_;
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yue sleep
Do you know what time it is, Harker?

It's late.

It's very, very late.
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S, I stopped reading TP cause I had no time and back in august of last year.

since then there's been one update

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[x] Good mood fading. Tea, yesssss...

Yes, as nice as the exercise with Eirin was, you feel the rush has left you and it needs to be replaced. For your own mental health and the continuing positive relations with the members of this grand household, it is in your own humble opinion that you need some bloody feckin' tea. Thus you make your way to the kitchen and the tea that lies therein.

It doesn't take long before you start to smell the unique aromas that could only come from a kitchen all aflutter with cooking. Well, you suppose something else could theoretically smell like a kitchen in use, but it would be a damn lie. Like Santa and American sitcoms being funny (Damn and blast your eyes, Jerry Seinfeld). Still, the fact remains that you are now at the cusp of the tea-having place. Not a moment too soon, either, since you're jonesin' something fierce right now and you can already feel the proverbial gears starting to slow. Greeting Mokou dressed like Reisen and the assorted cooking rabbits as you enter, you clear the tea-taking with one of them to make sure it's alright. Hate to be too presumptuous in your role as guest, after all.

Looking for a kettle you...wait. Something's wrong here. Tea...Kettle...Rabbits...Mokou...Mokou?
"Mokou?" You ask the obvious.
"Who?" She denies the obvious.
"Mokou. You."
"What, me? I'm Ako."
"Yeah, it's Ako, silly!" One of the rabbits cheerfully adds.
"You don't have rabbit ears."
"Uh, yeah I do?" Obviously Mokou says while lifting her two locks of ribboned hair.
"Come off it, no rabbit's ears are that long or floppy." You say, hearing an audible gasp behind you. Turning around, you see a rabbit on the ground with loose ears as long as it's body. After a brief pause you apologize, but it doesn't seem to help. With a beady glare it turns around indignantly. The group as a whole stand around awkwardly before one rabbit goes after it, asking "Benny" to come back.
"Way to go, jerk." says Mokou with a frown.
"Okay, you're Ako. So, tell me Ako, what are you doing here?"
"Alright, buddy, let's go outside." Ako says before dragging you through a few doors. Outside, she stands in front of you with her arms crossed and frowning. You stare at each other before Mo/Ako's frown dissolves into a satisfied smirk.
"Pretty good, right?" She says.
"You certainly seem to have them convinced." You respond, glad the act is over.
"Yeah, but it's not really that hard. They're not too canny until they hit around three hundred and most of 'em have never actually seen me."
"I see. So, 'Ako', what brings you here?"
"I see. You do this often?"
"Just once every couple of months. Don't want to push my luck."
"Makes sense. So, wha-" A shocked voice cuts you off.
"Mokou?!" You both turn around to see a quite displeased Kaguya.
"Top 'o the mornin', bitch! Sleep well?" Mokou greets her. You, instead merely wave, not liking where this is going at all.
"You damn roach! How many times do I have to stomp you out before you learn to stay in your hovel?"
"Um, I'll be going now." You try to bow out, but Kaguya snaps her head your direction.
"Casey...I see how it is. You aid my eternal enemy in violating my home...well played. But, don't think for a moment you will escape punishment!" She yells before creating a few ominous orbs of light.
"Now would be a good time to run." Mokou says as she grabs your arm. Again you're being pulled along through various doors in Eientei, but much more quickly as you have an angry princess chasing you.
"Why didn't we jut fly?!" You yell to Mokou.
"She could keep up! I've a better plan, anyway!"
"Get back here, you homeless whore!" Kaguya shouts from behind.
"Suck a duck dick, bitch!" Mokou shouts back, a danmaku shot grazing her ribbon. You take quite a few more turns and Kaguya begins to lag further and further behind. Can still hear her quite clearly, though.

Mokou finally stops in a secluded room Dagon knows how deep inside the complex. Good thing, too, since the abuse you put your lungs through back in the day has caught up with you. Wheezing, you see Mokou lifting one of those mat things. Looks like there's a little door under it.
"You can't run, bitch! You can't run!" You hear Kaguya quite clearly.
"Go down!" Mokou tells you while quickly opening the door with her free hand. You comply and enter a rather small tunnel, with Mokou following. As you begin to crawl away, you hear footsteps just above you.
"Fuck you, John Bull! Fuck you, Firebitch!" The enraged princess' voice begins to fade as she runs to other rooms. You take a moment to catch your breath.
"You okay up there, tough guy?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just give me a second to hate younger me."
"I know the feeling, buddy. Still, as nice as this view is, I'd like to get out of here."
"Sure, sure. Let's go." The two of you crawl through the passage while you deal with the feeling that you forgot something...

Soon enough, you are out and in a small clearing among the bamboo. You and Mokou enjoy a quick smoke.
"Ah, that was fun." Mokou says while exhaling.
"Fun. Right. I'm just glad I limbered up with Eirin already. During exercise." You quickly add the last part after Mokou gives you a wry look.
"Hey, I don't judge, Pyramus."
"Yeah, yeah, real funny. So, does she always get like that around you?"
"Pretty much. We have that kind of effect on each other."
"I see. So, what are you planning now? Going back into the breech?"
"Nah, I've worn out my welcome for now. Probably going to go get some breakfast. Care to join?"

Good question... What say the watch?

⌛: 6:22 a.m.

[] No. Go back and see if Kaguya's calmed down by now.
[] No. Go do something else.
-[] (Like what, smart guy?)
[] Yes. Breakfast. Food.


Yea, I return from my time away bearing an update I can actually stand to look at. Seems I missed quite a bit during my absence, though.
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[x] No. Go back and see if Kaguya's calmed down by now.

I thought all hope was lost. It's nice to see someone come back!
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Well damn, you're back. How utterly unexpected. I'd vote but I think I ought to read up again to remind myself where we were. Still, it's nice to see you back!
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[X] Yes. Breakfast. Food.

Seven monthsSeventeen minutes later, still no tea. Dapper meltdown imminent.
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my body is ready
[holy shit] Yes. Breakfast. Keep away from angry Kaguya, too.

Fuck yes, it's HARKER!
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[x] Yes. Breakfast. Food.

Hot damn, I thought I'd never see another update. Good to see you back.

How's the update speed gonna be? I can take sporadic updates as long I'm warned.
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[x] Yes. Breakfast. Food.

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[X] Yes. Breakfast. Food.

Not a bad update, though Kaguya overreacting was a bit much; almost thought that Teruyo took over the story.
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This was a fantastic update, everything I (we?) love about your style in true form. Never get sick of that rapid-fire dialogue. Glad you're back. Hopefully you'll stick around a little longer than last time.

[X] Yes. Breakfast. Food.

Question: was the meeting with Yukari retconned, or just the silliness of the mask?
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[X] No. Go do something else.
-[X} Eat breakfast with Eirin.
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fuck yeah!

[x] Yes. Breakfast. Food.
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[X] Yes. Breakfast. Food.

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He'S baCk. thAt's An unExpeCteD anD goOd OutComE.
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Alright, I do believe that's a called vote. Now to do fuck all about it for the next seven months write.


Believe me, I know the feeling.


More than likely sporadic, but I'm working on being just a smidgen quicker.


Yeah, I got a bit too into showing this side of her character. Went all "I'm the Kaguya, bitch!" mode towards the end, there. She just needs some coffee in her and she'll be back to her mostly rational self.


Glad to hear you liked it. Also, the meeting with Yukari was indeed retconned. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be messing with Casey again soon enough.

By the way, just for reference, despite growing up in Liverpool Casey normally speaks with a Received Pronunciation accent. Something like Hicox from Inglorious Basterds (At least, I think that's RP. Do correct me if I'm wrong). I say this because I'm totally crap at writing accents phonetically, so he could have sounded like a Scotsman all this time with only a change in the backstory.
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Yeah I was a bit worried about that; still glad to see you back.
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Nah, it's all in the semantics (and in me not being able to distinguish English accents). As long as you write with the words and structures an accent generally uses, you're fine. Phonetics usually just makes it harder to read.
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[c] Yes. Breakfast. Food.

Harker is back? Awesome.

I'm fine with this.
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>I'm fine with this.

Except Scots aren't dapper. Kilts and tweed are maybe manly, but they certainly aren't dapper.
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You're the only reason I hit up eientei Harker.

I've never lost hope!
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YoU SaId It MaN, iT's A motHeRfUcKiN' MiRaClE.

[c] YeS. bReAkFaSt. FoOd.
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Guess we owe Sanae a thank you for this miracle.
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So, see ya next year?
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come back
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Just started reading all of this yesterday, this guy is dead isnt it? What is it with this site writers and dying
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just read all these stories yesterday. this guy is dead isnt it? what is with this site writers and dying
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