A THP story thread downloader
Anonark 2019/04/11 (Thu) 10:16
No. 15755
2019/04/21 (Sun) 17:57
No. 15769
Please note that if the name of the first poster does not match the name of the actual writer (say, for instance, the writer made the thread as an anon and then started using a name) then you must untick the 'Download OP Posts' checkbox for correct parsing.
2019/04/22 (Mon) 15:05
No. 15774
I'm a fuckup, so what I meant in the last post is that you only need to manually uncheck the 'Download OP Posts' checkbox when the author started the thread with a name but just started using anon midway. There's already a contingency for the writer starting as an anon but then taking up a name mid-thread.
2019/04/23 (Tue) 17:25
No. 15775
Drew an icon for this today. Pretty shit but Tokiko is still cute.
Anonymous 2019/04/24 (Wed) 16:35
No. 15776
That's goddamn fucking adorable, what are you talking about? Sure, it was done in like MS Paint, but I can hardly do any better in GIMP or Paintshop.
2019/08/04 (Sun) 16:56
No. 15824
This is currently broken because apparently THP's story list HTML has changed or something. Working on a fix, you can still use it by searching for your desired fic, double-clicking it, manually copy-pasting the list of threads into the box, and then removing the commas before downloading.
Anonymous 2019/08/11 (Sun) 18:44
No. 15825
Don't think that double click thing works. No thread number pops up after.
Anonymous 2019/08/11 (Sun) 18:46
No. 15826
Nevermind, you can still use the thing but you have to copy paste the thread number. Just glad it works.