If a virtual Gensokyo happened...
Anonymous 2025/03/24 (Mon) 21:31
No. 17833
fellow 2hufags, it is clear that the technological singularity is coming and with it many achievements such as and not exclusive: full dive VR (that's all that matters), you know what that means right? It means Gensokyo is at our grasp once and for all! So tell me and tell me for the record, how are you spending your leisure time in Gensokyo?
Anonymous 2025/03/24 (Mon) 22:02
No. 17834
Shit Fart Online sucked and VR is a forced meme.
Anonymous 2025/03/25 (Tue) 00:43
No. 17835
Gensokyo is still not real and VR is shit.