I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 16272477803.jpg - (84.99KB, 724x1023, come on through.jpg)
come on through
Since the old thread that was stickied at one point is seemingly just gone, here's a shiny new one to be largely disused in favour of shitposting on the Discord for talking over neato ideas involving 2hus that could be put into prose.

I look forward to the odd newcomer excitedly posting their 2hu x [insert flavour-of-the-month game here] crossover idea. Or I guess folks could seriously discuss ideas, too. Whatever y'all want. Anyway, doors are wide open, so come on through.
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Just to be slightly more explicit with the purposes of the thread, since I kind of didn't do that:

1) Request ideas, because you are a writer who is low of inspiration and wants to test lady luck by leaving it to the crowd.
2) Share ideas, because you are a writer who craves approval before diving into new engagements, or maybe you just like to talk about things for the sake of talking.
3) Leave ideas lying around, because you are a non-writer who can't or won't just do it your goddamn self has big ideas that need to be realised.

If what you think you wanna do here doesn't fall into a neat category like that, uh... discuss it, I guess? Don't look at me. I'm not your dad.
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File 162728063154.jpg - (39.23KB, 472x472, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_rebecca_keinelove__.jpg)
I want to write a story about one of the Moriya trio trying (and maybe failing) to lose weight because:
1) It's funny.
2) It's easy to write about.
3) The Moriya trio can riff off each other and depending on the protagonist of the story, Reimu/other Gods can be involved too.
Who should I make the protagonist? Sanae, Kanako or Suwako?
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Sounds like Sanae would be the easiest to write about, like she could try to make a miracle that induces rapid weight loss only get said no by one of her gods cause "it's too selfish of a miracle" and so she has to find a way to lose weight the normal way.

Naturally since this is Gensokyo whatever is normal can really depend.

You could always try one of the gods though since seeing one of them struggle with such a normal thing could be funny too.
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File 162728434974.png - (298.69KB, 293x487, Cold Snake.png)
Cold Snake
I would like to write a story about a Touhou sneaking mission (so giving it a bit off Metal Gear vibes).

Figured it wouldn't be too hard as long I got stuff written in advance and draw myself some minimaps to not lose track of the Sneaker's location.

The plot would bassicaly be: [i] For the last 2 weeks, fairies have been rapidly dwindling in numbers due to an unknown cause .

The only exceptions being Cirno herself and the fairies of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, unfortunatly Cold Snake (her future codename) has yet to notice any of that since she's too focused on seeking her friend Daiyousei for the last 3 days.

Hence starts the prologue mission: Barge into one of 3 locations: Marisa's house (easy), Hakurei Shrine (meduim), Alice's house (Suicide, have you seen all those securite dolls?), which would be an easy sneaking mission since you just have to enter the house and get a Fission Mailed.

Succeed or fail the mission and she'll get some expo of "Fairies gone, now GTFO out of my house" yada yada and also another thing in the future I won't spoil.

Eventually she comes to the conclusion that if the fairies are dissapearing, then they must have been kidnapped and decides to go on a rescue mission! a Secret rescue mission! So she has to be sneaky! a Sneaky Secret Rescue Mission!

Then you have to choose between 3 locations of which one you will barge SNEAK into: Scarlet Devil Mansion, Eientei or Genbu Ravine.

You get the gist now, sneak into a place, obtain a reward if you succeed or just some minor info and get kicked out if you fail (that is die 3 times since at that point the security is simply too aware of your presence). There are 3 locations you can choose from each chapter (Those being 3 at the moment) so that also gives an replay value of 9.

Cold Snake will eventually obtain an communicator that functions like an codec, and varouis other tools that'll make the mission easier.

But I'll stop there at the moment since even if I already wrote down the ending, telling too much would be an spoiler in itself.

In short it'd be: A sneaking mission with 9 possible paths, 3 different possible crews (as in who will help you out) and 3 different culprits of the incident depending on what the final location is and what info you have learned throughout the adventure.

(Naturally it won't be that background heavy like MTG with their "Cold war" stuff but I figured that it'd be a pretty good experience to try out).

I do double guess myself a bit by making Cirno the protag but she's shown herself capable of solving incidents on her own before and the image of an fairy crawling into an vent is something I just funny. The sneaking is mostly because most of the residents are WAY stronger than you and you wouldn't want the Feynapper to know you're looking for them now do you?

It sounds like a pretty fun story to do. I have to say that the prevouis drafts made were : -have an Earth Rabbit (Disguised as an Moon rabbit via Eirin's shady drugs) infiltrate the moon society in order to rescue a certain prisoner only for it to reveal there's another reason too.

But rn the Lunar Capital isn't something I know too much off so maybe later, since having to write down speeches of purity and backstories of moon rabbits would be pain at the moment.

I still have to figure out the title tho, like that's the biggest obstacle I have at the moment. and once that's found out I'll actually update it after having finished or sufficiently progressed my other story. (Since doing 2 stories at once sounds spooky ).

Also another story I'm making would be released in 4 days or so: It'd be one of those camping stories where a bunch of teens share spoopy stories together in some rumored "Man Eater Forest" to prove their braveries only to find the rumors weren't so false after all.

Still don't know the title of that one either, like making names doesn't come to the tip of my tongue for me.

Regardless sharing story ideas sounds pretty cool, and I may have written down too much sorry.

What do you any of you think of either story?

Also if anyone knows any spooky touhou stories do let me know! that'd help lots with the latter.
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>3) Leave ideas lying around, because you are a non-writer who can't or won't just do it your goddamn self has big ideas that need to be realised.

Hey that's me!

A fairy oblivious to the aspect of nature she embodies makes friends with a villager in the evening of his life.
In his company she is encouraged to explore her nature and find herself. Growing in confidence and ability and maybe even gaining bits of wisdom.
And inevitably having to confront the meaning of death one day.
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That sounds like a nice short story.
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Kanako. She basically gets no love around here.
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The scarlet devil rocket, but they miss, and accidentally start a war between earth and mars instead.
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Damn, are ya gonna write that anon? sounds like a cool adventure
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Reasonable idea, compact in scope, maybe an ending baked in, misses out on some kind of motivation or other "oomph", needs more obvious Touhou involvement, a little more work and it'd be good for a newbie, 7/10
Lazy fanon portrayal for the lolz xDDDD, extremely vague premise, ALL CAPS FOR REFUGE IN AUDACITY, title already taken by someone else, it is shitposting even if you're not being ironic, 0/10
Yet Another SDM Story, lazy "twist" on a canon scenario, too vague to derive anything useful from, apply yourself, 1/10
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What will happen if all the faries have more braincells
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>all fun prohibited
I'm glad we have an understanding.
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Huh, that's a lot of ideas yeah.

-Maid bot Ruukoto has to watch the hakurei shrine while the owner is off to solve an incident, clean the house and fend off those who try to profit from her absence/terrible guests.
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This would probably work as a short story (either interactive or not) but I don't think that you could reasonably get that much mileage out of the concept without stretching the premise too thin (ha ha). I'd probably pick between Sanae, because she's relatable despite being a weirdo human/living goddess, or Kanako, because of how aloof she normally is.

The first one isn't really for me. Seems a little too complex to expect that much from the reader. I think that it would be successful, nonetheless, because stories of the tacticool/operator type have been done before.

As for the second idea... sure, sounds like a fine enough premise but hard to say more without any more details.

I'd also read this. Give it a go, non-writer. Maybe you'll have fun. As other said, probably works as a short story.

Maybe a little more thought as to the type of threats and why might make that an interesting premise.
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Fair enough, I'm still working on both. tempering them a bit.

The second one is my main focus despite how cool the first one sounds to me so I can prepare for the spooktember.

Guess the main theme of that story would be: Nothing is scarier and uncertaintity.

Like in super short sentences it'd be.

-Protag wakes up, gets informed friends are waiting outside for the trip since you overslept.

-Check around your house and pick up the stuff you want to take along (and also establishing the protag's background and family since they're not conveniently an orphan).

-Get in the car lad, we are going camping!

-Skip to night time, be around a campfire and it's time to share spooky stories.

-One of your friends goes off to take a piss, the rest continue

- Friend still hasn't come back, they doing a prank? check it out or ignore it.

-Go to sleep, wake up at 6 am. for some reason forest still dark tho.

-Another dude dissapears? what? what's happening. (Some hints are there)

Or at least that was the first graph of the story, it's been changed since but the fact remains that you'd have to deal with an threat that's got the home advantage by seeing through the patterns and seeking for any way to not become the next victim...if there even is an monster in the first place? could be entirely normal even. Is it supernatural or perfecly explainable? Only one way to find out.

Are those enough details? I'd most likely send the draft in proofreaders first to get their opinions.
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*Before starting the story 4 days from now
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To me, it seems unnecessary to have things like equipment loadout and background before getting to the actual plot. If it's not meant to be a really long or involved story (that's what it seems like from the premise), you're better off having a clear and defined image of what the story will be like. Figure out what the climax(es, depending if you have multiple possible 'routes') are supposed to be as well as an end state and build things in such a way that they lead to those or build up your themes/characters/clever plot etc. A rough outline of that is a good baseline but I think that filling in more details helps more.
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That's some good advice I'll be sure to follow. Gotta have a solid idea on how to do the begining, end and the stuff between it before adding stuff that's not really important.

I'm going to work a bit more on it and will let you know more if you're interested since I'm pretty excited on doing this.

Thanks for the advice
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File 162741435797.jpg - (189.43KB, 600x800, magical posterior.jpg)
magical posterior
Story idea: Magicians.
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No womanlets allowed ITT

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File 162743171765.jpg - (1.31MB, 1200x857, __kazami_yuuka_and_kazami_yuuka_touhou_and_1_more_.jpg)
Thanks for the advice. I was going to write about Sanae because she is eccentric, but Kanako would be funnier to write (and read about) because of her aloofness and pride. Also because she gets no love on this site.

I will try a short story with this premise (>>16319) so I can get used to writing the Moriya trio. Hopefully once I get a few stories under my belt I will make an actual quest like how Keymaster started out.

Planning and writing now.
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very rude

nice CSS hax
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Just thought of a story idea.

So basically just like Sumireko, someone else exists in Gensokyou when they're asleep.

The thing here, is that the circumstances are different. Girl has minor powers, and is more like 'make friends' and 'explore this new environment' than 'oh hell yeah chuuni'.

So life goes on, she makes friends, and gets into a few shenanigans. Nothing too severe, but it's there. Usually with Kasen, Komachi, Eientei...

And then one day, she arrives at the Sanzu river. Not to visit or give that nice 'pizza'. But as a spirit.

Because as it turns out, she has a difficult family life. Issues. Depression. And so she sought a more nicer, more friendly environment. And that environment was gensokyou. In her dreams.

But she doesn't have Sumireko's sleeping powers. So she has to use other methods. Like drugs. And considering what her life is like, Gensokyou is one of the few positive places in her life.

You get where this is going.

So she kept going back, continuously. Forcing herself back. Using sleeping pills. And then one day, she took one too many.

She loved to explore Gensokyou. She explored Makai. She sneaked into (and got kicked out of) heaven. She tried to get onto the moon.

And finally, she gets to see the Underworld.
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Sounds a lot like a Sumireko story with a Sumireko wannabe with a sob story backstory for melodrama. Dunno maybe someone could make it better by just making it a bullyed Sumireko and focusing the plot more instead of just shenanigans and then the end. Prolly a lot more likely to finish that way too.
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Sounds like a great epilogue to the story.

One day, Death catches up to Sumireko. Maybe she got old. Maybe she got unlucky.

Either way, it's a bittersweet ending.

Or she kicks her way out of the afterlife and starts running around as a disembodied ghost haunting her descendants. Gensokyou is funny like that.
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Heh, a story of escaping the afterlife sounds fun.

It would certainly get my interest in it.
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Here's a dumb idea for a story: A canonical dumb 2hu is tasked with a task that should be super simple (like buying milk for example) but somehow the situation keeps escalating since everyone in 2hu is eager to fight for the siliest of reasons.

The story has 2 endings.

Bad end: You did a bunch of stuff, wasted a lot of time, but did forget to get the milk. Your superior 2hu is dissapointed in you and you're grounded.

Good end: You got the milk, but at what cost? not much to be honest. yay~

Could be a fun short story, would Anon like that?
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Do it but make it star a newhu for variety's sake
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What would count as a newhu?

Can do, but would need a suggestion.

Would Aun or Clownpiece work?

Those two came to mind first.
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>hsifs was released in 2017
>lolk was released in 2015
Neither is really new but I would read a Clownpiece story since there's not much of her, especially as a main character.
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Noted, then I'm going to keep it in mind.

Might take a week or two to get an actual story line but expect a clownpiece story before the beginning of december.
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Methinks there's an interesting idea here. Like perhaps, one day, Sumireko died. She's just hanging in Gensokyo as usual, and then in a blink finds herself at the sanzu river. Turns out that while she was sleeping between classes, there was a [insert death mcguffin here] and it killed her. You could then have a story about the aftermath and the time between her death and her final judgment. Problem is I don't see how you could do much CYOA in that.
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File 163697339160.png - (288.73KB, 383x550, Thrive with her.png)
Thrive with her
New story idea: Chimata wants to create a pyramid scheme to encourage youngsters and deadbeats of the human village to spend money to gain more money and make her become more powerful as a result of her 'followers' obeying the sacred rules of the market which is something that directly empowers her.

Problem is, getting a bunch of talentless hacks to get her money is going to be a hard thing to do since most of them will frivouisly spend it, use it on other stuff or simply get conned by certain Poverty goddesses alongside other 2hus.

Not only that but if her followers mess up or cause too much trouble a certain shrine maiden could come out to beat them up or...worst case scenario....

The market might crash, leaving her weaker than she started the adventure.

So can Anon do it? Can you sucesfully make it rich in Gensokyo? (Which is the end goal)

Or will you fail to make a profit from your objectionable occurences on special offer? (Game over)

Alternate idea could be that Anon plays as a 'follower' of her but the fact you're getting scammed won't be a twist since you've already read what's on here.

Could be nice to see Anon try to get money then give said money to the dollar goddess for special features such as being able to fly or litteraly shoot money so that they can get even more money and feed into the money sink that is sim-faith businesss.

What do you guys think of that kind of story? would that be nice?
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The idea made me smile so it's good
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Sounds more like a game than a story to me, but eh, whatever floats your boat.
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Could work as either a point and click game or a comfy quest. As long as you make Chimata a fun character to read about, and have some fun supporting characters, I'd read that for a dollar.
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File 164083587079.jpg - (107.34KB, 800x1257, gVYPD7oZK1R6vE91zGaFi1wVEH7Ym4mtbxqm4qfeOLM.jpg)
A series of tragedies set in gensokyo, but without a specific focus on the main cast. Primary link between them is an oc named the Japanese equivalent of the root words for "Cassandra" who acts as both a narrator and in universe prophet, giving warnings that are inevitable disbelieved, ignored, or taken as challenges.
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So picrelated?
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What kind of tragedies would that be as an example? sounds pretty coool to me anon

Also meeepa~
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After one too many times of being scolded for being a bird-brain, Utsuho gets the idea that she needs to improve her smarts. Which seems kinda difficult... but wait, isn't there this school in the human village where the teacher even teaches youkai? That sounds perfect! And so, she sneaks out of the underground to attend Keine's school.

Possible scenes would be stuff like being challenged by Cirno for the title of STRONGEST!, being introduced to pranks by the three fairies of light, or a wandering Koishi finding Satori's missing pet and sticking around for the entertainment value... let's just say hilarity is bound to ensue.
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Well there's the obvious romantic ones of love between humans and youkai, or members of rival groups/families, either mutual or unrequited.
Also maybe hubris, someone thinks they can do something, they can't, it remains theor life of kills them.
You know, the usual.
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Why would she need to improve her smarts when she meets a villager that complements her deficienencies? She trust that together, their white-hot relationship, they are able to reach a coherent whole that would otherwise be unavailable; A birb and a regtular villager are the strongest pair, Satori's eventual jealousy be damned.
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>where the teacher even teaches youkai
That's fanon, anon. Keine only teaches humans.
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And then as predicted; love ended by the heat of its own passion. Their first night together the last, as he is overtaken by a terrible cu- it radiation sickness he gets radiation sickness from rucking the bird and dies.
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That's the problem with reading copious amounts of fanfiction, I honestly forget which details are canon.

Although honestly, the thought Okuu deciding to join an all-human school is equally funny.

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File 164322313528.png - (111.13KB, 496x520, dvmm4hdbgew41.png)
Your average Cyoa in which an outsider gets sent into Gensokyo and romances 2hus.

Except he's gay and doesn't want to go yet another different world (Dude has died like 22 times before on a certain crossroad on his way to school) so you have to avoid every single harem and isekai trope as he tries to survive a normal day going to school long enough to ask out the most handsome man alive: His best bro Anon-kun.

Shit escalates fast the longer you stay alive, if you do end up in Gensokyo then you better get out fast before some top wants your ass and love ends ya.
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>avoid every single harem and isekai trope
Wasn't there literally a light novel/anime about this? I swear I heard about something like that. Anyway, stories based on "subverting tropes" usually end up becoming what they try to parody/"deconstruct". See Konosuba.

Also, "gay man in Gensokyo" is a dumb thing to hinge a premise on. I'm sorry. It's been discussed various times in the site's history, and it always leads to incredibly one-note ideas that are quickly abandoned, and rightfully so.

1/10, an effort was made but maybe shouldn't have been.
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File 164322549943.jpg - (8.67KB, 252x200, download.jpg)
D'aaaaaaaaaaw, somehow my heart knew the truth but refused to not give an attempt.

I shall proceed to go back to my proper place as lurker and pout in a corner while thinking about the next idea that will definitely become a better thing.

Just you wait Anon the Analyzer, I shall have my revenge!
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An average, learned anon gets dropped into Gensokyo. The twist is that rather than some secondary fanservice garbage, it is VERY much like murder death kill maximum security prison North Korea land, the protagonist knows it because he knows the lore and really, REALLY wants to live and potentially GTFO.

You could do whatever the hell you want with the premise - use a McGuffin to power up MC, villains, have gods and sages interfere, develop characters and kill them off, time travel, ryona, guro, mind control, possession, mindbreak, snuff etc etc. You could replace MC with someone from another series. It's almost like an isekai, but without most things that make isekai bad.
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> Anon with the gay dude idea here.

Hmm an Gensokyo that you don't want to live in huh..

Thank you Anon, I shall think of this idea and hide in the mountains once more only to return one day.
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Now That's What I Call Edgy
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You mean, An Edgelord Is You.
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Better idea: This, but it's the reality of an average FFnet tier edgelord who believes Gensokyo is grimderpland and just annoys the shit out of everyone with their neckbeardedness.
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Even better idea: someone gets really, really black out drunk in a serious setting, they wake up in Gensokyo and are immediately recognized as a Oni Slaying Fist once they wake up. No one dares to say what happened. However, they are an annoying FFnet tier edgelord that just annoys the shit out of everyone with their neckbeardedness. That are only tolerable while very, very drunk, but is the world ready for such a massive threat? Is Gensokyo?
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is ur anus ready for the Oni Slayer Fist lmao
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Okay but what about 2hu x [insert game plenty of people know of but that never trended hard enough to be a flavor-of-the-month game here]?
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I'd rather Oni Slaying Fist my own butthole and no lube.
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Okay but like
I really like crossovers
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I'm sorry to hear it.
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I think they make a cream for that.
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Nah, crossovers can be good. Sure, 90% of them are crap, but that's the case with just about anything writing-related. Heck, A Wizard in Gensokyo's my favorite story on the site, and that's basically a crossover with D&D.
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>A Wizard in Gensokyo
You mean A Wizard Is You, right? It’s how I found myself on this site in the first place, actually. I love Touhou, DnD, CYOAs, and Crossovers, so you can imagine how tantalizing I found the combination of all four.
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Think they've made the point for me on crossovers. Better avoid 'em altogether.
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Better avoid content in general. Sturgeon's law is real.
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Yeah, that one. Not sure why I have such trouble remembering its name.
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I just want something acknowledging that Futo is Sanae’s many-times-great aunt, as Suwako is based on Moriya-shin, who has historically been conflated with Mononobe no Moriya, who is the brother of Mononobe no Futohime, who serves as the basis for Futo, making Suwako and Futo basically sisters.
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File 164565350469.jpg - (385.42KB, 900x622, Moon gang.jpg)
Moon gang
>The year is 2030, location is the Lunar Capital
>The Moon's been invaded several times (look at LOLK incident and other ones for reference).
>Our superior leaders have grown frustrated with this and decide that enough is enough. This clearly shows that the Watatsuki sisters Lunar Defense Corp needs improvement. (Trust in them is in a constant low period so far, and to be honest most moon rabbits are literally scaredy cats).
>Problem is on how to improve it though, some smoe would have to leave their comfy lunarian spot to end up stuck having to deal with potential traitor alongside the inferior race. No one wants that.
>Indecision is a bitch but worry not.
>Lord Tsukuyomi personally appoints a person themselves.
> Protag is chosen to deal with the issue, everyone is throwing a rumour shit fest about it. (Since nobody's sure whether this is an intense honour or the worst possible job to have, either way expectations are BIG now and failure to achieve the goal will lead to social death in Lunarian society).
>Protag has limited time to turn the Lunar Defence Corp into a defence fit to protect the moon.
>Is given very few aids and will be tested every so often (Giving the impression that failure is expected)
>Has to deal with the Watasuki Sisters as well, (Yorihime will not be okay with this) and make the rabbits respect them as well. Their approach on the issue is going to be very important.
>To make matters worse, there are rumours of another invasion about to come soon, whether that's true or false is unknown.
>Can Protag succeed in the mission, get the respect of the sisters and stop the may or may not come invasion?
>Good question, that depends on your decision making.

Does that sound like a CYOA people would read? not sure if I gave off enough details or too little but it's going to be a CYOA on the moon so that SPACE HUS can get some screen time finally.
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into the trash it goes
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into the Thread Watcher it goes
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I apologize for this one, but it's been in the back of my mind long enough I'm going to horrify you guys with it. Sorry in advance.

Fire Emblem Fates: Gensokyo

Despite Garon ordering Corrin and company to slaughter Gensokyo down to the last youkai, Corrin and Azura really aren't sure how to prove to everyone else that he's actually evil. But don't worry, Azura comes up with the genius solution that if they fill a tub with the blood of every major youkai in Gensokyo, and they get Garon to take a bath in it, that'll prove he's a monster. For sure. Events somehow conspire for Corrin to non-lethally defeat the various youkai of Gensokyo, with anyone who has to die conveniently committing suicide or being killed off by Leo.

Basically, Nohr invades Gensokyo in the style of the Conquest route. Corrin unconsciously has a story-defining power that rewrites reality as necessary for them to conform to the plot as he sees it. Unfortunately, Corrin lived a very sheltered life (before being required to non-lethally subdue rebellions), and has an IQ significantly below room temperature.

Meanwhile, in the background, Yukari, Okina, and whatever else are trying to figure out first how exactly Corrin-sue's reality-warping aura works, and then how to counter it and kick the Fire Emblem characters out of their dimension. Or just slaughter them all. By the time that's an option, it will be well-deserved.

Alternatively, you can unlock the golden route for twenty dollars, where everyone lives, except the ones who don't.

TLDR: Parody idiot plot crossover, with the slight twist that people are only idiots while Corrin is onscreen.
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>Fire Emblem
I'm sorry it's terminal
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>A fairy oblivious to the aspect of nature she embodies
Passage of time.
It would be an explosion of feels, it would.
Foreshadow it by having her experience an intense sense of dread when Sakuya is nearby
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Color me curouis but what are the forbidden story templates in here?

I've heard mentions of some but never really got a consistent answer on what would give a "Hell, nah" to a story on this site.

If that's too vaque a question then I'll ask in another way: What are tropes/templates that are set for failure or plain disliked here?
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>what are the forbidden story templates
-Eirin's shady new drug
-Yukari is fooling around again
-The Lunarians teaming with Obama to conquer the world
-It's a Moriya Shrine Conspiracy
Generally though you can get away with anything so long as the Scarlet Devil Mansion explodes at some point.
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I don't think you can generalise the tastes of the entire community in any meaningful way. We're a diverse bunch in many respects, so that's going to differ a lot from person to person. Besides that, this isn't the old days of harassing people who don't fit into a certain mould. Most of us are pretty good about just not engaging with things we don't care for. So, I dunno. Not a particularly productive question, in my opinion.
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>The Lunarians teaming with Obama to conquer the world

Is there a precedent for that one?
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#94284. It’s not from here, but it’s what that template was referencing.
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I am not joking when I say that was the plot of a Mizuryu Kei touhou doujin.
The doujin kind of fucking sucked, though. I think it's the same one where he implied that child porn was a myth (or at least it's in that series).
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Starting to write a small short but I got a problem.

See the short will be about some dumb smoe falling in love at first sight with a youkai. Problem is, a youkai's a youkai but THIS youkai will definitely eat or kill a human if given the opportunity.

But the protag's too lovestruck to see the danger in it and so their view of the interaction would be something like.

"I decided to try and visit her again in the middle of the night during a full moon. It's light shining through the woods just gives an romantic atmosphere and I'm certain my love will be happy to see me."


"She didn't say anything when we met for the first time but her sudden gaze into my eyes showed such an intense hunger that I just knew she was into me too."


"Finally I saw her again, the girl of my dreams. She was covered in some tomato sauce and a person under her was pretending to be dead, knowing we wanted some privacy (What a great guy!). Seeing this opportunity, I approached her with firm steps.

She didn't say a word as watched me approach, her gaze once again made my heart skip a beat and I was sweating profusely too. Aah, the love-filled air made it hard to breathe, it was like someone was choking me.

Oh wait, she is choking me. I guess that's her kink, the shy ones are always the craziest."

You can guess the tone of the story by now.

That said here's the problem: I'm not too sure which youkai to make it about.

I know Rumia or Medicine would be a good 'This person will definitely kill humans' contender but...they're a bit too child-like in appearance and I'm not comfy with that.

Then my second thought became Mystia, she's a pretty birdy that sings too so it'd make sense buuuuut I'd feel she would simply rip off the person or something like that for a long-term benefit rather than an easy meal so that's not gonna work either.

So I'm not sure about which youkai it would be about and that's a big deal since that prevents me from finishing the story.

So I'm going to leave it to you guys to choose for one to be the star of the hour.

And if you don't then I'd simply be stuck with it for a little longer I guess.
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trying too hard to be clever without saying anything of interest, 2/10, bin recommended
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Ancient/Feral Nue might be a good fit if you're looking for that type of dynamic. You might want to refine you're plot premise a bit though. it seems pretty basic and lacking of any distinct, artistic flair.
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Odd newcomer here, swinging in hard with something that isn't 2hu x [insert flavor-of-the-month game here], this has been bouncing around in my head since I started playing touhou

Anon wakes up in the middle of a forest with amnesia. They realize they have with them a big binder chock-full of pages written in by their past self, who claims that Anon entirely intended to end up smack dab in the middle of this secret magic land, but is unable to disclose any real details for reasons they refuse to elaborate on. Looking through the pages reveals large swathes of blank space in what's written, as if chunks of text simply decided they never existed in the first place.
Anon, of course, wants to go home (wherever that may be), but the binder insists that there's something really important they have to do before they can.
Thus, Anon is forced to fend for themselves in Gensokyo with vague guidance from their past self as they try to, in no particular order:
A) Escape
B) Regain their memories
C) Do whatever the fuck it was they wanted to do before they got brain-wiped

But it'd sure be nice to figure out why Past Anon was so insistent on nobody finding out about the binder...
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Alright so check it...Gensokyo gets destroyed by some cataclysm at a specific point in time after MC awakens right? Only he doesn't die and instead gets sent back to that point in the past for whatever reason. Certain parts of the notebook are 'blank' because there are 'allies' close to him that either contribute to or cause the collapse and they have ways to see the notebook. His future selves found a way to hide these entries untill certain conditions are met. The story progresses through several iterations of MC ignorance, investigation, and strategic combat with the enemy until the inevitable doomsday(or death), at which point the voters can choose a new vague hint they can send back in time(let's make friends with Sanae, watch the stars on XX day, 9PM curfew DO NOT answer the door, ect...ect..). For added mystery, be sure to make MC a bit of an unreliable narrator, with some of the pre-loaded hints/ journal entries being true/false depending on other factors in the current run.
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Oh boy, just what we need, a few more uninspired babby's first fanfiction Anon drops into Gensokyo isekai stories that could be fitted into any franchise with the serial numbers filed off because the story itself isn't a product of the setting and the author doesn't even care that much about or understand the series they're writing for since they just want to wank over their newly minted OC that doesn't even fit into the setting, mmmmmm just love them, gimme more
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