“I think you're just trying to find out just how old I am,” Yukari said with a soft chuckle, continuing to nurse her drink by stirring with her straw every now and again. It was the same level of aloofness and deflection that she had begun showing as soon as the conversation had become about her. I hadn't really learned anything very exciting as a result, just bits and pieces about her personal life.
She lived alone, though she used to have a roommate. Whether it was Yuyuko or someone else, she wouldn't elaborate. When I pressed the subject about being curious to see how she lived, she instead joked that if I wanted to see her in a more intimate environment, I would have to save up for a good love hotel. With a sly wink and distancing but coy smile, she kept me at arm's length and danced any topic that was too personal.
I got the distinct feeling that she was just toying with me. After a pause to take another sip from her cocktail, she added, “it wasn't too long ago that I was wearing a school uniform, however. I'm not sure if it'll still fit, but I still have it hanging in a closet somewhere.
“I imagine you wouldn't mind if it was just a teensy bit tight in the right places, right?” she asked with a gamine little smirk. It was what anyone in my position would have loved to have heard. Not to mention would have loved to imagine.
I gave her a vague reply. Enough to egg her on but not to get swept away in the game she was playing. My instincts tended towards flirting with her so it was somewhat difficult to keep myself from letting myself get carried away. I was interested in learning more about her, not least because I doubted many people knew her very well. As headmistress she was cool, commanding and definitely intimidating. I doubted the teachers socialized with her and I figured she had a very business-like relationship with the upper management. Forget about the students. We barely saw her, let alone spoke with her.
So yeah, I guess I was curious to know what kind of person she was.
“I wonder if Yuyuko will get jealous if we start seeing each other more often,” I said, trying a different avenue of approach.
“Doubt it,” she said after giving it some thought, “we've been friends for a long time. And part of friendship is knowing how to share the good things.”
“There's no escape for me, is there?” I asked with a playful shake of my head. The bar had become emptier in the time we had spent talking. Last call was still a ways, but only a few lonely figures were enjoying the relative peace.
“I'm afraid not,” Yukari joked. It seemed that she picked up on the same vibe that I had. “I think that after I finish this one, it'll be time for me to go,” she said, “in order to face the adult world tomorrow, I'll need to get my beauty sleep.”
“I'm a little disappointed that I haven't really gotten to know you as much as I would have liked,” I confessed and finished the residual drops left in my cocktail glass.
“A woman without her secrets isn't very alluring,” Yukari commented, winking again. “I'm sure that if you keep trying, with time, you'll learn everything you'll want know about me. More importantly, it'll give me ample opportunity to play around with you.”
“Is that really something an educator should say to one of her students?”
“We're just two acquaintances having drinks together here. Never mind that one of us is still in his school uniform. Whatever opinions we've expressed here is something strictly between friends.”
“All is forgiven then,” I said, leaning into the soft backrest of the booth.
“Well then, I'll be seeing you around,” she said, getting up. That she didn't remind me that I had an early day ahead of me underscored her earlier point.
I stayed in the booth a little bit longer before heading out. I had had enough of drinking for a single night. Not too eager to spend too much money in a single outing, I grabbed a cheap beef bowl on my way home.
Marisa was half-asleep watching TV downstairs. As soon as she saw me get in she decided to call it a night too, yawning a combination of a hello and goodnight as she went up the stairs. The lights were off in Alice's room and I drew my curtains and began to undress. I wasn't quite ready to go to sleep just yet so I wasted a little time on my computer before finally hitting the sack.
I was up again before I knew it. It was my utmost wish to sleep in after a night out but my two dear blonde friends would have none of it. I didn't put much of a fight because I knew that I'd just lose and, uttering a few curse words under my breath, got dressed and walked to school with them. The prospect of napping at my desk was cruelly taken away from me too. Reimu approached me as soon as I entered the classroom, telling me that we'd be spending half the day dealing with formalities related to running for student council.
We'd have to talk to the powers that be about our campaign and the commitments we were promising to take by running. As applications were finalized, we'd also meet every other candidate too. But I got the feeling that most of the races would be uncontested.
[] Go along with Reimu and the others.
[] Tell Big Sis to take care of things and run away for the day.
I don't understand why you're taking things so personally. I passed no judgment and merely framed things in the way they've been discussed this thread and the preceding one. I will interject with my own opinion now, however: whatever you may reason and believe is only as good as the practical consequences it produces. Ignoring context and the results and refusing to keep an open mind in face of developments is simply foolish. I don't care what wins so long as there's consideration for how it affects the whole and reflection on how you've gotten there. Instead of throwing a fit make the best of what you can given the circumstances. I'm not just casting aspersions on you here, this is a more general point: inflexible partisanship is best left for broken political systems, not magical girl fanfiction. Especially not fanfiction which has repeatedly made fun of people who have adopted that sort of stance time and time again.
It seems that you don't understand what this story is about. It's always been presented as a character-focused story and been described numerous times as a series of subplots, each dependent on which characters you interact with and how, that have been stitched together under a less important general umbrella of a plot. I'm not going to repeat what I've said a million other times in other threads anymore. You get what you vote for, simple as that. The only thing I actually control on more or less whim is the passage of time - both how long a scene goes on for and the calendar year. But then again, all writers must do that in order to get anywhere.
I clearly am hurting for votes by the look of things. Every vote is precious. Motivation is hard enough to come by with real life being what it is. So getting thoughtful and timely votes is what helps me keep on writing. That said, I think that you should stop reading if you're not enjoying yourself. If you're having a bad time of it, you won't be doing anyone who is enjoying things any favors. It really sucks for me too and I don't want to lose anyone. But honestly, if after this post and all the explanations I've given time and time again you're unable to come to grips with what I'm doing with the story and what we both should expect, you should consider moving on.
I'll happily discuss any grievance you or any other reader may have about any specific element in the story at any time. Either in-thread or on IRC. But I can't give any better response to an ambiguous 'meh' and further entrenchment of an opinion that is irrelevant to the larger point that I was making.