Lost Soul!K7yo62LHdE 2021/06/29 (Tue) 12:02
No. 202684
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After dodging the initial fire, the next threat was a sheet of blue bullets descending on you and Satori, with one section flaring into miniature explosions that completely obliterated the area.
"Don't call them explosions in front of Koishi," Satori warned. "She insists that they're roses."
You'd give her a flat look if you didn't have to concentrate on the danmaku. "Is that really the most important thing right now?"
"It's a survival spellcard; we simply can't get back to the fight until it ends."
That's... something you've abused to your advantage a couple times now, actually. It's surprisingly irritating being on the other end of it. At least the blue bullets have clear enough gaps that the spellcard is merely nerve-wracking. "How likely am I to actually survive it?"
"It's not too bad," she replied. "Avoid the rose blossoms and keep in mind the bullets move straight, even if they look crooked."
You continue dodging around the blue bullets as you ask your next question, "Can the others actually beat Koishi?"
Satori hesitates, and has to make a quick dodge. "Under the strict rules of a spellcard duel, Koishi would be unable to use any other danmaku while her card trapping us is in progress."
The blue danmaku fades out, being replaced by diagonal yellow walls coming from two directions. "There's a 'but' waiting to happen, isn't there?"
"But a strict spellcard duel doesn't have four people declaring three simultaneous spellcards on one target."
Of course there's a catch. "So basically they have to deal with full-force Koishi preparing a sneak attack. While they think she's pinned down in the center of the clearing."
"Not full force, the spellcard still takes a lot of energy. But yes."
Damn. Unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do about it. Speaking of things you can't do much about, your ribs are seriously starting to hurt. Dodging waves from multiple direction is a lot harder and involves a lot more sudden stops and starts. Gritting your teeth, you ask, "How badly is Alice going to take it if Koishi just wins out and keeps the doll?"
"Hard to say. I don't know her well, and," her eyes widened, "Rose bullets behind you!"
You dash forwards, but there's only a narrow gap in front of you, and the wall from below is cutting it off. Should you wait for the next one, or-
You dive for the opening, ducking down and forwards to pass under the first bullet wall, and immediately pulling up to get over and past the second just before they slam shut. Except you've lost the rhythm to it now. The next walls are closing in from both directions, and the next gap in front has already slammed shut.
"Back, down, and forwards!"
What, where? It takes a second for you to spot the path Satori pointed out, and you quickly reverse directions, diving behind the wall coming up and forwards to get in under the next one. Except you're not fast enough.
"Further down, quick!"
The bottom edge of the wall nails you in the back. Sumi's cape takes the worst of it, but it still sends you spinning downwards towards the next wall.
It also hurts. A lot.
[Memory Sign - Safe Haven]
Satori shoots out a wheel of orbs that spin around her, annihilating the bullets of Koishi's spellcard where the two come into contact. With that in play, she dashes forwards, clearing out the walls around you before you hit anything else. Which probably just saved your life, but since when could spellcards clear out other spellcards?
And come to think of it, why is her card over already?
"That's it. Once this is over, I need to teach you about bombs."
"Not the time! Are you hurt?"
Well, the enchantments on Sumi's cape are damn good (you should know, you put them there), and thanks to them redistributing the impact, you merely feel bruised all over. As opposed to, you know, further fracturing your ribs. Sure, the cape is smoking a little bit, but that's probably nothing. As you see red bullets forming on the edge of the little pocket space, you pull up to get a little ground, and... completely fail to rise.
Um... forwards? Left? Right? You get a little movement from your own levitation, but from the cape? Nothing. Sumi's going to kill you. Well, the spellcard's going to kill you, but Sumi's going to raise you specifically so she can kill you again.
"Hold still."
Satori grabs you from behind and starts flying around with you. Which slows her down a fair bit, and the gaps between bullets in this third phase are really narrow for two people, and the bullets are faster, and the exploding-area is shifting around faster...
"We will be fine. I've sparred with Koishi countless times, and this card is always the same. Now please stop trying to psyche me out."
But she's making it work! And after her convincing explanation you are in no way worried. Right, that's not helping, different topic. "If you've fought Koishi so much you've got to have beaten her at least a couple times. How'd those happen?"
"Well, yes, but you're going to be disappointed. They were victories by technicalities. Either Koishi got bored of the fight and just gave up, or something else distracted her to where she flat out ignored an incoming attack. If she's taking the fight seriously, I would expect her to defeat both of us cleanly."
Well, that was blunt. "Satori, illusions are kind of my thing. I can do distractions."
Satori frowned. "It would need to be something truly shocking. She's normally quite capable of... well, Koishi'ing over something while dodging everything anyway."
You actually get what she means by that. Koishi is already the wacky unpredictable one in any situation; trying to out-crazy her would be a losing battle. Maybe the others are doing alright and you can win by just the weight of numbers.
"It's a nice theory," Satori said. "Regardless, the spellcard is ending. We're about to find out."
And upon returning to the normal world (well, normal Gensokyo), you reflected that it really was a nice theory. You liked that theory. You'd have liked to formalize it into a theorem, with a nice twenty page proof and a few lemmas for flavor. Publish it in a Gensokyo Danmaku journal, with a catchy title like "We Didn't Just Get Our Asses Kicked by Koishi." Because Sumireko is out cold on the ground, and Alice is just staring into space with that enchanted bracelet stuck on her arm.
Meanwhile, Koishi is happily sorting through the pile of fallen dolls, picking out ribbons and other hair accessors and trying them on the Koishi-doll.
"Oh hey, you're back! So, are you gonna give up now, or should I beat you first?"
You look at Koishi, then back at your fallen allies, and then at the still-growing pile of doll accessories. "You know, Koishi, if you've got time for playing dress-up with your doll, you could have escaped by now. Why didn't you?"
Satori sighed. "Because she's thinking of this as her victory lap. And will take great pleasure in telling Orin and Okuu how she defeated me in a four on one."
"Yep!" Koishi agreed. "Also, mini-me needs a hat. This is very important."
So... worst case scenario. You're down to just two on one, and Koishi barely even seems winded after winning the other two on one. Not to mention between your injury, lack of offense, and newfound lack of mobility, it's probably more like one and a quarter on one. Heck, since Satori's going to be stuck flying you around, you might even be a net negative. Even if you do get a distraction into a clean hit, that's not going to be enough!
Satori sighs and slumps a bit. "Let's get this over with."
"Hey, don't feel too sad, sis! You're getting to hold Gregor close! I didn't think you were that sneaky!"
"He can't fly and I didn't want your spellcard giving him any more broken ribs."
"Oh, is that the excuse? I can work with that!"
[Representation - Danmaku Paranoia]
Tons of tiny kunai form a tight sphere around you and Satori, and Koishi sends waves of large, slow-moving danmaku at you. The problem is, they're large bullets with small gaps, just barely large enough to fit you and Satori if you really squeeze together. And now that Koishi's actively drawn your attention to it you're now fully aware of the details of how you're being held. Things like Satori's arms locked around your waist pulling you close, your legs dangling near and brushing up against hers, and the two medium-sized yet soft points of pressure you can feel in the middle of your back. Which results in a really strong sense of your own rising embarrassment. Especially since this is the closest you've been to a girl in well, ever.
Predictably, Satori is not pleased. "Koishi, I'm going to kill you. You realize that, right? I'm going to lock you in a room with Utsuho and tell her she needs to stress test her nuclear reactor. Then I'm going to travel to Hakugyokurou, just in case you leave a ghost, so I can kill that too!"
"Aw, you really do care!"
Some abstract part of you realizes that you're barely even noticing the spellcard. It's not like you're in a position to do anything about it anyway, but it's only requiring small, gentle movements, and Satori's moving through it with a comfort of long practice. Not that the rest of the situation is comfortable, and damn it, you're thinking about it again. You're really sorry to Satori, and you hope she doesn't drop you. You do do what you can in summoning up some danmaku of your own to shoot at Koishi, and whether it's the embarrassment or just more time in Gensokyo, you actually get a more consistent stream of bullets this time.
You just wish Koishi would stop toying with you. It's... wait. She's so sure in her victory, maybe you could bait her into a bet? Something where the terms of victory for you is just the one clean hit? And then get her with a distraction, which... damn it, there's the one really obvious idea you've been trying not to think of, and you've got no idea what else. Not that Satori would want you to kiss her, but former hell, Koishi would be so thrilled with the idea that she might not even care about losing.
"Gregor, you're a nice guy, but if you try that, I will actually drop you."
"Oh? What was he thinking of, sis?"
Illusion! Illusion! You'd distract Koishi with an illusion of a kiss! You weren't actually suggesting that; not that you'd mind of course, but that's the exact wrong reason to start any sort of relationship, and-
"That train of thought is not helping your dignity or mine."
If you could get your mind to quit, you would! This was equally humiliating for you too!
"I... all right. Look, your plan is worth a shot."
Okay then! You'd go for it as soon as Koishi's spellcard breaks.
The moment isn't long in coming, and once it does, you launch into your speech. "Koishi! How about we finish this with a bet? You're obviously way out of my league in a straight up fight, but Satori could stall for a while, I could snap Alice out of it, and we could end up here all day. So why don't we put it all on one spellcard? And it'll even be one of my spell cards! If I hit you, you leave the doll here, and if you dodge it all, we'll let you go."
Koishi doesn't even hesitate, she stretches idly and grins. "You know what, sure. I gotta see what you've been up to, Roach!"
And with that, with Satori still holding you airborne, you focus your mind onto the other spellcard idea you've had.
[Light Sign - Rays of Dawn]
Behind you and Satori, there's a massive yellow orb with eight lines of bullets coming off of it, like how a child might draw the sun. The edges of those lines then peel off and start firing towards Koishi, who dodges easily. But that's only the first part.
Periodically, the 'sun' will flash, blinding the opponent, and the bullet streams will gyrate wildly during that moment of blindness. The key point is making sure Koishi's looking at just the right moment, and that she's not paying attention to the danmaku in that moment before blindness.
And for that, you need an illusion. The image for it is all too easy to call to mind (stupid Koishi), and so you prepare a light-crafted image of you turning and passionately kissing Satori, who would be... mostly still from shock, honestly. You feel the spellcard preparing the flash blindness, and yell "Koishi, look!"
She turns just as you'd hoped, and you release the image!
Nothing happens. Nothing happens! Nothing happens because all of your energy is going into the spellcard and you can't make an illusion right now! And without that, you don't have a distraction, you won't be able to hit Koishi, and the doll will be lost! Unless-
[-] Kiss Satori.
[-] Don't kiss Satori.