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File 171717331071.png - (788.10KB, 800x600, __moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_by_hekoningyou_warani.png)
The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu awoke to her past, and promptly set about reaching the surface, aided by the machinations of Suwako Moriya. There, and with the unexpected companion of Komeiji Koishi, she at last met with her old friend, Inaba Akyuu.

But that brief reunion shortly turned sour. Visions of the end have been plaguing Youmu throughout, and that in turn caused Akyuu to realize that the Koishi of this time hadn’t closed her eye, both running away in fear and breaking the young satori’s heart. And when that scar on Koishi’s psyche was finally starting to be treated, a flock of tengu descended upon the Human Village, seeking out Koishi and her hell-raven companion.

By calling upon the aid of the goddess Moriya, Youmu and Koishi have been given an escape route, to safely get out of the city. But no sooner were they sent off than the goddess snapped. Turning on the now-alone Inaba, she’s grabbed the rabbit and pulled her from the city, for reasons yet unknown…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Yester/Youmu >>207370 >>207705 >>208027 >>208337
Epilogues and Shorts >>/shorts/2804

Or read the story archive on Ao3:

Akyuu bounced and judderred, psychically and physically screaming into the darkness. Much like Youmu and Koishi before her, she had been pulled into a pocket of air beneath the earth. But unlike the other two, where their transport had seemed to be gliding under the surface smoothly when last she saw it, her travel was more akin to being tossed about in an endlessly-tumbling vehicle.

She was vaguely aware that Reisen was trying to respond, but Akyuu was fighting just to keep her consciousness together, so parsing anything out of it was all but impossible. It was all she could do to try and keep herself from being brained by some passing rock.

At long last, though, it ended. Air, and the afternoon sun, gave the rabbit a reference point to which direction was up.. Akyuu was spat from the earth with such force as to be momentarily airborne, rolling as she hit the dirt.

She stumbled to her feet, trying to focus her vision. She’d been pulled out into a spacious clearing in some part of the forest. It was largely empty, save for a few loose trees, and a large boulder as its central feature. For a moment, there was no sign of Suwako Moriya anywhere around her. That was… far, far less comforting than she might have otherwise hoped.

+Reisen? I’m back out on the surface. If there’s any way for Eirin to get my location from home base, tell her I’m gonna need it - I’m on the surface, but I have no idea where.+

+Akyuu!+ Her sister’s psychic messages were filled with concern. +Are you okay?+

The younger rabbit reached for her gun, as the dirt in the center of the clearing began to ripple like water. +Jury’s still out on that… please get over here ASAP.+ She hurriedly checked the mechanisms, making sure it was all alright - the particular gun had already survived atmospheric re-entry, and aside from a few scratches and dirt, seemed to have managed to make it through this ordeal, too.

The center of the rippling earth swelled, before disgorging its master. The goddess’ eyes were cold, as she stepped forward.

Akyuu did her best to keep her nerves steady. “Earth of a way to get a private conversation, isn’t it?”

Moriya Suwako glared at her. “Akyuu. I want the truth. Of what really happened last time.”

The rabbit tried to swallow to wet her throat. “I’m sorry, you’re gonna have to be more specif-”

She had to leap to the side, to dodge a spinning ring. “Don’t play dumb, brat!” The goddess’ face was storming with cold fury. “The Moriya Shrine. I want to know about us from last time.”

Akyuu could take a few stabs in the dark about what she meant from that, but… what the hell was she supposed to say? Just lead the goddess on? “I- as far as I can recall, nothing happened all that differently. You came to Gensokyo at the same time, and the incident resolvers went up around that time. Shortly after, you started work on the nuclear reactor, publicized it this coming winter, and finished it less than a year after the Sixty Years incident. Then-”

The goddess landed a punch in the rabbit’s stomach, bringing her to her knees. “You know, for such a brazen liar, you’re not a good one. You really think it’d take that long?”

The rabbit clutched at her center, struggling to speak. “Wh-what…?”

Suwako glared at her. “If you think it’d take even a quarter as long as it would in the outside world, you’re mistaken. The kappa could have done it already if we’d given them the word.”

Akyuu’s mind raced. The tsuchigumo could certainly build things quickly, and the kappa could with the right motivation, …and preparing the foundation itself was trivial with an earth goddess at the helm. Nothing got built that fast with only humans (or with moon rabbits, either - they really were mostly quite useless).

At length, the rabbit groaned. Was she really about to die over a bad assumption of youkai logistics? “Th-then you’re the one dragging her feet?”

The goddess growled. “Shut up, and tell me.”

Akyuu reached for her gun. “I-if I just showed you my memories, then I’m sure I can prove that-” This time, she was ready, leaping away as the earth almost seemed to boil beneath her feet.

“Do you think I’m going to let you play some mind trick on me?!” Suwako started chasing after the rabbit. “I want the truth, damn it!”

“I-I’m telling you the truth!” Akyuu said, fear and fury mixing together. “And I know I’m telling the truth because I’m getting my ass kicked for it!”

She stumbled. “I-I went around to check about the Moriya Shrine. About a week after getting here. A-and I spoke to Kanako about the history - there, there wasn’t anything different from my memories!”

The goddess roared, shaking the earth. Akyuu yelped, as a stony hand surged from the ground in front of her.

At once, she was snatched up, into an iron grip. The goddess looked at her coldly, twirling her rings. “I have waited far, far, far too long to tolerate some dumb little rabbit hiding something like this from me.”

“Hiding?! Hiding?! Why are you so sure there’s anything to find?!” The rabbit struggled in her grip. “Look, was it one of those robed girls? The-they weren’t here last time, I can tell you that much!” Suwako paused. “Y-you know, if it was the white one who sent you to Youmu, th-they knew where I was already, so-”

The goddess hesitated. “...Then she definitely sent the tengus.” Akyuu nodded desperately, but the stone hand around her only tightened its grip. “...Another fucking liar to punish, then.”

Suwako looked at her, balling her hand into a fist. “Last. Chance. Tell. Me. The. Truth.”

Akyuu could barely speak. She tried, desperately, to come up with something, anything that would pause the god’s rage, but… nothing, absolutely nothing, was coming up. As the goddess raised her fist, she closed her eyes, clenched her teeth.

And heard the sound of steel slicing through rock. Akyuu’s prison lurched back, and the fingers clasped around her fell away. When she opened her eyes, she was on the ground.

With a loose white feather right in front of her. She looked up at her rescuer, perched atop the loose wrist of the hand that had been holding her, and gave a chuckle, despite the situation.

“Hey, your speed’s improved since last time.” She said, smiling. “You actually got here before she made me croak.”

Youmu grinned, offering a hand to Akyuu. “Helps that you were actually paying attention this time.” The rabbit took it, letting herself be pulled up into a standing position. “Koishi locked right on to your psychic screaming, and sent me over immediately.”

The rabbit's eyes widened in surprise. "She can do that?" ...At length, she smiled. "Well, now I have to make her a hero, don't I?"

The hell-raven turned to Suwako, staring at Youmu with stunned eyes. “Lady Suwako. Please stand down. She doesn’t know anything.”

Suwako recovered from her stunned state, glaring at the hell raven. “How could you possibly know that?!”

“Koishi told me.” The hell raven sheathed her swords. “Akyuu wasn’t saying anything to try and mess with you, that’s genuinely what her memories are.”

Akyuu nodded furiously. “I-I’m not trying to fool you, I swear! I-I wouldn't lie with my life on the line like this!”

The goddess’s eyes flicked between them. “But… but…”

Youmu extended a hand. “...But both me and Reimu have felt there’s something wrong with Akyuu’s recount, regardless. …In hindsight, probably should have asked that kappa for more details when I had the chance.” She sighed. “Regardless… I can’t promise that whatever we’re feeling is something to do with what you think is wrong, but… please, just… calm down. We can talk this out.”

Suwako looked at Youmu, and at her outstretched hand. The goddess turned her head down. She was trembling, and Youmu could see tears trailing down her cheeks.

“I’ve been… looking for answers. For years. To prove that… that all of these centuries, these millenia… that it wasn’t all for nothing…”

Youmu kept her arm outstretched. “Lady Suwako…”

The ground began to tremble. When Suwako’s eyes looked up at them, they were filled with fury. “You expect me to just - to give up now?! On Rana, on her child, on everyone?! FOR A HALF-HEARTED PROMISE LIKE THAT?!”

Youmu pulled her arm back to protect Akyuu, as the rabbit readied her gun yet again. Snakes of wood burst and wove amongst themselves around them, until the clearing was surrounded by a wall of wood.

The hell raven glanced back. “Get ready!” Akyuu nodded, feeling sweat begin to flow in streams down her back.

The goddess let out a low chuckle, her hat obscuring her eyes. “Perhaps I gave a… different impression last time. Maybe I was softer, more… agreeable. I think… I need to teach you two exactly who I am.”

She extended her hands, and two stony serpents emerged. They floated in the air, beginning to do loops around her hands.

“I am… Suwako Moriya. God of the Mountain Incarnate. Master of the Mishaguji. The Pinnacle of the Native Gods. Gardener of the Forests. Sculptor of the Lakes. The fire of the earth in human form.”

The looping serpents spun faster, and faster, until they started to glow with light. With a flash, they changed into two iron rings, each stylised like a serpent eating its own tail. The goddess gripped her rings, and looked up once more, her face a visage of utter rage.

“First,” she spat. “And last of her line. And if you seek to keep my answers from me… I’LL TEAR THE TRUTH FROM YOUR CURSE-POCKED CARCASSES!”

Her two opponents shared a brief glance, and a grim nod. At once, they began to move.

[ ] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
[ ] Akyuu gets her attention, while Youmu looks for a chance to strike hard.
[ ] They both split her attention evenly.

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File 171717440693.jpg - (85.05KB, 850x821, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_mata_matasoup__samp.jpg)
Have a theme for the battle!


Not kidding, I earmarked this theme a good few weeks back, but if I haven't listened to it for a day I just completely fail to hum it. I guess I just haven't got it memorized.

Once again, the usual fight rules apply!

...I'll give a more complete response to various posts at the end of last thread in the morning, but let me just say, of all the things I expected, everyone rolling with 'The Moriyas were here since PC-98' absolutely threw me off. I mean, it worked in my favour, but still...
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[X] Akyuu gets her attention, while Youmu looks for a chance to strike hard.
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hold on. you're telling me we somehow wiped suwako's entire fucking bloodline out of history???

fucking brutal, man.

to the sitrep- i don't think they're using spell cards here. suwako's too angry for that, which usually means she might be prone to mistakes and overlooking things. and she was very, very focused on akyuu.

still, she's not a god for nothing. non-zero chance she sees through the trick, but everything has its own risk.

as for who's actually best suited to draw her attention... youmu does have the advantage, since she's fought suwako before in both lives. she knows a lot of suwako's moves and what to expect, but with suwako facing her earlier, it kind of goes both ways- but youmu hasn't showed off all her tricks in front of suwako yet, though.

akyuu probably doesn't know much about how suwako fights, but since moon rabbits are hard to come by on earth, suwako doesn't know how akyuu fights, either. illusions could be very powerful and akyuu's powered up a bit since we last saw her.

i think...

[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

just because youmu knows how to fight suwako better. knowledge advantage can get you a bit further than the element of surprise, i think. besides, it would give akyuu a bit of breathing room to take note of how suwako fights, and she can still take advantage of her illusions to trip their opponent up.
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

I agree with all of this. Both times we’ve attempted to take risks in these fights, it has gone wrong for us. I’d much rather play it safe by keeping the melee fighter at melee range.
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[x] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

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> “I am… Suwako Moriya. God of the Mountain Incarnate. Master of the Mishaguji. The Pinnacle of the Native Gods. Gardener of the Forests. Sculptor of the Lakes. The fire of the earth in human form.”

You forgot "Expert Communicator. Great at getting her intentions across."

Anyways, let's see here.

A: Youmu gets in her face, maybe does some cool tricks like reflecting the sun in her eyes off of her sword or blocking her view with wings, uses speed and swords to keep her busy in a round 2 of their earlier fight. Akyuu probably tosses some confusion into the terrain. Ultimate strategy: keep her busy fighting and hope she's worn down faster.

Keeps the VIP safe from harm
Puts the close range fighter in close range and he long range fighter at long range
Youmu knows about Suwako's current style from their last fight.

Somewhat predictable, she might not let herself get caught in it.
Youmu probably has the higher ceiling on firepower, so putting her on DPS limits her biggest swings.
Limited mobility since Akyuu can't get too far away without drawing Suwako's ire and Youmu is stuck in active melee.

B: Akyuu keeps Suwako distracted with her current target, throws some illusions or talking in, or maybe even just tries to run and kite Suwako. Meanwhile, Youmu plays at a distance and acts as a sword-sniper and tries to get in with high speed at critical points to exploit openings harshly. Ultimate strategy: Get Suwako to overextend and then punish her for it.

Most likely to work as intended, since Suwako is already focusing on Akyuu.
Big bolt from the blue hits are a lot more likely, since Youmu has time to get tactical with her swings.
Maybe gets Suwako talking some more about whatever the heck her problem is, to inform earlier tactics.
Akyuu knows all of Suwako's past timeline strategies, so she can try and play around them.

Akyuu is relatively squishy. She may be a trained soldier, but she prefers a gun to a mallet, so she probably isn't built to take hits. Not good if she's the focus of ire.
If Suwako is better at taking joint hits or other swings from Youmu than we expect, she'll shore up those openings before we take her down and then we're stuck.
The whole plan relies on Suwako having openings in the first place. If she's a better combatant than we're expecting, Youmu is stuck in a holding pattern waiting for a chance to strike, which is a waste of potential.
Suwako might not fight how Akyuu is expecting her to, which could lead to some bad predictions in the fray of battle.

C: Neutral option, divide and conquer to prevent her from focusing one down. Ultimate strategy is really just teamwork, nothing particularly special.

Youmu fighting with a teammate in sync sounds like half-decent odds for triggering a Re/Awakening, that's a really good power boost if we can manage it.
There are a lot more techniques with two active fighters: Pincers, interruptions, one person holding fire while the other recovers/prepares a big hit (but not as big as A/B's prepared attacks)
Suwako probably will end up relying on AOE to deal with the two of them, and this series is all about dodging wide-spread attacks.

Jack of all trades, master of none. They're both going to be capped at their "actively fighting" potential instead of letting one have the chance to get stronger hits in.
If Suwako takes one fighter down, the other's going to be already half worn out and won't be able to effectively step in.
Akyuu and Youmu have never fought together before. If they can't coordinate or effectively use each other's strengths, the gains of teamwork are squandered.

Alright, that was a fair bit. I'm going to take some time to study these ideas and listen to other people's thoughts before I cast my vote, but I wanted to get some analysis down while I had the chance.

Yeah, I've been trying to put a pin on that one for a while now. I wasn't certain if I was just completely misremembering my lore or misreading the text, but I figured it was probably nothing. Ah well.
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Akyuu makes illusions of Sanae when?
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Eh, considering that the game they starred in and the 2 following are nicknamed the Moriya Shrine conspiracy, we just chalked it up to their earliness being them up to their usual shenanigans


I think it wasn't her whole bloodline throughout history, just the one that was supposed to be the last... AKA Sanae.

[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
-(X) Akyuu prep her lunatic gun with whatever memories of the original Moriya she has, Suwako doesn't want verification? TOO BAD!

Hopefully seeing a memory or Sanae with catch Suwako off guard... Though it might just as likely tick her off a LOT. So a gamble.
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>Hopefully seeing a memory or Sanae with catch Suwako off guard... Though it might just as likely tick her off a LOT. So a gamble.

Her being more upset would probably be just as useful
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

Bratty god needs vore correction, Okuu can have Yatagarasu while Youmu gets Suwako.
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For the neutral split option, do you think it would make more sense if she triggered it by fighting alongside Okuu? Since she seems to be this timeline's Myon.
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Well, this is the fight of a lifetime
Fighting a god huh? Well its not like the protags haven't fought gods before, so we might just squeak this one out.
I don't have a clue which one to pick here. On one hand, having Akyuu kite sounds plausible due to speed from her being, well, a bunny, but is very likely to have Akyuu get blasted sooner or later.
On the other hand, Youmu has (briefly) fought Suwako, so she should at least have some patterns memorized. But, it caps our damage to whatever Akyuu can dish out along with Youmu's less laggy moves.
And then there's the neutral option, where we would have both of the protags would have their hands full trying not to taste the dirt in 4k Ultra HD
I'm gonna wait to cast my vote here, there's to many variables for me to decide currently. Not to mention there's also the chance the others join in
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
-(X) Akyuu prep her lunatic gun with whatever memories of the original Moriya she has, Suwako doesn't want verification? TOO BAD!
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
-(X) Akyuu prep her lunatic gun with whatever memories of the original Moriya she has, Suwako doesn't want verification? TOO BAD!
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
-(X) Akyuu prep her lunatic gun with whatever memories of the original Moriya she has, especially of Sanae.

Why do I sense a prominent theme of parenthood in this?
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

...going with the consensus here.
I didn't really know what to say otherwise.
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Before I give my vote, here's an addition I thought of
[X] Get Akyuu to call for help telepathically. We're gonna need all the help we can get against a god
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

Let's keep the close-range fighter in close-range. Calling for backup seems a bit unneeded given that Reisen and likely Eirin are on their way, and Koishi's likely getting Orin and Parsee for help. The calvary's already on their way.
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>>+Jury’s still out on that… please get over here ASAP.+
Reisen (and others) will probably come soon. We either have to defeat Suwako or delay long enough, although the former would be preferred if possible.
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...is it possible that Akyuu doesn't remember Sanae?!?!
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

Gotta push Youmu a bit.
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Don’t really have an opinion yet as to the vote, but I do have a theory. Suwako’s words suggest that Rana’s child (probably Sanae) didn’t come to be in the way they thought she would. A child that mysteriously doesn’t appear. Doesn’t that sound like the immaterial children?

I always found it weird that Sanae was the only Incident Resolver to not be one of the reincarnated. I believe that this indicates that Sanae is somehow a secret reincarnator that the others don’t know about.
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I mean... maybe? My thing is that Akyuu should have easily noticed that Sanae is missing. Youmu seems to have the second best memory right now, so she really ought to at least remember a little tidbit about her, too.

It's weird that niether of them have picked apart what the deal here is.
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Alright, I have weighed the options, and I will cast my vote
[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support
I will also revoke my addon. Dunno how to do it so I'll just do it like this for now
[UNDO] Get Akyuu to call for help telepathically. We're gonna need all the help we can get against a god
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

Something is incredibly wrong here. This whole time, I thought it was weird that the Moriyas were here early, and that had IMPLICATIONS for where Sanae would be. After all, shouldn't she be in school for most of her life before MoF? I think something has somehow fucked with Akyuu's memory, maybe due to how she went out in the last timeline? And nothing we've done should've erased Sanae, right? Is it possible she somehow ended up similar to the other Immaterial Children? I feel like we still don't know enough about The End yet to know for sure. If I'm right about Akyuu's memory being fucky, then I don't think showing her Akyuu's Moriya memories would be a good idea.

As for the fight, Akyuu may be a moon rabbit now, but she's very heavily a ranged support type. She likely doesn't have the bulk to risk having her on the frontline. We should keep her in the back for support with Youmu as our tank/DPS. Even if we can't beat Suwako like this, we should be able to last long enough for backup to arrive.
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
-(X) Akyuu prep her lunatic gun with whatever memories of the original Moriya she has, Suwako doesn't want verification? TOO BAD!
-(X) Try to ping Reisen so she can locate us faster

I would say don't "broadcast" the call for help since there's not saying who could answer the call. We might call the tengu accidentally. Basically just call big sis.

Regarding Sanae:
Until we don't know details about what exactly happened, we can't say for sure what's afflicting Suwako.
- Maybe Sanae is another undisclosed Immaterial Children.
- Maybe Kanako has a reason to keep Sanae a secret/hidden away.
- I have a theory that's so out of the box that it's most likely wrong. If it turns out I'm correct, I'll expand on this answer, but it involves Mima.

I say this almost every update but let's see what happens. This is getting more and more interesting every update.
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Also, I just remembered after posting, but weren't Youmu's memories about the Moriyas specifically weirdly hazy too? Something weird is going on here.
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[x] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
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Sorry for the double post. I had the previous reply already written and forgot to post it, now I want to add:

I'm still going for melee Youmu and ranged Akyuu, but we're implying Suwako will not focus on Akyuu, it's her who she has a problem with. Sometimes, even if we make the theoretical right choice it doesn't turn out like we thought...

Also, regarding the "wrong" Moriya timeline: I'm up for suspending disbelief whenever it makes sense in any story and it really did here, or at least I think so.
I said in a post before that it makes sense in-universe to have them actually being there but not show up and make a scene until it's convenient for them. Now I'm second guessing that in this instance, maybe we really were supposed to say "hey, that's not what happened!" lol

Still, it gives another layer of complexity to the story so far: What is actually the truth? Are we supposed to second-guess ourselves regarding anything Akyuu remembers from now on even if it makes sense? The same Akyuu that is supposed to have a perfect memory? What actually happened that last day on the previous timeline, and what is tampering with our protagonists? (apart from Ichi/Go)

As always, maybe I'm thinking too much into this. But it's fun.
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
-(X) Akyuu prep her lunatic gun with whatever memories of the original Moriya she has, Suwako doesn't want verification? TOO BAD!
-(X) Try to ping Reisen so she can locate us faster
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I guess I’m tide pissing but I genuinely think that letting Akyuu act as bait while Youmu gos for a strike is the better option. Letting youmu take point seems like a defensive strategy, while letting akyuu do it seems to be the higher risk offensive one. I would much rather get the early hit on her while she is distracted by Akyuu than turn this into an attrition match.

[X] Akyuu gets her attention, while Youmu looks for a chance to strike hard.
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I reread the last flashback we had and found some interesting potential connections

Green hair and eyes
> Long, green hair framed a face Youmu couldn’t quite see, except for eyes like glowing emeralds.

Including gods when talking about the black fire
>"Youkai and gods burn a lot slower, but in theory you can save them"

Past Human
>"“I was human, once. A lifetime ago."

Mentions miracles
>"Have you been holding out for a miracle?”
>"Fortunately, your miracle has arrived."

Maybe Re/Awakening?
>But more overpowering was her presence - the world around her almost seemed to fade out, irrelevant compared to her imposition upon reality.

Not to mention the fact that she seemingly knows about the Hourai immortals plan.
Plus, I feel like Youmu would have noted the lack of legs if it was Mima.
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

I'm beginning to have a few theories on what is going on with the Moriya's, since parts of the timeline aren't making sense.

1. Sanae is missing because there were additional Immaterial children sent after first five. This would imply that either the future still had time to decend into madness, or the Moriyas just had the misfortune of sending Sanae late because they were unaware of the plan.
2. Sanae was hit hard by the black flames, but didn't get the benefit of whatever soul aftercare Mima gave the main 5 to keep them mostly intact. Since Sanae was originally supposed to be within the Immaterial Children as part of Ichi/Go's plan, they went ahead and transported her soul separately, which is why no one has any idea on whats going on

And finally, my doomer prediction because I can't be happy.
3. Keine is currently missing and cannot be found anywhere inside the Gensokyo Barrier. If he goal was to locate and return the immaterial children, Sanae would, at a glance, look alot like one of them, especially since one of the victims is the Immaterial Miko. If this is the case, Keine may have chosen to abduct Sanae's soul, assuming that she is returning the Immaterial Miko to Gensokyo.

REALLY hoping that that last option isn't what is happening, because otherwise poor Keine is going through additional hells to try to fix everything.
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Oh, I thought it was just Sanae…!

[X] They both split her attention evenly.

I know she has two rings, but she only has one set of eyes. Hopefully.
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[X] They both split her attention evenly.

We have two perfectly capable fighters. No use hanging one back and making the other one take her whole wrath.
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This is >>208698 doubleposting, but you also brought up another hypothetical that I didn't even consider.

Sanae making a deal with the Ichi/Go faction to help everyone as a full God being plan "A" that didn't work out, which is why she showed up to try and help with plan "B" with the throw more Re/Awakening at the problem would also explain her missing, but it probably would be hell to her since she would have to give up her connection to both of Kanako AND Suwako. If your evidence holds then I want to hear "San" and her version of the plan. (I mostly believe its possible because then it keeps the number theming of Ichi and Go while filling in some of the missing numbers.)
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My theory as to why they came earlier is possibly because they wanted to educate and take care of Sanae because gensokyo is dangerous for a little girl and they waited until she can fend for herself, now that she is gone in this timeline the two no longer had to stay in the outside world and went to look in gensokyo because kasen has talked to kanako about the immaterial children.

Since koishi was able to read the ping, it is very likely that the satori group received it.
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[X] Akyuu gets her attention, while Youmu looks for a chance to strike hard.
I don't think Youmu will be able to draw aggro atm
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[X] Akyuu gets her attention, while Youmu looks for a chance to strike hard.
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...oh. Oh NO.
We threw time travel at a problem... TWICE?

Who had the bright idea to mess with the fabric of spacetime from within the altered causality? How many layers deep does it go? Is Gensokyo even recognizable once you look further than we've had a chance to? How many times do you need to alter history at shotgun point until Seija is the leader of the Buddhists?
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Hey, at least Gensokyo is still here and not consumed by hellfire & ashes. :D
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

I feel like we want to stall. The longer the fight goes, the more allies we get. Youmu was the fastest and closest, but if we can stall for a bit we have Okuu, Orin, Reisen, Parsee and the satori sisters.

As for the best stalling option, I feel like this is the best one. Youmu is faster and more experienced while Akyuu illusions and range are better for support than direct offense. I don't think that Akyuu has the firepower or experience to match Suwako, much less make a chance for Youmu. Balance allows Suwako to wear both of our fighters down, and probably won't give much in return.
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>>208670 here.
Lot of interesting discussion has occurred... I'm casting a vote for the underdog, since we've already seen how reckless Myon can be when fighting Suwako.

[X] Akyuu gets her attention, while Youmu looks for a chance to strike hard.
- [A] Suffer an inconveniently-timed bout of existential dread at the greater implications of the plan to meddle with the fabric of reality.
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>we've already seen how reckless Myon can be when fighting Suwako.

Wait shit you're totally right. Didn't even consider that
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That was explicitly because they were fighting to first strike. If Youmu's tanking, then she'll have to stick around.
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I think that its the other way around, instead of Sanae (and possibly anyone else) being an immaterial children afterwards, I'd say she was the first, this is probably the first of many things that are connected to the question of:

What Was Yukari Doing During The Week of Fire?

from some context that has been picked up here and in the shorts, Yukari somehow knows of Re/Incarnation possibly from persoan experience, but she might not have been sure how to get it to work outside of whatever context she encountered it the first time. so she might need a way to test it before putting Reimu and Co through it, and well, the person to test it would be an easy pick because quite simply,

Why wouldn't Sanae jump at the chance to be a super prototype?

and with things falling apart around them and Sanae's safety on the line, Suwako and Kanako would leap at the chance to have Sanae be safe.

as for the whole earliness thing and why they haven't yet (though Suwako's comment of being the last of her line should clue Akyuu in.) Akyuu explained it:

>“Well… I think it’s pretty clear why you’re distressed. You’re thinking they’re early, right?” Youmu nodded. “Well, that’s because of their official story, I think.”

>Youmu tilted her head. “Official story?”

>“Yeah.” Akyuu nodded, picking up the book and starting to flip through the pages. “Because they originally used the Spring Snow Incident as justification for the nuclear plant. But building that big reactor must have taken longer… so they probably were planning much earlier than that.”

>Youmu looked up at her. “...You sound pretty confident making that speculation.”

>The rabbit rapped her hands on the paper. “The Moriya’s arrival was one of the first events I was old enough to record as it happened. So documenting them became a bit of a special project of mine.”

now this whole debacle is probably because there's a disconnect going on with everyone's minds about Sanae, and not in a mythical way either. just simply 'why isn't Sanae here? well because the Moriya aren't supposed to be here yet.'

and as >>208703 and >208486 noted, when they notice that Sanae isn't here with the arrived Moriya, they assume that Sanae is sticking behind to stay in public school or wait for her powers to grow before coming in. but it appears that wasn't the case but because everyone that would be in the know is assuming that they don't know what is going on. so Akyuu IS telling all the info that she knows about the difference in the timeline, but she hasn't mentioned Sanae because she isn't due to be involved for a couple of years yet.

which granted, exposes a potential weakness in my write-in @ >>208672 . namely that any verification that Akyuu would give regarding Moriya's actions up to this point. wouldn't include Sanae. BUT Suwako's words of being hte last of the bloodline should be the clue to figure out what is going on.

there are a lot of Gods in Gensokyo beside the Moriya (including a couple of the Sages too.) and the Green Hair Matches Mima, and also the location, as Mima is supposed to be locked in Hakurei Shrine. and as a vengeful spirit she was human once. (and also she fancied at one point taking over as the Hakurei's enshrined Deity, but decided it would be boring.)

and she's a lot more malevolent feeling that Sanae could ever manage. (and that is before considering that Youmu would definitely recognize Sanae but didn't even have even the slightest bit of recognition.

a followup on my post of >>208672, but we were talking about Moriya being early before we even knew where Youmu was going to end up so you just happened to catch us primed to accept that they were there early (and thus that they were there even earlier than that, i.e. PC-98 as just an extension of that.) oh and did I say that it was the 2 following games after MoF? silly me, I meant 3 so yeah, we were expecting Shenanigans from those two.

well at least Suwako couldn't have blamed Keine for this because of the timing...

>since PC-98


...hey... the Strike intro/info hasn't appeared yet... huh

also speaking of Reinforcements... anyone want to bet that Kanako is also potentially on the way too?
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I mean, Sakuya wasn’t reincarnated either. Though to be fair, Sakuya’s always going to be a weird case in the matter due to her controlling the Timey-Wimey Bullcrap.

I would like to reiterate why I’m not selecting this option. We have tried this in all of the fights we’ve been in so far, and the only one that has worked is the one where we specifically a non-serious match that went to first strike. I am not banking on the high-risk aggressive strategy working a second time.
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[X] They both split her attention evenly.


Anyway, my reasoning. Youmu getting Suwako's attention is predictable. The selfless and brave birdbrain samurai putting herself between the rampaging goddess and her cowardly, cunning moon rabbit friend? Said rabbit taking potshots in the backline? Its predictable. Suwako is a crafty frogge.

The second option is foolish. Put Akyuu, who's never been in a real fight, on the frontline to get attention so Youmu can make one decisive blow, like what we already did during our duel before? Suwako has our measure in that regard. Its foolish, and predictable. Suwako is a froggy craftte.

The third option is best because we both overwhelm Suwako by taking her attention evenly, and it is also the one option I'm sure this froftte craggy WON'T be expecting. Akyuu has three instinct, she can handle herself in a fight! (When she's not trying to piss off a big angry toad so her crow friend can hang around in the back looking for an opening that'll probably be a feint anyway to punish repeating herself)

I also just want to see Akyuu kick ass! Come on, you know you want to see that!

Also, a funny thing. People are saying to load up the last timeline's Moriya, but I'm pretty sure there's been major fuckery with the Moriya's, even in Akyuu's memory somehow, because there has been absolutely no mention of Snae. Causing someone to hallucinate a life from a previous timeline that might not even be too different to their current life won't do "mental damage", I don't think. Instead, why don't we load up whatever rational, atheist, superstition debunking literature and arguments that Akyuu's taken in and blast Swakko with that? Remind her why she had to move to Gensokyo, abandoning the outside world. She surely must know some!

-(A) Akyuu preps her lunatic gun with quotes and arguments from prevalent outside world "atheist" philosophers - remind this fossil of what drove it from the outside world!
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Various responses here.

First off, shoutouts to >>208479. You really got me sweatin' that my big reveal would be spoiled just days before it went off.

oh, I was the posts starting from >>208502, btw. I'll sometimes play conscientious objector anon/devil's advocate to try and point out things people are missing, if it's something i feel is important. I won't let myself be the deciding vote in anything, though, and i usually lose these arguments as an anon, so...

Kutaka's description of the fight was very deliberately worded. Specifically, all the attacks mentioned came from Suwako, not Kanako.
We do know at least one thing Kanako was keeping secret from Suwako: Youmu herself.
As for how satori was keeping up with the conversation... that was just a narrative choice. she got the information from mind-reading some tengu.

Not gonna comment on any of the theories yet. There's more evidence that's gonna surface mid-fight, regardless, and i suspect by the time the fight's over y'all will have pieced it all together.
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[X] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
(X) Akyuu prep her lunatic gun with whatever memories of the original Moriya she has, Suwako doesn't want verification? TOO BAD!
(X) Try to ping Reisen so she can locate us faster

So I was sorta right about it potentially being about Sanae. Who's Rana though? Sanae's mother, or someone else?
Letting Youmu get in close while Akyuu does back support plays to their strengths; getting help wouldn't hurt too, Reisen could help them escape if they need to.
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well, looks like we're going twofor this arc! granted we missed out on some info as we were prioritizing Koishi's safety (I didn't go with Nitori and Takane as someone had pointed out that the humans would be the safer bet in regards to being recognized (and yeah, there wasn't that excuse with the second time around with Satori, Youki and Okuu... yeah.)

but, now Koishi is safe! so now we (and in a second when Akyuu puts those comments together Akyuu and Youmu) can focus on Sanae. first priority will be making sure she still has a place to come to and that Suwako doesn't get her and Kanako kicked out in her Mama bear rage. after that, widen the immaterial Children search... hopefully, hopefully we don't hear anything concrete during this fight that would make that second part pointless... =(
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While I do agree there is still a high chance it was Mima, I do want to point out that the person might have been outside the gap when it came down, and thus probably not in the hakurei shrine when the gap went up.

>"I’m sure they’ve seen the gap you were all in open up by now. I certainly did.”
If she was in the gap with them all, she would probably have said "the gap we were in" instead of "the gap you were in".

Another line that doesn't really work with Mima is
>“...I’m one of the two reasons Yukari decided to sequester you all away.” She looked up at the sky. “The other is responsible for our little light show here.”

I don't see how a sealed Mima is a reason to separate the shrine to Gensokyo. Mima staying sealed doesn't seem like priority to keep when most of Gensokyo is dying .I also don't see any signs that point to Mima having been unsealed and wandering outside the gap. With Sanae, I assume Yukari is talking about making sure they re/awaken as a reason they are hidden away. It's a stretch but it's the only thing I can think of

My personal theory is that the Hourai team sent Sanae back during the gap between coming up with the plan and the gapped shrine reappearing. Sanae is born as a youkai/god. However, without Akyuu or any easy ways to regain her memories, she probably only remembered her past life when it was too late to stop the apocalypse.

No Immaterial Child Incident would occur as no one except the Moriya's would know that Sanae's mom in the outside world had a miscarriage. With no other children going missing, Suwako would probably just assume it was a natural miscarriage. They go to Gensokyo early as they did in this timeline. Mountain of Faith apparently happened way earlier. The other incidents follow the normal timeline. Sanae is a youkai/god and probably doesn't alter anything

The reason Akyuu's memory seems wrong is because she only remembers the timeline after the first time travel attempt. Hourai team never mentioned Sanae because they forgot about the attempt. This Suwako learns about the Immaterial Child Incident when they arrive and realizes that Sanae is one of these children. Youmu's and Reimu's imperfect memory might be helping them sense something is off about the Moriya's.history.
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counterpoint to that is it seems that it was only the immidiate part of the shrine that was sealed away and not much of the greater grounds, otherwise it wouldn't have been the Fairies of Light that would have attacked the group, as the tree the fairies of light are in is right behind the shrine. so either the place that Mima was sealed could have been outside that part by happenstance, or purposefully been moved there by Yukari (or Yukari could have released Mima and had her stand guard.

furthermore we already know that Gods can burn too, if Sanae was made a full God, but could still burn, then why would she be one of the reasons that Yukari would sequester the IC at the Hakurei?

>Nothing the flame likes to feed on like despair and the living, though.”

the living so what if you were already dead? like a vengeful spirit? one that has a strong interest and tie with the Hakurei shrine (and if it was Sanae, would Yukari have them bunker at Moriya? that would be a stronger tie to Sanae.)

a lot of PC-98 stuff has been used to explain things that have happened in this Story, why wouldn't Mima be a prime candidate to be used?
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i really think it's suwako's entire bloodline, not just sanae, though.

> "First,” she spat. “And last of her line."

if sanae was the only one missing, then suwako wouldn't be the last of her line because there's still the rest of sanae's family. parents, grandparents, cousins, whatever distant relatives might occur from having a bloodline thousands of years old, etc. the chances of all of them dying coincidentally before the moriyas came to gensokyo is pretty low, and the chances of everyone reincarnating is pretty much impossible. accidentally wiping out an entire bloodline due to time travel fuckery? very much possible.

maybe i'm tidepissing in terms of theories, but i pretty firmly believe that sanae isn't another immaterial child. i think suwako is the one with some memories of the future like we've theorized with aunn.
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if Sanae had any family in the origional timeline, why did they not come over then? with all the magic fading from the outside world, her bloodline (especially the main line.) could have easily nearly died out. Its not altogether that unusual really when look across history, especially considering Japan which has had wars tear across it multiple times, including within a century.
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Your reasoning is actually really sound, I can get behind that. I'll recast my vote
[UNDO] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
[X] They both split her attention evenly.
I'll throw my two cents in one of the write ins
[X] Try to ping Reisen so she can locate us faster
Not casting the ballot on the memory add on. Just a gut feeling it'll go horribly somehow.
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Counting to >>208717:
Main Choice:
[19] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
[5] Akyuu gets her attention, while Youmu looks for a chance to strike hard.
[3] They both split her attention evenly.

Potential Additions:
Note that variants of similar additions are shown below the original addition (Testing...).
-{6} Akyuu prep her lunatic gun with whatever memories of the original Moriya she has, Suwako doesn't want verification? TOO BAD! (>>208672, >>208677, >>208678, >>208691, >>208695, >>208717)
--{1} Akyuu prep her lunatic gun with whatever memories of the original Moriya she has, especially of Sanae. (>>208679)
--{1} Akyuu preps her lunatic gun with quotes and arguments from prevalent outside world "atheist" philosophers - remind this fossil of what drove it from the outside world! (>>208715)
-{3} Try to ping Reisen so she can locate us faster. (>>208691, >>208695, >>208717)
-{A} Suffer an inconveniently-timed bout of existential dread at the greater implications of the plan to meddle with the fabric of reality. (1; >>208709)
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I can see Mima being sealed outside the gap. But I doubt she could have learnt about the backup time travel plan between her being unsealed and talking to Youmu.

>Yukari could have released Mima and had her stand guard
The whole point of the gap is that it was impossible to get in. The fairies only got in after Yukari died and the gap opened. Guarding the outside would only lead to Mima having to avoid catching fire for a week with zero gain.

I think the reasons Yukari sequestered the shrine are
1. Keep the Hakurei Shrine and the hakurei shrine maiden away from the black flames, to try and preserve Gensokyo.
2.To keep some humans alive for re/awakening. in case they fail to stop the black flames.
When Sanae says she's one of the two reasons, she is referring to one of the reasons being for re/awakening. I told you its a stretch.

While the black flame is better against the living and despairing, I doubt that means that the dead are immune. If that was the case Yuyuko could probably take care of the whole incident.

While I'm sure Mima will appear at some point in the story, I feel like she will appear in a Reimu or a Marisa arc. Youmu has no connection to Mima, and if the last flashback doesn't explain anything about what happened to Sanae, I don't think we have a way to stop the fight with Suwako

Of course, this is all assuming the true answer isn't that Sanae reincarnated into becoming Mima
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>>208723 here
Additional question for the anons here: Can someone catch me up on the whole Sanae theory? I've haven't been keeping up with it, so could someone clue me in?
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yeah, looking at it I agree

>>208672 here

[UNDO] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.

[X] They both split her attention evenly.

still keeping the write-in, though might change it to the one that specifically mentions Sanae...
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except Mima specifically says that the Fires go for the living, a ghost/vengeful spirit? seems like it isn't focussed on

and why wouldn't she have time to learn about it? if Yukari unsealed her to be backup/ guard for those at the shrine and there's a week between why wouldn't she be told?

and what implication was there that Mima in the flashback was connected to Youmu? nothing indicated that she was. she appeared at the Hakurei Shrine, Youmu doesn't recognize her and Mima focused on Reimu.


>Always gave me the impression of being defiant to the end. Nothing the flame likes to feed on like despair and the living, though.”

when has Reimu ever shown needing to be 'defiant to the end' around Sanae? around Mima in TH1-3? that sounds closer.


there's a couple,

- Sanae is another Immaterial Child, but one that the 5 don't know about because the Moriya Goddesses (either with or without Yukari's help) did it while the Hakurei Shrine was sealed away. because of this Moriya go active in Gensokyo early (though Akyuu is pretty sure that they were in fact in Gensokyo around this time in the first timeline as it was her first real opportunity as the Child of Maire to record things to she studied what happened closely.) because of this earliness, it slips under their notice that Sanae isn't showing up, Reimu and Youmu kinda catch that something is up, but are not sure what because it could've been just explained as her sticking around the outside world until there is an oppertunity for Moriya to make it big.

- the other theories seems to revolve around somehow several timelines happening where Sanae gets sent back, but fails to prevent the disaster, and is put over the Hakurei Shrine to protect the 5 after it reemerges? despite still being as vulnerable to fire by "her" own admission.

(though if multiple timelines shinanagins via RE/incarnation probably aren't a worry, as then this would be the third one, as the Maribel -> Yukari one would be the transition from the first timeline to the at least second.
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likely because the only one who truly believed in them was sanae. magic and faith are dying in the outside world, so it's possible that the rest of her family doesn't believe in their ancestral goddesses. and since sanae was the one who believed in them the most and was a living god, she came along with them to gensokyo.

don't really see any evidence for the "sanae is a secret immaterial child" theory besides the fact that she's missing. if there's something i didn't see, can someone please tell me?
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>>208729 one of the latest shorts (with Eirien and Eiki involved.) theoriezes that Yukari Knew about Re/Incarnation. and she was gone for a week before being mortally wounded. so there might be Multiple other people that were given that info in an attempt to get *anyone* through back to the past and Sanae with her abilities of Miracles might have found a successful way without Keine.

and its pretty clear that Suwako buys the theory herself. upon learning about one of the Immaterial Children being within reach she gets in a fight (or rather from the sounds of it, launches a one sided burst of Rage.) with Kanako, and beelines it to Youmu... and what set her off in the coversation just before Youmu and Koishi left was talking about the five of them meeting up which convinces Suwako that the one that would keep the memories of the past is lying, because there HAS to be a sixth that Akyuu is covering up for some reason.
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The specific quote is
>>"Nothing the flame likes to feed on like despair and the living, though."
This suggests that the black flame is more dangerous to living beings and those in despair. This doesn't mean that the flames can't consume the dead or those not in despair. They have might have resistance to the flame, but they don't have an immunity.

Mima as a guard on the outside of the gap is pointless as nothing can get in the gap until Yukari is killed. Mima as a guard on the inside of the gap could be useful. However, she said she was in the outside of the gap. If she was inside, then no noticed she was there and she utterly failed as a guard. Akyuu and Kosuzu both got killed by enemies, That her job was to supposedly stop.

Heres all the evidence I have for immaterial Sanae

Akyuu's memory isn't correct
>“I- as far as I can recall, nothing happened all that differently. You came to Gensokyo at the same time, and the incident resolvers went up around that time. Shortly after, you started work on the nuclear reactor, publicized it this coming winter, and finished it less than a year after the Sixty Years incident. Then-”
> “...After that was the Lotus Rampant Incident… As in Kazami Yuuka. That one went… very, very wrong.”
>"That was about the time the Moriya came in, probably to use the incident for faith-gathering.
According to Akyuu, Mountain Of Faith,Th10(The Incident Resolvers going up youkai mountain) happened near Lotus Land Story,Th4. One of the few ways this could is if history is changed, like a if an immaterial child was sent before the main 5

Akyuu and Youmu haven't said anything about Sanae

Suwako being insistent on learning about the past Moriya's, and being insistent that Akyuu is lying.

The green haired lady in the last flashback is either Mima or Sanae.

None of the other theories really explain Akyuu perfect memory suddenly failing.
Every culprit who could alter Akyuu's memories don't have any reason to hide Sanae's existence.

Sanae is also one of the character's least likely to be butterflied to death, as she was born in the outside world, with no way to be affected by Gensokyo until she comes over. I also don't think any of our current species choices could have changed anything outside.

So if she isn't dead, and isn't being hidden from Suwako, there aren't many other options.
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well, rereading the relevant post, not as a guard, but either way they weren't in the Hakurei Shrine when it was gapped.

>I’m sure they’ve seen the gap you were all in open up by now. I certainly did.”

so whomever it is had to have some sort of advantage to last the full week outside of a barrier of anysort, the Hourai's are in some limbo between life and death, on top of having some sort of shielding/barrier/something or other making that lightshow (and note that even then, its only the immortals, Tewi, Reisen and the rabbits are gone). so what would our green haired person have? if the many gods of Gensokyo can't, what's one more?, the amount of named vengeful spirits that have straight up power to make a fight of it if anything turns their attention to them later is far smaller.
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Seems like there's some confusion around... let's call her Greenie's identity

Perhaps you'd be advantaged by taking your theories for a walk throughout the arc? work with your theory as fact and see if anything else strange pops out.

There's another mystery nobody's even gotten close to yet, and if you really, really squint, an answer to that mystery too, within this arc. (The second mystery has a teeny-tiny bit of conflicting information in an earlier arc, where it wasn't quite settled yet.)
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I vote vore
Gotta keep goober on his toes
[X] They both split her attention evenly.
I'll throw my two cents in one of the write ins
[X] Try to ping Reisen so she can locate us faster
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Hold the phone… idea.

-{X} Have Koishi help keep attention away from Akyuu.

I mean… she’s literally right there. I’m not sure why no one has thought to have her help in this fight.
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uhhhhh. i don't think she's there.

> “Koishi locked right on to your psychic screaming, and sent me over immediately.”

"sent me over" implies she isn't there and it's just youmu right now because of her speed. maybe she'll catch up and join the fight later, but for now, i don't think she'll be able to fight.
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Screenshot 2024-06-01 221950
[18] Youmu gets her attention, while Akyuu stays back as support.
[5] Akyuu gets her attention, while Youmu looks for a chance to strike.
[5] They both split her attention evenly.

Youmu leapt forward, blades at the ready. Kuroihane and Shiroihane each caught one of the goddess’ rings, redirecting them away from her core.

She heard Akyuu leap back, taking cover and firing off a few potshots. They struck the goddess in the head, seemingly producing little immediate effect. Fortunately, Akyuu seemed to realize that quickly, and started focusing on something else.

That left Youmu to keep the god off her until whatever it was went off. Youmu pressed in, doing her best to keep the god back. She’d soon earned Suwako’s full attention, narrowly dodging her flying rings.

The goddess was far more vicious than she had been in their initial bout. Where she had previously been fine to graze or scratch the hell-raven, now it seemed her intentions started at ‘maim’ and worked their way up. Youmu quietly thanked her lucky stars that Akyuu had seen fit to step back - she’d have surely cracked under the god’s pressure, and worried Youmu to no end. .

Youmu managed a short slash at the goddess’ side, drawing out a wince from her. The goddess moved to retaliate, but she lurched to avoid a sudden kick from Youmu - an entirely illusory kick, crafted by Akyuu, that the real one exploited to cut at Suwako’s tendon. The goddess flailed for balance, and Youmu managed to catch her two swords within one of the goddess’ rings, and wrench it from her grasp.

She flicked it away, leaving the god even more off-balance. While Suwako was stumbling, Youmu felt something graze past her hair, and into the goddess’ chest. The earth master’s eyes glazed over, and she looked around, confused.

Youmu took a half step back. “Akyuu-?”

“It was me! She’s seeing an entirely different place right now.” The rabbit lifted her gun. Youmu turned, giving her a nod.

Then she had to duck, to dodge a thrown boulder. It shattered against one of the trees in the clearing, but aside from dislodging the rabbit perched atop it, the tree itself stood fine. The goddess seemed to be lashing out viciously at anything near her.

Youmu hopped back. Looking down, she noted the fragments of the ring she’d disarmed from Suwako, crushed under another boulder. She helped Akyuu up, her heart pounding.

“We-we need to calm her down. If you have any idea on what’s going on, I’d like to hear it.”

The rabbit nodded quickly. “This- this rage, it definitely has to do with the Kochiya clan.” She closed her eyes, focusing. Youmu kept her eyes on the frog goddess, who was erratically hopping around the battlefield. Attacking anything unfortunate enough to get close to her.

“The Kochiya clan’s lineage can be traced all the way back to Suwako herself. They were her human descendants, and they’ve served as the Moriya Shrine’s clergy for all those generations as well.” Purple light seemed to be forming, in small crystals around the moon rabbit. “But their numbers dwindled, and particularly after a war in the outside world-”

Youmu’s eyes saw a flicker of movement. The ring still in Suwako’s hand suddenly sprouted spines all along its back, with dazzlingly sharp points. “Get down!” She grabbed the rabbit, pulling her to the floor, and narrowly dodging the whirling saw as it cleaved clean through a tree.

They both felt a sudden shudder through the ground. Adrenaline kicked in, and rabbit feet and hell-raven wings pushed them forward, avoiding the toppling trunk that had been severed of its roots. Youmu glared at her companion. “Is now really the time for a history lesson?!”

The rabbit nodded, her eyes flicking between glowing crystals around her as they dissipated. “Earth it! I-If I can get the time to focus on it, yeah! S-seems to be the only way I can use that power right now.” Youmu blinked, but nodded. If Akyuu had a plan, she could probably trust it. Even if it was somewhat strange.

She turned to face her opponent. Suwako had regathered her senses, and was pulling her saw-ring out of the central rock it had been embedded into. The hand Akyuu had disarmed had been encased in a hammer-like bludgeon of stone as a replacement, that the goddess wielded with terrifying ease. A single thump from the cudgel broke the rock around her other weapon, freeing it from the boulder. She glared daggers at the two of them, pulling her two weapons to the ready.

The two youkai shared a glance, splitting up. Akyuu needed cover, and Youmu needed to protect her.

[ ] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
[ ] Breaking the hammer-arm was most important.

{ } Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.
{ } Hide behind the central boulder.

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Looks like I was wrong about the first option being poor, that worked out fantastic! All that instinct Akyuu's accumulated really shining.

[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.

Unless there's something I'm missing, these choices seem to be the only logical path. I can't see any way for us to break the hammer arm at all, neither Youmu nor Akyuu, and hiding behind a giant BOULDER while fighting an EARTH god? Seems very jenny-say-kwah.
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.

It makes the most amount of sense.
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.

hmmm yes today I think I will try to break the rock created by the earth goddess with my perfectly normal non-magical swords while my friend hides behind a boulder that the earth goddess can manipulate. this is the best plan ever.
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I mean Youmu did just cut through rock and earth to get to Akyuu on time... I think so anyways, it sounded like her and Koishi's destination was underground.

Will vote in a bit.
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.

I'm gonna go ahead and agree with the others here. The other options just kinda sound like A Bad Idea. 😆
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TBF, on a reread Youmu's cut through Suwako's stone (she did it to free Akyuu from the Hand) and Suwako's done some woodbending as well (to create the walls of the arena).

Still think this is a good combination, though.
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.
Yeah the other options are pretty bad for us. Don't think Youmu can cut through a giant piece of sentient stone and the boulder is self explanatory
Also >>208742
Koishi and Youmu were dropped off at the enterance to the cave leading into Former Hell, not in it. so no, Youmu did not have to cut through rock and stone to get to Akyuu. Could find where it says that, too lazy to
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File 171724948091.jpg - (208.82KB, 850x886, __moriya_suwako_and_kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_m.jpg)
Oh whoops, didn't mark it down yet:
Y: 0/3 S: 1/3
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this is a 4 possibility choice again, isn't it? 1/4 chance we give her a strike and come out unscathed, 1/2 we trade blows, and the other 1/4 we get the strike and she's fine. we have the advantage, but we still shouldn't take any chances.

anyways, ya'll, suwako can control the trees as well.

> “I am… Suwako Moriya. God of the Mountain Incarnate. Master of the Mishaguji. The Pinnacle of the Native Gods. Gardener of the Forests. Sculptor of the Lakes. The fire of the earth in human form.”

it's part of her moveset in hisoutensoku, although she could only summon more trees from the ground there. actually controlling them like she could the earth... maybe not. it's a better choice than the boulder, though.

[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.

either cover protects against one weapon- we've seen the saw cleave straight through a tree, but it got stuck in a rock. trees are pretty hard to break through blunt force unless it's one fucking hell of a hammer, but broke through the rock pretty easily. i think the choices that won't lead to a total loss for us are either saw/trees or hammer-arm/boulder, one of which might lead to a safe strike and the other exchanging blows.
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>>208744 Adding to your post; reading back, Suwako does have control over plants. She was able to manipulate the flowers when Youmu talked to her before entering the human village. However, her control over earth is much stronger, I'll guess.

Other anons have also pointed that Youmu can cut through stone, so destroying the hammer arm isn't as impossible as I thought. However, I'm still sticking with deflecting the ring, because the hammer arm is just an easily replaced improvised weapon on Suwako's part - She'd rather fight with her rings. Disarm her of both and we'll be laughing unless Moriya's been taking some lessons from Jetstream Sam...
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.
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Oh, cool. I was wondering if this was a boss or not. Looks like we're winning so far... No starting strike for us, either, which means we handled Koishi well enough for her to be okay.
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.

Yeah, let's not hide behind the rock against an Earth Goddess, seems like a poor idea.
Last one was a misclick, fuck. Captcha didn't show up.
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.

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hmmm, unsure in the vote here, there hasn't been any indication for sure about this which is why I don't lean against it, but if Suwako can do anything with the forests like one of her titles then going into the forests would mean we'd have to deal with attacks from multiple directions. But as I said she hasn't done anything with the trees other than buzzsaw them sooo

[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.

and yeah, Akyuu should have thought of Sanae since she knows of the Kochiyas... but... doesn't. Though It sounds like she will be able to if we get Akyuu to activate the Re/Incarnation which might be able to reveal her existence via Hieda noAkyuu

but then why? I still don't buy the Sanae is the one that approached Youmu as a full Goddess or something at the end... and maybe putting the theory that Sanae is another Immaterial Children is maybe not the most accurate way to put the idea. since if they... well definitely did something. but they didn't have access to Kiene, so it wouldn't be via the Immaterial Children Route of reincarnating as a Youkai, so...

- she might be popping back in fully alive on some sort of trigger?

- she might've been picked up by Yukari and is somehow the spirit that was put into Aunn somehow in the past by whatever she did by making the Hallow in Aunn statue just before suicide?

-an option that someone else stated somewhere... she didn't come back... but Kiene doesn't know that who goes into the real world and eats Sanae's history trying to fix Kiene's 'mistake'... and since its Heida no Akyuu's whose memory is immune to Kiene's manipulation, and not Inaba no Akyuu's, Akyuu can't remember but if we get Akyuu to do so via Re/In activation then she will.

so we need to keep Suwako from interrupting that. and the Saw was the method that interrupted it this last time.

As a quick last note: anyone have an idea of what our second mystery is?
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>>208756 continuing this with some additional thoughts

there are probably a couple of variations to my last thought (which I think is what's going on, particularly regarding Keine and why Akyuu can't remember.) Sanae could actually still have manifested something thanks to some method/miracle to get her back to the past... but that is exactly what caught Keine's attention, searching for some answer to what she had done to the 5 families, and trying to find them, appearently in the outside world, comes across an infant Sanae that manifests something indicating that something was brought back from the future. and... well Suwako think Kanako was hiding from her... so Keine runs into Kanako during this discovery and panics, either ending up or being 'forced into' eating Sanae's history to get away and get answers, leading to this situation...

alternatively since it was both Youmu and Reimu that had something feel off. maybe Sanae ended up as a Lunarian, the Lunarians finding something do their own thing of possibly erasing her existence from records... particularly from Akyuu via the signal.

and looking back, we missed out on a chance for Okuu and gramps to interact... and he was sad about it... nuts =( got caught up with wanting a followup to the Kotohime funniness
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I doubt that the Re/Awakening of akyuu won't solve the fight at all, since no one mentions sanae somehow it's possible that something or someone has affected the memory of the protagonists.

“you need to have your past and current lives being super-heavily juxtaposed.”

the win in this fight is to have Youmu activate his Re/Awakening partially so he should have someone fight at the same time or in sync and not as a support for Youmu to remember how it felt to be with Myon obviously the answer would be okuu bringing the hakurouken but until he gets there he should do it with Akyuu somehow I think that's why suwako won a point in the fight.

I say this because several times already there has been the option to fight or use spellcard together with someone else.

this is from the first chapter of the reimu arc.

Kosuzu clustered close to the others. How many people are left?
Keine gave a weak smile. “Four people, I believe, not counting myself. And I probably shouldn’t count."

if keine does not count herself and there was only kaguya, mokou and eirin then it is very likely that the fourth person is Sanae due to the descriptions in youmu's flashback.

The spectral light cloaked a strange figure, hovering in the sky. Long, green hair framed a face Youmu couldn’t quite see, except for eyes like glowing emeralds... ...with a more mature figure. But more overpowering was her presence - the world around her almost seemed to fade out, irrelevant compared to her imposition upon reality.

maybe sanae was in her re/awaken form but stronger in some way or a prototype that's why youmu couldn't recognize her apart from that there are also many similarities as eiki and akyuu described being in that state.
now if she is an immaterial child the only thing i can think of is that keine didn't have much energy left to send another person safely and it had side effects.

sorry for the long text but this this has been on my mind since yesterday hahah
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Suwako got a strike, not a point. Youmu and Akyuu are ahead in this fight, not Suwako.
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>>208762 Thanks! I was confused about the scoring system
>>208758 I forgot to vote

[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing
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Well... so we need to buy time for Akyuu. I think we saw that one coming.
Maybe there's no way to hide from Suwako as long as they're touching the ground but yeah, the boulder seems like a bad idea. And trying to break her arm maybe ends up with a broken sword so let's not risk it, at least until we have to.

[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing
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Kosu, you need to make like a tree and leaf right now
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing

I feel like these are pretty sensible options. The rock fist is just an improvised weapon, so no point in destroying it if she pulls another one out, and being sliced up by a saw doesn't sound fun. Trees should make for decent cover.
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Don't try to contain my puns, I will only get boulder with them.
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I will do my best to keep this thread grounded
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[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.

I think our first choice here determines the outcome of the second. Saw beats trees, hammer beats boulder.
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File 171729896251.png - (1.92MB, 1897x2110, ReisenBreakingFight.png)
>> There was a resounding clap, amplified from merely sharp and piercing to outright deafening. Both girls held their ears, flinching, and looked at their third compatriot.

>> Who blasted them both, full throttle, with the Lunatic Eyes.

>> “Alright that’s enough, both of you.” Reisen’s voice was sharp and firm, and the glow of her eyes dominated the two girl’s vision. Youmu started to object, but her voice didn’t come out - the elder rabbit’s glare was utterly impenetrable. “If you two want to end this with a danmaku fight, or pulling each other’s hair? That’s fine by me. But we’ve got a young girl out there who’s about to make an irrevocable mistake, and you’re both more focused on blaming the other than fixing it! So if either of you give a damn about not letting that happen, you will both shut up and look for her!”

Please have a disappointed bnuuy.
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just out of curiosity, who was the other final boss supposed to be? i'm guessing one of the tengu, but who, exactly?
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File 171729947593.jpg - (125.78KB, 850x637, __kazami_yuuka_kamishirasawa_keine_and_ex_keine_to.jpg)
Just clarifying a few things about time travel rules here:

Once the timeline has been changed, that's it, the old timeline functionally ceases to exist. There's no persisting in the doomed world you have created to drop someone else off later.

also, inresponse to >>208660 here, in-universe nobody's in a 'quantum' state. Kosuzu and Marisa's reincarnations are already set in-universe, we just don't know what those reincarnations are.

>Though speaking of the others, considering the current plan we had going into the arc is for Marisa to be last, do we think the "Marisa" people have spotted is actually her or what does everyone think is going on with that?
...and just becasuse it's funny to answer this and the previous question at the same time, let's say... there's a 1 in 3 chance it's Marisa.
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Counting to >>208769:
Main Choice #1:
[16] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
[0] Breaking the hammer-arm was most important.

Main Choice #2:
{16} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.
{0} Hide behind the central boulder.

Suwako is probably not the final boss, right? (Could be wrong, but...)

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considering we're on the strike system, i highly doubt that she isn't
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File 171730356680.jpg - (64.19KB, 720x720, PC98Yuuka.jpg)
Well, I looked back through the past few pages, but really the only new thing I got was that Gooboi likes to post Yuuka Kazami. Too bad she's got short hair and green eyes, else I would have said that she might be the person that Youmu saw- wait a minute.

Alright, quick theory before I head to church: it's Yuuka- her appearance fits, she's strong, she's got the aura for that Youmu mentions and she's fought Reimu before. The main difficulty is that she's noted to be a nature spirit. But it's possible she became a nature spirit from being human initially, like how Kanako went from human to divine spirit. Her and/or Junko, I think. What are you guys thoughts? She calls herself a person before Reimu corrects her as a Youkai, too. What do you guys think?
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Problem is that most (other than your picture there it seems.) depict Yuuka with Red eyes, meanwhile the one that met Youmu specifically was described with eyes of "glowing emeralds".

Granted unlike Sanae, Yuuka definitely could claim to have seen Reimu desperate enough to give an "impression of being defiant to the end" and she also has the height to be definitely a head taller than Youmu which... well there's no definitive height chart beyond TH6&7 characters, but I'm pretty sure that Sanae is about the same height as Youmu, or at least not too far off.

though the height and record against Reimu also apply to the other PC-98 greenie boss Mima.
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Youmu was one of the playable characters in Phantasmagoria of Flower View, so if it was Yuuka then Youmu should have recognized her.

[X] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
{X} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.

Suwako may be able to control plants, but Youmu is a professional gardener. Youmu knows how to deal with uncooperative foliage.
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File 171730618677.jpg - (224.09KB, 1000x750, ae1cfd73cd0296b3341c644f74a4375ba7119cbca8a7e6ae7d.jpg)
In earlier threads, Gooboi was posting Mayumi during Reimu's arc and Kyouko during Akyuu's arc, but neither of those characters really had anything to do with the plots at hand. Yeah, Mayumi is a badass haniwa in Animal Hell that fights the animal yakuza gangs like the one Reimu found herself reborn into, but she hasn't appeared in this story (based on a quick skim with CTRL+F)

Also someone previously made a prediction along the same line as yours:
>Also, the shikigami is clearly Kyouko as you've been using Kyouko fan art to subtly provide us the answer. I'll give this guess a 99% chance of being true.
>>206530 (Gooboi)
>Nah, the Kyouko's are here for Akyuu's arc because I'd run out of Mayooms if I kept them up from Reimu's arc.

So yeah, I'm going with it's a coincidence and Gooboi is just in a U.S.C. mood.
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Mayumi actually appears for exactly one scene... though not assembled yet at the time @ >>205781

but yeah, the post art doesn't have any bearing other than being a mascot of the arc.

something I noted while taking a glance aat Suwako appearences to double check if being near trees would be a problem. (doesn't appear to, noted difference in skill in manipulating plants compared to earth... I still feel like it being too obvious a choice here and a trap... but not enough to change my vote.) anyways sidetracked there... Asakura is still on Youkai mountain looking for the Immaterial Children, but might be an issue for later Arcs. or could've been involved if we went the Village escape route.


you never know, Suwako might be the mid-boss here... despite being an Extra stage boss...
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>Once the timeline has been changed, that's it, the old timeline functionally ceases to exist.
This excludes the theory that there are six immaterial children because Sanae can't be dropped earlier than the main five. So my conclusion is that the timeline has been changed once before the previous one. Hence the moriyas dropping earlier than usual and Akyuu's memory being "different". In the first reset, Sanae was the one who was sent to fix the timeline, but she ultimate failed and the end happened anyway. This also makes it possible that the greeny girl might be Sanae, since after the first reset our protagonists can not recognize her.
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Note that in the post where he comments on greenie's identity (>>208734), his pic included a yuuka kazami with red eyes. Which feels pretty deliberate.

In this, he also hinted that there's 'another mystery'. Presumably that means that if we take the right theory, and look through the arc with that theory, something ELSE will pop up as probably hinting at that... and at some other question

Greenie being taller and more 'mature' than youmu isn't much against snae theory, because Youmu's normally depicted as being on the shorter side of the playable 2hus (canonically she's 'fairly short', with Sanae usually being depicted as the tallest and bustiest pc aside from maybe reisen). and if she was re/awakening, they normally age up anyways. The flashback also didn't describe anything about greenie's clothes, and her face was hidden beyond having green eyes - it could very well be youmu would recognise her, she just didn't see her face clearly enough to.
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File 171731714892.jpg - (83.60KB, 850x964, __konpaku_youmu_and_konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_.jpg)
[17] Deflecting the saw was the top priority.
[ ] Breaking the hammer-arm was most important.

{17} Take cover behind the trees in the clearing.
{ } Hide behind the central boulder.

Akyuu fell back once again, summoning brief duplicates of herself to scatter behind various pieces of cover. The hell raven surged forward, trying to take up the goddess’ attention once again.

The hammer arm swung close, forcing Youmu to flap back. The edge of Kuroihane managed to catch Suwako in her arm, drawing a wince from the goddess.

Youmu backed up a few steps further, and took to the air, partially taking cover behind a tree. Readying her saw-ring, Suwako threw it at Youmu, cutting the tree for cover in half. Youmu pulled her legs up, and stuck her swords through the ring as it passed, diving down. Though the force of it rattled her teeth, and pulled her along with it, she managed to drag the blade to the ground.

She felt a shadow pass over her, and dived forward, blades in hand. She felt the shock of Suwako’s impact go through her teeth, and heard the sound of breaking metal - mercifully, her blades were fine. …That was two of her own weapons Suwako had broken, now. Thinking straight had clearly long stopped being an option.

The goddess drew another hammer-arm from the earth, swinging wildly at Youmu. The gardener had to keep stepping back, narrowly dodging each deadly swing.

When the hell-raven felt her wings hit the trunk of a tree, Suwako grinned viciously, drawing her arm back into a punch. Youmu rolled out of the way, and heard the splintering of wood. She turned around, to see the tree’s trunk splintered, and badly bent.

But not broken. The tree held, and as Suwako pulled her arm back, Akyuu emerged from behind the tree, blasting her with another illusory shot.

The rabbit ran over to Youmu, helping the hell-raven to her feet. “Next time, don’t back up into my cover, bird-brain!”

The two of them felt heat growing beneath their feet, and took to the air, as the ground burst into jets of fire. Suwako was now just lashing out, making the earth broil until she could see again.

Youmu turned to Akyuu. “You gonna do that crystal thing again?”

The rabbit nodded, closing her eyes. “R-right. So, the Kochiya family. They’re descended from Moriya herself, and their numbers have been dwindling.”

Youmu watched, as the crystals began to form around Akyuu once again. “And, of course, the outside world began to move away from faith and the gods. So the Moriya Shrine, and its clan, began to prepare for moving to Gensokyo.”

The hell-raven cocked her head. “I… don’t have any memories of the Kochiya clan, I think.”

Akyuu shook her head slowly, as a crystalline flower began to bloom on her head. “You wouldn’t - they never actually made it to Gensokyo. The very last of them was a woman named Kochiya Rana-”

Youmu’s head snapped up. “Are you sure about that?” The rabbit’s focus was broken, as the crystals dissipated again. She glared at Youmu, causing the other to stutter. “S-sorry, it’s just, something felt wrong about that.”

“Well the last thing I need right now is you second-guessing my memories as I’m trying to describe-” The rabbit’s eyes went wide, and her feet thudded into Youmu’s chest, pushing the two of them apart. A flaming boulder passed between them, singing Youmu’s feathers.

Youmu turned to look. The goddess’s face was a picture of rage, as the earth churned around her. Flaming, serpentine figures burst from the soil, starting to form more rings. “Oh, come on! I thought we were making progress with that…” The hell raven groaned, readying her swords again.

And then… she stopped. The way the rings were orbiting Suwako… something about it felt familiar. Was this the attack she’d been using at the end of their last duel? Youmu hadn’t seen it play out to it’s end this time, but now the goddess was giving her another chance to play it out.

If she let it. The hell raven saw Akyuu charging up a third shot, even bigger than before. This battle could rapidly be reaching it's conclusion.

[ ] Divebomb it again.
[ ] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.
[ ] Defend the rabbit!

Y: 0/3 S: 2/3
(The two winning options here were the ones that paired up - defending the trees from the saw, and defending the boulder from the hammer)
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Something's wrong...
>>You wouldn’t - they never actually made it to Gensokyo. The very last of them was a woman named Kochiya Rana-

Surely they would've heard about the Green Reimu meme, no? :3
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By the way, nice detail "Rana" meaning frog in spanish.

Last time Youmu got hit by a goddess that was probably trying to hold back when she realized what Youmu was doing. This time, I'm guessing she might not be so considerate.

From thread 9, Youmu vs. Suwako:
>> She saw Suwako emerge, starting to summon a storm of her iron rings. They began to orbit her, faster and faster. Youmu could already tell that getting out of whatever was coming unscathed would be near impossible.

From last thread:
>> Kutaka looked surprised. "Oh, then you might have missed the big fight the Moriya Goddesses had, super late. I’m surprised anyone on the mountain got any sleep. First there was all the yelling, then the ground started trembling… then there was those big iron rings… by the end of it, I half-worried they’d wake up the old volcano.”

Assuming it's the same attack:
- Divebombing might disrupt Suwako at the cost of Youmu being struck.
- Trying to draw it from Akyuu might not even be feasible. Plus the emphasis on trying.
- Defending Akyuu in my opinion is the worst of both worlds, since we might get them both pummeled for nothing, or at the very least Youmu will be hit.

I feel that divebombing it is not the absolute worst choice here. It's the only option I see actually getting a strike on Suwako. At best we end the fight here and now (with or without a strike on our side, it doesn't matter by that point). At worst we still have 2 strikes left.
Of course Suwako already saw the move but she might be too blinded by rage to actually notice or care at all.

[X] Divebomb it again.
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I have a different thought process here. I’m not banking on divebombing working in the slightest, both because playing aggressively has bitten us in the butt multiple times at this point, and because even angered, I doubt Suwako isn’t gonna see it coming after we pulled the trick last time.

I do agree playing defend the bunny isn’t the right call, however not for the same reasons. The main draw of that option for me is that we’re going to be much closer to Akyuu when she tells the Kochiya’s story. However, I’m starting to think listening to it isn’t going to give us the ending we want at this stage. This is Youmu’s story after all, so I feel we need to get her alone with Suwako in order to awaken that last memory of hers. And if Option C doesn’t allow that, and Option A has such a high chance of backfiring, the only real choice is Option B.

[X] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.

Is this a stupid idea with a quite high chance of backfiring in its own right. Yes, it absolutely is. However, I get the feeling that’s the best option and I’m sticking with it.
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So for the options I think our main priority is trying to avoid Akyuu getting hit while also keeping Youmu semi-available, since we've been making progress when Youmu notices the contradiction between Akyuu's memory and the existance of the true last Kochiya, Sanae.

Given that target, I feel the only option that has 0 chance of keeping Akyuu and Youmu open is to distract. From the remaining, I am willing to gamble more on Defend, since Suwako will almost certainly assume that Divebomb is coming since its what we did last time.

[X] Defend the rabbit!

Now, as for the meat of the narrative contradiction.

So, we now know that according to Akyuu's perfect memory, the Kochiya's never made it to Sanae in the last timeline (which we probably already knew given Suwako mourning Rana the last time they got mentioned), so we probably can eliminate the Keine did it modern day theory. It also gets me to be highly confident that Greenie is likely intended to be Sanae, though it then adds to why she cannot be remembered by Akyuu.

I think our options are as follows.

1. Greenie/Sanae is from the first attempt to implement the immaterial children plan. This prevents Akyuu from knowing of her existence (as Rana dies outside the barrier regardless). The weakness of this theory, to be honest, is that I don't think there would be two separate instances of Immaterial Children, since the first instinct would likely to be to kitchen sink the approach and throw all the incident resolvers they could get away with at the problem.

2. Greenie/Sanae, for whatever reason, got herself removed from history to participate with Ichi/Go and try to fix the problem from the outside. While this gave her resistance from the black flames, it removed her from history immediately, thus preventing Akyuu from remembering her in her chronicle. This assumes that thats what happened to the missing characters from PC-98 that appear to be Ichi/Go, but bypasses the need for two timetravel incidents. It also means that we get a presumed codename, "San" that would match that naming scheme.

In either case, I suspect the "reason" that Youmu spots the contradiction is because she met Sanae at the very end of the previous timeline, while Akyuu was dead at the time. Sanae, airhead that she is, chose to forgo hiding her identity because she assumed that Youmu wouldn't remember it.

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Afaik The only concrete thing we have about Ichi/Go's time travel is from thread 9:
>Her passenger, a blonde girl in a pale white robe, tched. “I had a whole plan, you know. Was gonna have a lot of fun with it, too. Getting in by following her, knocking her out while she’s distracted, traveling back in time to distract her…”
>“The more moving parts a plan has, the more failure points it has. And we have enough of those already with this whole thing. And besides, rain or shine we are still going ahead with the underground sun plan. I’d rather not harm anyone actually in Chireiden, when what we’re asking them to do also carries a risk.” She tipped her hat at her sulking counterpart. “...Though… does that plan of yours even work? I was wondering…”
>“It would have.” Go said, kicking a rock. “My method of traveling is very different from theirs. So my rules are different from theirs. More… limited. If I could do what they could, then none of this would even be a problem - all I’d have to do is worry about butterflying myself into disaster.”
>“I see, I see. Stable time loops, then? Suppose that’s the best you can get with your resources, huh?” The robed figure nodded. “Well, the point still stands. Don’t go antagonizing the Immaterial Children. Especially not if you’re trying to help me, Go.”

It sounds like all Ichi/Go can do is time travel within a single timeline: I don't think they can actually change it themselves; if they could, Go seems to suggest this wouldn't be a problem

Regarding the other greenie theory, assuming Greenie is Sanae from a previous timeline, her being 'one of the reasons Yukari sequestered you all away' could mean that the reason so many of the important humans were gapped and in one place was because she warned yukari of the apocalypse the second time around? so she gathers them all up and gaps them out of the way, so Reimu doesn't get herself all burned up day one.

my big question then is 'what is the other reason?' all we know is it's supposedly the cause of the red 'curtains of light', which gooboi's compared to auroras.

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[X] Defend the rabbit!

We need Akyuu to properly remember or we need Youmu to properly remember, so we gotta push them both.

Seriously. What the fuck is happening? It could be that she was erased from history like some of you are saying, but the problem with that is that it didn't seem impact Akyuu's memory all that bad until now.
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If we no-hit Suwako, do we unlock the extra stage?

Anyway. From the sounds of it, Suwako's trying to nuke us all. We need to put a stop to that as quickly as (humanly? Youkaibly?) possible. Other anons argue that divebomb is a repeat of what we did in the duel, and so would be quickly contered by Suwako. However, this is not a duel to first strike - Youmu has much more tactical leeway, and Suwako doesn't seem to be fighting at her cleverest. But again, I don't want to risk getting hit, I want to get to the extra stage boss!
Attempting to grab attention makes me wonder how we'd actually grab froggy's attention - maybe use the frog medallion? would that work somehow? It'd be really, really funny if it did. Actually... I have a most devious plan...

[X] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.

-(Y) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.
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Alright, 2 down, 1 to go. Remember, we still have no strikes, so there is some margin for error
After weighing the options, trying to draw fire away from Akyuu seems to be the best option her.
Divebombing Suwako to try to prevent it seems to me like jumping out of the pan and into the fire, there's no telling what that attack can do and risking it seems to me like a surefire way to get us blasted back into Chireiden
Defending Akyuu is just letting Suwako kill 2 birds with a lot of stones, one of them being a literal bird. Again, we have no idea what that attack can be. It could be the one we saw previously, it could be a fake out.
[X] Try to draw it away from Akyuu. | is the best option here in my opinion. We might get hit, but the other two options just seem worse in my opinion. Plus, even if this isn't the right option, we may go net neutral in this interaction, which would net us the win regardless.
And >>208789, I like where your head is at, I'll throw my 2 cents in on your addon
-(Y) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.
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-(Y) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.

Actual big brain move, I don't even care with the main options. This is just genius.
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I completely forgot we could do write ins.

[UNDO] Defend the rabbit!

[X] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.
-(Y) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.
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okay, maybe Youmu might pull off the RE/In power... now what set off the last two?

Reimu: activating spellcard and going after Youkai (or rather eagle spirits and then Yuuma,

Akyuu: recalling and sharing history.

both are tied with their original life... so what would that be for Youmu?
well as a stage 5 boss and stage 6 mid boss, that should be:

[X] Defend the rabbit!

A problem with the 'Youmu can half-recall Sanae because she saw her at the end' theory, Reimu also could also tell something was off, who was burned before ever seeing the figure at the end. soo its not seeing the figure at the end that gives Youmu the recollection. Koishi was also going to say something after seeing Youmu's flashback before Akyuu freaked out. furthermore, we were told that we would've gotten a hint from Nitori and Takane had we gone to see ewith as Okuu, so if anything, its only Akyuu that can't at all recall Sanae. there are multiple others that can tell something is off, including people that don't even have memories of the future, which indicates that whatever happened to Sanae, it happened after time was reversed. Considering Akyuu's lack of recollection, there is a slight possibility that the Lunarians were involved and used the signal to make sure Akyuu didn't remember. but I don't put too much stock in that?

Also if Sanae never existed as Kochiya in the previous timeline and was in fact a Goddess, there would have been MUCH larger butteryfly wings of changes in the past timeline that would make it unrecognisable to our understanding of current touhou lore, period. not just from the Moryia shrine conspiracy arc but anything from TH10 and beyond. as >>208788 says, we haven't seen anything major regarding Akyuu's memory up until this point that we'd tell is off.

and again, when has Sanae ever put Reimu in a position where Reimu would end up "Always gave [the Green haired person] the impression of being defiant to the end." she annoyed Reimu by coming in and trying to claim the shrine, which ticked Reimu off and resulted in not only Sanae, but her moms getting their butts kicked, and the only other fight between the two was during hisotensoku where there was a incidental bout as Sanae and Reimu were investigating things.
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Hmmmmmmm, backup isn't here yet, so my idea for the best way to Re/Awaken seems to be off the table. I do think the key for now, though, might be staying close to Akyuu and working in tandem with her, assuming the fight doesn't go long enough for the others to arrive.

[X] Defend the rabbit!

{X} Try to get ANY possible scrap of info out of Suwako. She mentioned Rana having a kid, but Akyuu says she should be the last one.

We have SO much fucking leeway here. If this ends up being wrong, it's not gonna be the end of the world, and this is the choice that lets us stay close enough to counter Akyuu's memories of the Kochiya clan more and likely gives us the best chance for Re/Awakening.
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awwww yeah, we're on our way to get a perfect battle.

anyways, i've officially decided to stop keeping up with the theories about greenie and sanae. i'll just chill and see what happens for the most part. i'm actually starting to get a headache trying to keep track of everything.

y'all have convinced me on the choice, though. akyuu's readying up her own attack, which might be the one to do suwako in. if we divebomb or try to actively defend the bnnuy, we might interfere with that attack. and that's a great write-in.

[X] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.
-(Y) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.


-(Y) Try to force an opening for Akyuu's attack.

some teamwork might be beneficial for youmu's re/awakening, as some have pointed out.

interesting that this fight is labelled re/count... what are we recounting this time, gooboi? stats? the kochiya lineage?

well... i guess we'll find out at the end.

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I'm gonna put a dampener on the whisper plan: From the last update in the last thread:
>“...What?!” That immediately got a bigger response. “Who the hell-rnnng, if it’s that blondie, why would she… not the time.” The badge vibrated in Youmu’s hand. “Right, I’m not far. I’ll be there shortly.”

Seems like she can tell where Youmu is, at least. Also, This whole orbiting rings thing just screams to me 'big aoe attack', iunno if we can draw it away,
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>“Good show, good show! Well done. A bit reckless, but shows what staying on the defensive gets you on a one-strike-system, eh?”
>The hell raven saw Akyuu charging up a third shot, even bigger than before.

Yeah... I think that's two reasons why Youmu shouldn't be trying doing another divebomb. One, this isn't a duel with a one-strike-system but an actual fight where being reckless will cost us. Two, divebombing will land Youmu right into Akyuu's line of fire.

[X] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.

-(Y) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.
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>>208796 Its a gamble for sure, but its a combat situation - she might not realise in time the trick we've pulled, act desperately. She was thrashing around at the beginning of the fight, and now that Youmu's nearly cut her to ribbons, she will be even more jumpy and reactive. Before Suwako realizes we've contacted her via the badge, before she's processed that thats whats been used, she's gotten distracted, lashed out at nothing. The attack is not drawn away, but interrupted, and Akyuu can shoot whatever big fuck-off attack she's preparing.
What does Suwako react to first? the voice of Youmu so close to her? or whatever GPS tracking system the badge has?
The important thing to me, is interrupting the attack so Akyuu can finish the frog off. like you, I also have a hunch that its going to be a massive AOE.
And, to maybe remedy the problems with the plan you've brought up:

--(Y) Throw the frog medallion somewhere far away after using it.

Would there be any other issues anons could see with this?
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[X] Defend the rabbit!

{X} Try to get ANY possible scrap of info out of Suwako. She mentioned Rana having a kid, but Akyuu says she should be the last one.
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I feel like "Divebomb" is the interrupt option, though. And if it's an aoe, what does she care where Youmu is?

Unrelated, but re: the fight being labelled Re/Count... that seems like a hint: Akyuu's own Re/Awakening fight was called Count/Down, and our succcessful strikes so far have come with Akyuu quite literally giving a recount of events. Seems like the goal this time is to have Akyuu re/awaken.
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>>208798 here, changing my write-in

--(UNDO) Throw the frog medallion somewhere far away after using it.

--(Y) Throw the frog medallion at Suwako after using it.


Its because if Youmu's close, she deliver a final blow to Suwako. Tricking her into thinking this means she'll lash out at us in self-defence, interrupting the AOE. This is not even mentioning that we pulled the "come in close to interrupt the big attack" move before. This has conditioned her to retaliate when she thinks we're going to do it again - Suwako believes Youmu's got that Jenny-say-kwah, see. She thinks Youmu's predictable and reckless. But we won't be anywhere in range when she stops preparing the attack to try smashing us to pieces! We both distract Suwako and avoid getting hurt.
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>>208793 here, adding to my vote:

{X} Try to get ANY possible scrap of info out of Suwako. She mentioned Rana having a kid, but Akyuu says she should be the last one.

we're trying to pacify her more than beat her so trying to work with her to calm down and understand what is going on seems the route to go.
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Another problem with 'dissappearing from Suwako's sight'. That's a very bold thing to just say we should do when we're in the middle of the sky. Feels like our plan's missing a key step one.

Also, we have two hands, and two swords. Using the badge means putting away a sword.

The other reason I don't like this is that it just doesn't feel like a great comination of the options. It feels like you can summarise the options to Interrupt/Disrupt, Avoid/Misdirect, and Defend/Endure. And the divebomb one feels the most wrong, So I'd rather be looking for a way to do both of the others, rather than add interrupting as a secondary goal.
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[X] Defend the rabbit!
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[X] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.
-(Y) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.
--(Y) Throw the frog medallion at Suwako after using it.
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Okay, I'm going to say here that I'm going to need something more concrete than 'disappear from suwako's sight' to work with: Mainly a how or a where, cos you're currently in the sky, and the only things with you are enemy projectiles and the chronicler bunny.
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Let's play, who's a Good boi?
>>208803, are you Gooboi in disguise? :3

[x] Divebomb it again.
-{x} Fly such that the frog goddess has to grow an extra pair of eyeballs to see both of you before initiating the divebomb.

Give your opponents dilemmas, not problems.
In this case, Suwako is given two issues:
The flying birb, preparing to fly at you at mach 10, with two awfully sharp swords.
The annoying bnuuy, 100 meters away, preparing to fire a purple magical energy bullet at you.

Suwako is also forced to consider whether to abandon her charge up and use "Dig" or to retain it & be forced to use it against one of the two while leaving herself vulnerable against the other.
Youmu may get hit but that gives Akyuu the chance to fire off her shot and hit Suwako.
If Akyuu gets hit, then Youmu can land a crushing blow at Suwako.
Now, Youmu should be fast enough to get into another position (right?) before initiating the attack.

With the other choices:
Let's assume we try to draw Suwako's attack & attention away from Akyuu:
Well... Youmu can't just spin around Suwako & make a tornado as that wouldn't be that much of a concern (and we're not Aya). Some of the write-ins, such as "Throw the frog medallion a Suwako", don't really make sense as Suwako is probably very old and her danger senses are incredibly refined such that she doesn't view that as a danger. Consequently, Suwako goes: "Oh? That birb isn't doing anything? Time to attack the bnuuy before she charges up her shot."
Effectively, the first option is kinda a distraction as Suwako has to deal with us or risk being slashed at and turning into frog sashimi.
Let's assume that we defend Akyuu:
Suwako proceeds to pummel us with 10000 rocks collectively, blocking Akyuu's line of sight and effectively breaking Youmu's swords.

Remember: Give your opponents dilemmas, not problems.
I'm not picking the "Try to get info out of Suwako" as we can easily get that after the fight.
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Suwako only has one pair of eyes, has been beaten down near onesidedly the whole fight, and seems seems to be well occupied with her spell preparations. We don't have to hide behind a rock or anything like that. Just make her lose track of where Youmu is so we can pull off our trick. Youmu's super fast, Suwako's super tired, and Suwa's also got to keep track of Akyuu as well.

I know I'm not the StoryMaster, but a way I see how this could work is as such:
Confuse Suwako and get out of her sight using Youmu's high speed - get behind her, but not right behind her.
Yell something inflammatory into the badge.
Throw badge at frog. Frog makes connection that badge tracks our location, turns around to thwack us, thwacks badge instead. Her huge attack is interrupted, Akyuu pulls off the attack she's charging up, Suwako defeated!

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Suwako proceeds to casually throw a couple of rings in the direction of the frog badge while yeeting the rest at Akyuu simultaneously.
Oh wait, we missed the birb? Oh, it was just the badge... Summons another 10000 rings and proceeds to yeet them everywhere.
Suwako has defeated annoying birb and bnuuy. Gain +99999 experience.
Suwako has leveled up! Suwako is now level 999!
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actually, it doesn't, as while she isn't an immaterial child... we do already pretty much can be sure of a sixth person that came back that wasn't awake or noticeably present with the 5 motes.


which might also be that second mystery that was mentioned, though I am not entirely sure on that, it is A mystery that is going on regardless.

but was it just Aunn? was that hallow that Youmu noticed in Aunn statue just an method to bring Aunn along or did Yukari attach something along with it? like Sanae? which if Yukari had that plan... well that makes my worry over Marisa's 'Heaviness' come back.

also we do have a 7th... which I don't know how it was accomplished... Okuu. Which I don't quite get how it was pulled off. she's recalling things of her future self in first person, which means she somehow got her future self and memories, despite only having access to Youmu's via the Twin thing... that doesn't seem as straightforward as it looks at a first glance
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>>208809 here:
+ Suwako is incredibly old & she has probably seen a lot of people yell incredibly inflammatory things at her in many different languages. So yeah...
Although Suwako is probably not chill at the fact that something happened to Sanae...
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are you sure about her only having one pair of eyes? after all,

what about her hat?
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still think flying around and utilizing our speed is a pretty good way to "disappear". can't guarantee youmu will be as good at it as a certain crow tengu, but considering this:

> if she kept her whole body in mind, she’d probably be able to match her old speed with even better maneuverability

i think we can do it. even back then youmu was pretty fast- with even better maneuverability? i think we can pull off "borrowing" aya's signature technique.
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>>208789 Here... The debates been fun, but I now must concede. It was >>208812's comment that most convinced me. That damned hat...

[UNDO] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.

-(UNDO) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.

[X] Divebomb it again.

Tricknology Akyuu's game.
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-(No) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.

Alright, I haven't voted yet so I can't undo any votes, but Gooboi has given us a warning about this write-in (possibly twice >>208803), so going through with it is absolutely going to screw us over. And since there are a lot of you anons that want to try this, I realize that there is no way I am going to be able to piss against this tide. But maybe I can at least redirect the tide slightly so it doesn't drown us all in a write-in tsunami.

[X] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.
-(x) Prepare to take full advantage of your superior speed to confuse Suwako. Make use of the frog medallion if you are able to or if an opportunity to do so presents itself.

I rewrote the write-in so everyone gets what they want. If Youmu just happens to be fast enough to "disappear in midair" then fabulous.
If she is not fast enough to do this, then Youmu doesn't waste time and effort (and a strike) trying to do something she knows she can't do. It also gives us the option to use the medallion, but does not railroad us into dropping one of our swords if we are better off dual wielding.
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I see another issue trying to trick Suwako by being too fast or something. It leaves Akyuu open, putting us in one of the options from round 1 with Akyuu ending up taking Suwako's attention.

The way i am looking at the listed options are thus:

Divebomb it again: we've done it before and paid for it pretty badly when Suwako was holding back, and it only worked because the only thing that mattered was who hit first. Not the case here, and as someone else stated we'll end up potentially blocking Akyuu's shot.
Try to draw it away from Akyuu: if Suwako ignores this and goes straight for Akyuu Youmu will be out of position to stop it. Akyuu is still Suwako's focus of rage and if Suwako does Akyuu won't be able to prep her shot as fully as she needs to.
Defend the rabbit!: this one is consistent with the last two successful rounds. Youmu keeps the attention of Suwako on herself and allow Akyuu to get off her shot, which has allowed Youmu to follow up with a cut to a limb and also check notes to find out what's going on.
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My question is, how are we defending Akyuu? We try to deflect whatever huge attack Suwako throws at us?
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[X] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.

-(Y) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.
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If Youmu is trying to draw away attention from Akyuu, wouldn't disappearing from Suwako's sight be counterproductive to that? What's to stop the maddened Suwako from just unleashing on the only thing in sight? Especially since it is the main focus and reason for her rage?
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[X] Defend the rabbit!
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Its Youmu,

She'll cu/t it
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One goes to sleep and find a huge discussion brewing while he's not there...

I still think divebombing is the highest risk/reward here.
So we can't disappear, and we have to keep the attention from Akyuu while not blocking her shot, I think we can do all of that!
In fact, it might a be viable "Do A while doing B" thing without just doing it faster:

- [X] Divebomb from the the opposite side from Akyuu but don't actually strike Suwako: dodge at the last second fully trusting Akyuu's potshot.

Youmu already saw Akyuu preparing the shot, and this way we effectively make a feint so not only our bnuuy friend can prepare the shot but maybe even actually land it (maybe nodding to her beforehand so she knows Youmu is up to something). As someone said before, Suwako already saw the attack and will be expecting the same strike, but this time we just dodge in time to avoid her attack while not obstructing the shot since we're attacking from the opposite side. Best case scenario we land the shot and win mostly unscathed. Worst case scenario we miss but don't get absolutely destroyed.
If everything goes to plan, that is...

Regarding Aunn, I still hope we get to see what's the deal with her.
Regarding greenie, I'll just see what happens. By what we know now, my "crazy theory" I mentioned in a previous post had some hints of truth sprinkled but overall was proven wrong.
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>>208814 here. Voting in support of >>208822 Kosu's write-in, and adding my own.

- [X] Divebomb from the the opposite side from Akyuu but don't actually strike Suwako: dodge at the last second fully trusting Akyuu's potshot.

- [X] Yell something blasphemous into the badge in your pocket. Make Suwako more pissed off, if that was even possible.

Low commitment, and it could compliment the divebomb-feint strategy well. I can't see getting Suwako more angry as being a negative event, in fact I think she's simmered down to that sweet spot of cold, calculated rage thats very dangerous. With this write-in, and the combination of other write-ins, I'd like to push Suwako from this state into unbridled, mad fury. I didn't undo my vote to throw the badge at Suwako, by the way. Having that tracking device on us the whole fight was probably pretty stupid... Getting rid of it makes our movements much less predictable.
Anyway, I hope with this write-in we can outwile the frogdess and also avoid whatever Akyuu's cooking up. GO AKYUU!
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an addon to my post of >>208821 but with it being a final strike option, if it works Youmu will likely activate her Re/Incarnation especially since she would be acting as she did before as the gardener of Hakugyokurou.
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>>208790 here
After thinking about it, there ain’t any really feasible way for us to sneak attack Suwako. Even if we did, that would go against the idea of getting the attention off Akyuu, so I’ll revoke my vote

[UNDO] Try to draw it away from Akyuu
-(UNDO) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.

[X] Divebomb it again
We could get blasted by the rocks, but Suwako will also get blasted by Akyuu in return. So I’d say it’s a net neutral interaction

Also gonna agree with Kosu’s adding here. If avoidance of getting clipped by a rock is possible, might as well take the chance to do it
-[X] Divebomb from the the opposite side from Akyuu but don't actually strike Suwako: dodge at the last second fully trusting Akyuu's potshot.
There is a chance we get entombed anyway, but at least this way we have a modicum of a chance at dodging
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>>208805 here.
[UNDO] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.
-(UNDO) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.
--(UNDO) Throw the frog medallion at Suwako after using it.

[X] Divebomb it again.
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[X] Divebomb it again.
{X} Divebomb from the the opposite side from Akyuu but don't actually strike Suwako: dodge at the last second fully trusting Akyuu's potsho

believe in bnuuy
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alright, we're doing this.

[UNDO] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.
-(UNDO) Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close.

[X] Divebomb it again.
- [X] Divebomb from the the opposite side from Akyuu but don't actually strike Suwako: dodge at the last second fully trusting Akyuu's potshot.
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[X] Defend the rabbit!

Let her line up her shot and perfectly fire at Suwako once there’s a gap. We can defend Akyuu as the perfect bodyguard/gardener, and hopefully trigger a re/awakening.

Also, this keeps us close to Akyuu so she can give us the final re/count of the Kochiya clan.
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How many changes is that? Five.

And how many immaterial children are there? Five.

Mystery solved, thank me later.
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[X] Defend the rabbit!
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Counting to >>208832:
Main Choice:
[7] Divebomb it again.
[5] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.
[8] Defend the rabbit!

Potential Additions:
-{Y} Disappear from Suwako's sight, and whisper into the frog medallion to make Suwako believe you're close. (4; >>208791, >>208792, >>208795, >>208797, >>208818)
>>208829, what was your original post? Note that the count should be correct, but post # isn't.
-{Y} Throw the frog medallion at Suwako after using it. (1; >>208801)
-{1} Yell something blasphemous into the badge in your pocket. Make Suwako more pissed off, if that was even possible. (>>208823)

For [x] Divebomb it again:
-{1} Fly such that the frog goddess has to grow an extra pair of eyeballs to see both of you before initiating the divebomb. (>>208807)
-{5} Divebomb from the opposite side from Akyuu but don't actually strike Suwako: dodge at the last second fully trusting Akyuu's potshot. (>>208822, >>208823, >>208825, >>208827, >>208829)

For [x] Try to draw it away from Akyuu:
-{Y} Try to force an opening for Akyuu's attack. (1; >>208795)
-{1} Prepare to take full advantage of your superior speed to confuse Suwako. Make use of the frog medallion if you are able to or if an opportunity to do so presents itself. (>>208815)
Thou does not dedicate one's self to the holy frog, thou are barred.

Miscellaneous Additions:
[3] Try to get ANY possible scrap of info out of Suwako. She mentioned Rana having a kid, but Akyuu says she should be the last one. (>>208794, >>208799, >>208802)

This should be correct?
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[X] Defend the rabbit!
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hey, odd question...

would it be possible to bomb a spellcard when what your bombing isn't actually a spellcard?

if so I might have another add-on to add to my vote. just need to look up what Youmu's protagonist spellcards are from IN, 10D and WBWC.
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[X] Divebomb it again.
{X} Divebomb from the the opposite side from Akyuu but don't actually strike Suwako: dodge at the last second fully trusting Akyuu's potshot.

cool idea
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I've been watching the vote, didn't expect it to actually get this close. I vote for slick air tricks just because it sounds cool if we pull it off.

[X] Divebomb it again.
{X} Divebomb from the the opposite side from Akyuu, but don't actually strike Suwako. Instead, dodge at the last second fully trusting Akyuu's potshot.
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aaaaand we're tied >.<

for the divebombing crew, maybe put in a write-in in case Suwako focusses down on Akyuu since that is whom she has the current main grudge with?

If I recall correctly that was what write-in were for in these boss battles, mostly mitigating a possible strike if good, and maybe an extra point (though that one I am not sure one.)

well, that or change over to defending the Rabbit but we'll see how it goes.
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[X] Divebomb it again.
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>> The ground began to tremble. When Suwako’s eyes looked up at them, they were filled with fury. “You expect me to just - to give up now?! On Rana, on her child, on everyone?! FOR A HALF-HEARTED PROMISE LIKE THAT?!”

>> The goddess let out a low chuckle, her hat obscuring her eyes. “Perhaps I gave a… different impression last time. Maybe I was softer, more… agreeable. I think… I need to teach you two exactly who I am.”

>> “I am… Suwako Moriya. God of the Mountain Incarnate. Master of the Mishaguji. The Pinnacle of the Native Gods. Gardener of the Forests. Sculptor of the Lakes. The fire of the earth in human form.”

>> The goddess gripped her rings, and looked up once more, her face a visage of utter rage.

>> “First,” she spat. “And last of her line. And if you seek to keep my answers from me… I’LL TEAR THE TRUTH FROM YOUR CURSE-POCKED CARCASSES!”

I was trying something new, another way to draw, a very different process on how I've been drawing so far with a very different outcome (instead of inking and using layers to paint like with digital painting, this uses a "pencil drawing" approach, drawing the lineart and then coloring over it instead of below it. Also, I didn't use digital effects to color but just hand picked the colours themselves - I did eventually use a handful of effects to glow up things but nothing too fancy like I usually do). Also, I used this to experiment with expressions and while she didn't turn out as "enraged" as I would like, I'm very happy on the end result. I don't expect to start drawing this way now, but it was fun and it certainly served as experience.
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To be honest, the divebomb write-in I suspect won't do much, since it almost reads as an attempt to do both divebomb and distract rather than committing to one.

Now I also think divebomb is probably the worst option given that Suwako has warned us against using it in a actual fight against her AND it prevents us from being able to keep Akyuu safe while looking through memory lane, but as a Defend supporter I will probably have to live with it. Maybe the sheer audacity will land us the final strike we need, but I suspect we will have another round.
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looks great! the rougher feel of the brushes make it a bit more emotional and... unstable, for lack of a better word. less clean and polished than your previous works. lends to suwako's emotional state better.
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Agreed on all points.


Great work as always Kosu! I can see the anger, and also the sorrow behind it!
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Well, I missed this memo. Good to know we're winning. Can't believe Sanae got snapped out of existance. Why we don't remember her, even with Akyuu? Well...my take is that this is a different timeline. Thus, all the Hieda reincarnations lived through different histories. Thus, the Kochiya clan doesn't have a Sanae. Who knows, could be wrong (probably is) but eh. As for the master stroke...I'd rather Akyuu not get squished.

[X] Defend the rabbit!

Here we go. Nice to see y'all again.
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Votes are currently tied between Defend and Divebomb!

I'm gonna say One more Hour for voting. If votes are still tied by then, the next vote wins!
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>>208823 here, changing my vote. I'm putting all chips on Re/Awakening, even though I can't really see how it'll work out:

[UNDO] Divebomb it again.
[UNDO] Throw the frog medallion at Suwako after using it.
-{UNDO} Yell something blasphemous into the badge in your pocket. Make Suwako more pissed off, if that was even possible.
-{UNDO} Divebomb from the opposite side from Akyuu but don't actually strike Suwako: dodge at the last second fully trusting Akyuu's potshot.

[X] Defend the rabbit!
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[X] Defend the rabbit!
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File 171741283553.jpg - (251.12KB, 850x1213, __moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_by_midori_misuriru8__.jpg)
[9] Divebomb it again.
[5] Try to draw it away from Akyuu.
[12] Defend the rabbit!

Divebombing only barely worked, in a very different style of battle last time. It clearly wasn’t the best choice.

And the orbiting rings gave Youmu a bad feeling. There was a good chance that, rather than being able to redirect the attack, it was going to be centered on Suwako herself. And thus, that left just one more option.

Youmu turned to Akyuu. “Anything else you’ve got to say, say it. I’m gonna be doing what I do best.” She grinned, turning her swords to the ready.

Akyuu nodded. “The very last of them was Kochiya Rana. She was… born about the same time as my parents. But… she never gave birth to a child of her own.”

The flaming rings joined with gouts of flame from the ground, sweeping them up, until the whole thing resembled a fiery tornado. The rings came spinning out, whirling in Youmu’s direction.

The hell raven focused.

Twin Swords "Mincing Ingredients for a Feast"

Youmu’s slashes came out in waves, cutting down each of the rings as they approached. The pieces scattered away, giving the rabbit more time to focus.

“Rana was… always a sickly woman. Never one of great constitution. But she was faithful, utterly faithful, to her matriarch. Beyond even what Suwako wanted.”

Youmu’s slashes got more desperate. How many rings were there? She grit her teeth, doing her best to keep slashing, as a purple light built behind her. .

“When they heard about Gensokyo… she pushed them to go there. Because it was the only way that the gods would continue. But… the ritual to take the Moriya Shrine here… it was too much. Too much for her to bear.”

An enraged roar sounded from beneath them. The tornado broke into a comet, coming straight for them. Youmu got her swords out, ready to defend, but… felt a hand on her shoulder. Akyuu gently pushed her aside, now replete with purple crystals all across her.

“As a result, the time Rana spent in Gensokyo was… all too brief. To most of Gensokyo, she was… just a name, said in mourning at the Moriya Shrine. The only reason I even know her story is that the Suwako of last time told me. Didn’t want her acts to be forgotten.”

The Lunatic gun was shuddering with the power of its shot, but Akyuu - Youmu almost struggled to reconcile the figure with the Akyuu she knew - had an iron grip. As the goddess near them, she fired the shot, hitting the Goddess in the chest.

At once, Suwako’s eyes glazed over. Her vision faltered, and she slowed, seeming to lose all momentum. Akyuu grimaced.

“...The only memory I could think of that could stop her - that she could truly believe… is her own words.” She sighed. “...And that’s the story of the last Kochiya. ...I’m sorry, Lady Suwako.”

Y 0/3 S 3/3
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Hell yeah! Perfect run!
Alright then, now what? How are we supposed to talk about the whole Sanae situation, along with the fact that we have an unconscious earth goddess on our hands.
Also, we have to worry about Kanako smiting us. It probably won't happen all things considered but it could still happen.
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The birb/bnuuy duo stands triumphant, but at what cost....
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Ah, good job you lot. I'm impressed the fight was over before anyone else could even arrive.

Regarding Rana, the thing that throws me off is that, given they only popped up in MoF, I was under the impression that it would have been Sanae that did the ritual, but that is admittedly fanon. Sanae's absence admittedly doesn't break the timeline too too much I think though. It means MoF never happens, and it messes with the prologue of UFO(since Sanae is the one that points out the Palanquin ship to Reimu + Marisa). Her route in Soku also doesn't happen. But besides being a friend/rival
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... Sorry, hit post by accident. What I meant to say is that besides being a friend/rival to Reimu and the others, she's more of a minor player, especially compared to Kanako, who caused SA which caused UFO which caused TD. I guess it's more likely that she's Greenie now, though her demeanor seems off to me. From what I could tell, even before remembering their past lives, Reimu, Akyuu and Youmu still had traits of their basic nature and tendencies from their first ones. It would still be funny if she was Yuuka, but I acknowledge that's unlikely

Still not quite sure what the other mystery is though. My best guesses are 1) what happened to Aunn and why there was a hole in her back(maybe Okina's death made her lose energy, and that was a backdoor?), 2) how Kotohime knows stuff (something something Hyperspace vessel?) 3) what the black flames are (I genuinely don't know) and, connected to that 4) what Yukari was doing that week.
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> Twin Swords "Mincing Ingredients for a Feast"
oh, hey! I remember that one from the Parsee vote! thought it was neat and put it in my own personal doc of card ideas to bring back.

Alas, poor Rana. No wonder Suwako was so torn up over this. Hopefully we can, like, give her a hug or something.

Perfect Clear, though! Where are we going to spend all these points? Maybe invest in a nice hat?
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throwing out theories here, but i think... what akyuu did just sealed sanae's fate entirely.

when re/awakening occurs, there is an opportunity to change fate itself. akyuu clearly activated it here, and is so sure of what she remembers that she actively forces her belief to be true- suwako was likely the only one who remembered sanae, and now that a re/awakened akyuu has convinced her otherwise, we've lost that.

if i'm right, this begs the question: if we had pushed further, convinced akyuu that her memory might've been faulty and that there was another kochiya after rana, then could we have brought sanae back from non-existence?

really, really hope i'm wrong because even if her non-existence doesn't break the timeline, i'm still losing one of my favorite characters to the void... might sway me over to go's line of thinking and try to restore the gensokyo of before, actually.

or additionally, since youmu hasn't re/awakened yet, she could use her own for that. i hope. fuck, i'm really hoping for that.
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Interesting that Youmu didn't get a chance to Re/Awaken. Instead, Akyuu did it again. I feel like we might have fucked up somewhere, despite having played seemingly perfectly. We REALLY need to press Akyuu's memories if we get a chance, either during this arc or if we get control of Youmu again.
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Youmu’s eyes widened, and she dived, swooping under the falling goddess. She caught her in her arms, gently leading her to the ground.

The goddess’ eyes were wide, and her lips moved, slowly, mouthing words Youmu couldn’t hear. She didn’t resist as Akyuu brought her down to the singed earth, seating her on a part of the rock’s rubble.

She turned her head to Akyuu. She was almost hard to look at. It wasn’t the raw light of the crystals adorning her, and it wasn’t like she was somehow scary - though she suddenly seemed older, more mature, and taller than even Youmu. It was just that she an aura, a presence around her. One that made everything else seem irrelevant.

Akyuu knelt down, next to the stunned goddess. “...Lady Suwako?” As the goddess’ eyes refocused, she sighed. “...I’m sorry you had to see that. But… It’s the honest truth of what happened last time. In your own words.”

The goddess stared at her with sunken eyes, saying nothing. Youmu looked over at Akyuu. “Was- was that really necessary?”

The rabbit rubbed her forehead. “I sure hope it was - I feel bad enough about it even if the other option was being brained. …It’s not like it’s new information, it’s just… confirming that old information was still accurate last time.” She turned to the shuddering Suwako. “...Please, Lady Suwako. I can’t bring you the answers you seek… but I hope you can at least find peace.”

Suddenly, the rabbit groaned, clutching her head. The crystals around her faded, and the imposing aura faded with them. Youmu reached out, steadying the rabbit as she shrunk back to the usual Akyuu.

“Easy there, easy. So, that’s… Re/Awakening, huh…?” Akyuu nodded. “...It’s imposing, that’s for sure. You gonna be okay, Akyuu?”

The rabbit nodded. “Maybe if I can just lie down for a bit… it’s a bit sad that battle probably wasn’t the most dangerous thing I’ve done. …Reisen’s not far.” Youmu nodded, continuing to support the rabbit, and turning to the quivering goddess.

“Then… let’s get you some space, and I’ll come back to check on Lady Suwako.” She walked Akyuu over to the edge of the makeshift arena. The trunklike roots that had made up the impromptu walls of the battlegrounds were now charred, missing more than half of what made them up. It would be trivial to cut through the rest, if she could just find a place to sit Akyuu down…

“...Doesn’t exactly seem like my first day’s ending on a great note.” She looked up at the roots, thinking. A good cut in the right place would surely take down that whole section there… It was pretty clear to envision it. Youmu could already see the slice, and imagine the pieces falling loose.

…Imagine it really clearly, in fact. So clearly, that she could even smell the charcoal the first piece kicked up when it landed. …And the second… belatedly, she took a step back, pulling Akyuu away as the charred pieces fell back.

There was assorted coughing, on both sides of the gap. Youmu waved her free hand, trying to see through the gap. “Hello? We got a few wounded here-”

The first to emerge from the cloud was… a familiar kasha. Orin looked around the arena, stunned. “What the hell happened here?”

Youmu walked forward. “A long story, and not a good one. Good timing, Orin. Where is Parsee? Did you meet Koishi on the way?”

“Oh, yes, we did. And there’s more than one satori in tow right now, you know.” The next to emerge was Satori and Koishi, the latter using her hat to clear the air. Parsee lingered behind them, using her scarf to keep the smoke away from her mouth. “...Youmu. There’s a lot I need to say, but… is everyone alright?”

The raven shook her head. “...No. Akyuu is exhausted, and Lady Suwako is… not well.” The Komeiji sisters looked at Akyuu, who couldn’t meet either’s gaze. “...I’m the only one who got out fairly unscathed.”

Satori nodded. “...Mmmm. Well, that’s… perhaps fortunate.” She gave a small smile. “After all, I’d hate to have you meet when you’re not in one piece.”

Youmu straightened up. “Meet? Meet who?”

There was a flap of wings, and the last of the smoke started to clear. There was an old, hoarse cough.

“Unyuuu… be careful! The smoke’s bad for you…”

“I’ll be fine, lass. A bit of dust won’t be the end of me just yet.”

Youmu blinked. “Lass…? Was… was that…?” Satori smiled as she took Akyuu off the hell raven, pushing her towards the remaining cloud.

There were two figures, silhouetted in the cloud. One was unmistakably, absolutely Okuu. The other was even more unmistakable, and as the dust began to clear, Youmu’s heart stopped.


You're vastly overestimating the power of Re/Awakening. It's not retroactive, it can only overturn fate in the moment.
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Okay... Was a little worried... No check that still slightly worried that all we did was clear the spellcard here...
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oh thank fuck. i was hoping i was reading it wrong there.
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Holy shit. How will Suwako recover? No, seriously. I'm really concerned. Poor frog.
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Suwako got that 1000 yard stare.
Also: let's go we get the gramps and his granddaughter to meet! Excited to see what goes down.
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He turned, looking directly at Youmu, and his breath seemed to hitch. Youmu stared at him, slowly beginning to walk in his direction.

She stopped a few meters out, wondering what to say. How to say it. His face was… Either Youmu couldn’t read it, or just couldn’t look at it. Okuu looked between the two of them.

At length, she bowed. “...Sir! My name is Ko- mmm. My name is Reiuji Youmu. I-I, umm, I…” She paused. “...I’m a user of the Konpaku style.”

…There was no response. Youmu squirmed. “U-um… sir. I’m sorry if that, um-”

“...Just like her.” Youmu turned her head up, to see Grandpa appraising her. “...You look… just like my daughter.”

Youmu nodded, slowly. “...U-um. The reason why is… it’s a little hard to explain, really, I…”

An old, cracked hand reached out to her, resting on her shoulder. It was an achingly familiar gesture. One she hadn’t known she’d been missing. She felt herself tearing up.

“...Youmu. You’ve been fighting, haven’t you? To protect your sister, and your mistress.” Grandpa chuckled. “They’ve been panicking all day about me stealing you away, you know.”

She started to shake, as he knelt down next to her. “Youmu… I’ve been so worried. Yet here you stand, having protected a friend and fought a god.” He smiled, warmly. “...You clearly took the style to heart last time, for you to still be able to wield it even now.” Youmu nodded, tearing up. “I’m… so very proud of you.”

Youmu started to sniffle. Okuu ran up to her, giving her a hug. “Youmu… don’t cry. Please? He’s not a scary man, he’s a really nice one!”

The gardener nodded. “...I know, Okuu… I know. Well… I know he can be scary, too, but… I’ve never been afraid of him.”

She heard a shuffling, and looked up. Youki was pulling out Hakurouken, in its sheath. “...Frankly, this feels like a formality, but… Youmu. I believe… that this belongs to you.”

She stared at it, starting to reach out and grab it, but stopped. What if… what if it rejected her? What if, after all this time, she wasn’t a Konpaku anymore?

What would Grandpa think then, if-

There was a sudden chill, from behind Youmu. Every one of her instincts screamed danger. Slowly, she craned her neck around.

“Keheheh…” Suwako was standing, swaying, a ways from the group. "Keheheheeeehahahahahahahah... Ahahahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

The earth goddess… burst into laughter.

Y 0/3
S 3/3...?
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>> S 3/3...?
Oh crap
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Oh fuck, funni frog goddess has officially lost it. We're in phase 2 now.
That perfect run from earlier is really gonna come in clutch if this means what I think it means.
Youmu (might) now has the Roukanken, so this might go a little smoother depending on what we do. We are most definently getting a strike here, I don't think we have that much luck on the draw to get her more than 3 or 4 times in a row
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phase two health bar restoration typa shit going on holy fuck

that perfect run sure is coming in clutch if we're continuing this battle.

if suwako was lucid enough to withness it, seeing youmu and youki reunite might have made her a bit worse if she's still clinging onto sanae, i think.
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>>208864 here
I just realized I missed out on making a "We're in the Endgame now" joke. Oh well.
But anyways, some additional commentary: This could either be easier or harder than earlier.
Easier because we have more back up, therefore letting us make better strategies and such. Plus, given Suwako hasn't completely come back to her senses yet, we could disorient her further to follow up with a combo play
Harder because, no one here has coordinated attacks with each other, leading to possible misplays on behalf of miscommunication. Also, since there are more people, Suwako will more likely use more AOE attacks, meaning we can't all try to dodge our way out of it.
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>>208864 here. Sorry for double post, I just though of more to add as I was making that post.
Easier: Satori and Koishi can read Suwako's moves via their 3rd eye, making her more predictable. There's a possibility of Kanako intervening on our side. We know some of Suwako's attacks and how they work now, so we could counter-attack easier. Youki is also acquainted with Suwako, meaning he could know how Suwako attacks and defends. This would then translate into the satoris knowing how to deal with her via their mind-reading third eye
Harder: If Suwako isn't completely back to her senses, that makes her more unpredictable, although this downside can be nullified by the existence of the satoris (satories?). Said unpredictability means that she could instead use single target attacks instead of AOE attacks. This: 1, comes out of left field, meaning the characters might not adapt to deal with it given it's unexpectedness, and 2, can screw over one character in particular, as if an attack is single target, it most definitely is more hard to dodge for said target than an AOE attack. There's a possibility of Kanako intervening on Suwako's side, although this is more unlikely.
Sorry for the text dump, just felt like analzying
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So that's why Youmu didn't re/awaken, there's still another boss to fight. Well, unless Kanako gets here and just slaps Suwako upside the head lol.

>>208867 I think Youmu and Okuu have some twin spell cards, right? Satori and Kosihi might have something similar. Rin should be able to work with them on too. I think the bigger difficulty will be the non-chireidens, since they're less familiar l. Especially Parsee; Youki and Akyuu at least know how Youmu fights.
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Hi, it's me >>208867, commenting on a Touhou thread when I should really be doing school work.
I agree with what you're saying. The Chireidens should have their combat compitability down, seeing as they've been with each other for so long. Youki and Akyuu should know how to cooperate with Youmu with attack on some degree, given they know how she fights to an extent. Non-chireidens would have one hell of a time cooperating though. Excluding the lunar bunny pair, given their telepathy.
Wait a sec, could I get a list of everyone here? There's the Chireidens plus Parsee, the lunar bunnies and Youki, is there anyone else?
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no one else, although reisen isn't there. she's en route, but not actually there yet. hopefully she arrives in the next part.
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When you defeat the boss but the music gets a chorus in latin:

About combination spellcards and teamwork, like >>208869 says

The games they played at Chireiden "trained" them to use spellcards. I would assume Satori/Youmu and Koishi/Okuu have their joint spells because they were "teams", as Satori/Koishi possibly do and Youmu/Okuu certainly do too.
Maybe a triple threat from Orin/Myon/Okuu a-la Prismrivers could work too. Or even perform a full-on Chireiden attack from the 5 of them. ("Recollection: Pet's Walk" I shudder to imagine it lol)

Youmu and Youki literally use the same style, the only difference is that the former has wings now, and the latter has like a hundred years more experience. They could complement each other but Youki is possibly still recovering from his Yuuma fight.

Akyuu is out of combat for a while, and Reisen's not here but arriving soon (another possible combination).

The only one that's really on their own is Parsee, who must be really envious of everyone here having a spellcard partner lol.
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>>208872 (Yo, I'm >>208870, the guy who wrote >>208867)
Now I'm imagining the Chireiden crew fucking wombo comboing Suwako into the ground while Parsee sits back with a bucket of popcorn, grumbling about how their coordination lets them do cool shit. (Youki and Akyuu are enjoying the show)
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>>The next to emerge was Satori and Koishi, the latter using her hat to clear the air.
Funny image of Koishi using her hat to push the smoke away.

Parsee becomes so jealous that she decides to clone herself.
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Screenshot 2024-06-04 004232
It was raucous laughter. Laughter so hard it left Suwako gasping for breath. In any other setting, Youmu might have found it delightful to hear.

Now, she found it chilling. She stared, as the goddess laughed her guts out. “L-Lady Suwako? Wh-why are you… why are you laughing?”

Suwako could barely respond, pointing to Youmu and Youki, still gasping with laughter. Youmu started stepping forward, nervously.

“Ahahaheheheheh… Boy, aren’t you lucky, Youki?” The goddess cackled. “You didn’t just get your daughter back, you got a two-for-one deal!”

Youmu flicked her head back, to find a Youki that couldn’t meet Suwako’s gaze. “...I’m sorry. I should have spoken to you earlier, Suwako.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine! What were ya gonna say, anyways?” The goddess guffawed. “Couldn’t look me in the eye and tell me I was gonna miss out, could youhoohoo? That there wasn’t enough outliers to go around?”

Youmu paused. “...Outliers?”

The goddess nodded furiously, a manic grin on her face. “Ohohoh, didn’t you know? There were originally only four false pregnancies attributed to the case. The four in the Human Village, around the same time, don’t you know? You would have been overlooked without someone remembering it, keheheheh…”

She pointed at the half-ghost swordsman. “N-nahahahaturally, though, there was another real case. An outlier. Ahahahand, of course, if you had a lead on something that sounded very similar to what happened to you, you’d come looking for anyone else too. Any other outliers.”

The hell-raven stared at her. “Do… do you mean to say…?”

The goddess gave a mad grin. “Ohohohohohoooh yes, I do! Rana suffered a false pregnancy too! Of couhohohourse, we only learned about Immaterial Childen after coming to Gensokyo, buhuhuhut better late than never, right?”

“A-a false pregnancy too? But…” As the goddess howled with laughter, Youmu turned to Akyuu, stunned. The rabbit reached up, and Youmu’s ears began to buzz, with a message only she could hear.

“...It broke Rana’s heart. But… it’s not related to us. The false pregnancy happened last time, too.”

…The odd feelings Youmu had been having about Moriya calcified. Into a single, cold hard ball of wrongness. No, no, that wasn’t right, that wasn’t right at all! …It wasn’t like her memories conflicted with Akyuu’s recount, but… but there was still something incredibly, incredibly wrong.

In the corner of her eye, she saw Koishi, staring at Suwako. Trying to say something.

“Sohohohoho!” The goddess was tearing up now, even as she kept laughing. She paused for a moment, trying to catch her breath. “G-guess how it goes a month ago, whehehehen they finally start appearing, and finalize the list… ahahand there’s no Kochiya on it?” The goddess grabbed at her hair, given a far more shaky smile, though no less crazed. “Having something so close to possible, only to have it dashed on the rocks at the very ehehehend… I-I nearly erupted the whole mountain!”

The laughter was getting more ragged by the second. “S-so thehen, that Go girl turns up, right? Says she can help me, that she can point me at one of them! O-of course, Kanako already knew about you, b-but wanted to keep me away. Pretty obvious now why, huh? G-guess I should apologize to her f-for that. Sh-she was just… trying to protect you. T-trying to protect me.”

The goddess looked down, tears starting to stream down her face. Youmu started to reach out to her… and something caught her eye.

The barest flicker of black flame.

The goddess looked up at Youmu, giving an ever-less accurate impression of a smile. “D-didn’t want to hurt you, you know. S-saw what regaining your memories d-did to you, a-and tried to send you to your perfect memory friend. S-so she could tell me the truth.” The goddess spread her arms wide. “A-a-a-and she did!”

“L-lady Suwako, please…” The hell-raven stepped closer. Suwako’s eyes turned to look at the sky, now openly streaming tears.

“Y-you know, Youmu… when I met you, I… I really thought that a miracle was coming.” The goddess’ voice was trembling, as she spread her arms into a massive shrug. Small eddies of the black flame followed her. “But… unfortunately, my miracle never arrived… a-and that means… it really was all for nothing.”

The goddess burst into flame, a tall, burning pillar of deepest black, roaring and crackling with unearthly energy. Youmu shuddered from the sudden burst, stepping back from the heat.

She turned to look at the others. Koishi and Satori were doubled over, clutching at their heads, while Parsee and Orin were desperately trying to pull them and the still-beaten Akyuu back. Grandpa was moving forward, with Okuu tugging back on his sleeve.

“STAY BACK!” Youmu held her hand out, causing Youki to pause. “Th-the flame’s too dangerous! It burns human bodies instantly!”

Okuu nodded, pulling. “T-trust me, Mr Youki, I-I don’t know what that fire is, but I know Youmu! A-and you’re still hurt, aren’t you?”

Youmu grabbed her swords out, getting to the ready. “A-all of you, fall back! Leave this to me!” Everyone was either already incapacitated or taking care of someone who was. She’d just have to hold out herself

Grandpa tried to protest. “B-but-”

Youmu yelled at him. “GO!”

As the others started to pull back, Youmu heard the sound of the roaring pillar start to dissipate. She turned, to see the figure of the goddess floating in midair.

Her limbs began to grow, long and rubbery, ending in massive webbed hands. White, tear-like trails traced their way down from both her real eyes and her hat. Slowly, the distorted figure landed on the ground, and screamed.


The earth beneath her roiled with the unearthly howl. Youmu grit her teeth, trying to not lose her lunch from sheer horror.

A memory surfaced. Of the green figure who she’d been speaking to, just before the end.

It’s hard to say who gets the better end of it. Humans burn up too fast to be saved, but at least it’s quick. Youkai and gods burn a lot slower, but in theory-

Youmu looked up, pointing Shiroihane out.

“Lady Suwako… I’ll save you. I promise it!”

[ ] Fight her on the ground. She might be able to maneouvre faster there.
[ ] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

Have a second theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyJ4ksWBUH4
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Okay, this gives a whole new perspective on what the black flames could be.
Given that Suwako has lost all hope here, we could interpet the black flames as a manifestation of hopelessness, as the flame only really bursts out after Suwako realizes that all her efforts have been for naught.
Of course, this is just me giving a quick read over. There may be more I have missed so please tell me any other theorizes.
As for the choice, I'm gonna wait. Almost everyone was on the ground, which would leave everyone vulnerable, but also, Youmu has the movement advantage on the ground, leaving it not clear.
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>>208876 here
Also: Remember, the black flame consumes and extinguishes all life it comes into contact with, which means this fight might be a forced no hit run.
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[x] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

The black flame is a source of spiritual corruption, where faith & belief is twisted into a lack of such? Or maybe the fate & belief of beings powered by it are twisted to turn them into these flame-like beings...?
That would explain why youkai are resistant as they have their own faith/belief (which constitutes their "soul"), fueling them to counter the black flames and why humans just disintegrate because the flames burn through the "soul". It would also explain why Reimu didn't turn into a pyre instantly upon giving up as she's a human with no faith/belief making up part of her soul to twist.

But... how do you counter such a "transformation"? Do you fulfill the being's wishes prior to "giving up"? If so, will this battle end half-way through and continue on the next arc? Or will Sanae magically appear and make Suwako normal again? Or will we have to douse Suwako into ashes...?

Something's wrong... We need to slash through the veil and truly see what's going on. Though... I already figured it out, I think. :3
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... So sanae was a previous looped attempt at the immaterial children, but never made it long enough to be discovered and things proceeded until the end. Or never recovered her memories as akyuu wasn't involved.

But. If the first is the case, then it might not have happened yet in this loop.

Hold on Suwako. We've got this. Both for you AND Sanae!
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You serve a good point >>208878, I think that's the only possible explanation for the pyres not affecting youkai as badly without giving some bs about how the flames just magically ignore them (but even then that wouldn't work given what happened to Yukari)
I also agree with your choice of ascending to the air. In terms of speed we're handi-capped, but the upside of keeping everyone out of the crossfire is much better.
[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

Don't know if this write-in will have any disadvantages, but I'll go for it anyway.
-[X] Try to coax Suwako away from the others via taunting movement or the like. The others getting hurt is the last thing we want right now
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[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

We may not be the most comfortable in our avian body (see: phantom body syndrome) but we cannot allow anyone else to get hurt if we can help it. Get distance between the ones we need to protect and the one we're trying to save.

Pyre of the Empty Cradle is an awesome and tragic title, especially with all the more honorable and noble ones she was spouting before. Did anyone else envision it in the style of a Wrath of the White Witch boss title introduction, or was that just me?

I feel like we should figure out an exact terminology for the timelines, considering we have at least three, here. I propose that canon is Timeline A, this story started in Timeline B, and we're currently in Timeline C.

I wonder if Suwako went pyre in Timeline B as well for the same reasons as she did here. It'd be too easy if she was the source, but it might be a useful data point.
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[x] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

The sheer amount of collateral damage possibility on the ground is way too high.

And I will admit that Pyre of the Empty Cradle does give me some Dark Souls vibes, complete with tragic second form.
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You know, looking back at it after fishing up Wayward Daughter, while it is different mechanically I really can't deny that there's some really strong thematic ties between Pyres and Dynamis/Blasphemies from FFXIV. Right down to the black fire.

a slight pl here, but the big reason is that the flame can't burn spiritual beings as well as it can physical beings. if only there was some way to project your soul out as a sort of armor...

Anyway, well done for beating phase one without a strike. reaaaaaally cut it close there in the end. I really can't give you anything but hints as prizes, though, so... i'll think about something appropriate.
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[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.
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Does the black moon howl?

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[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.
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Of all things, I wasn't expecting a pyre this soon.

Suwako had no hope to lose in the first loop by this point, she was the only one affected by the loss of Sanae: just a tragic miscarriage with no other known cases (that we know of. We were really sure there were 5 cases this time around)

Now it's different: lots of cases (returning home, even!) getting her hopes really up... to be denied by the only person capable of remembering a reality where "all" Immaterial Children were alive. So close, yet so far.

Now for the voting:

[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

The text basically says it all. Get it far away, we just got reunited with grandpa (he himself got a second chance!), no need to risk him.

What worries me, is that whatever caused the incident in the first place is clearly active now. Time might be shorter than we expected.
Maybe actively messing with time is a catalyst, who knows?
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i'll admit it: i was wrong, ya'll were right. holy shit.

so. phase 2. honestly, with all the theorizing going around, i'd forgotten to keep an eye on chekov's gun. not that the black flames weren't important already- i just didn't think they'd come into play until, like, after everyone already met up.

[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

going with this one for now because we've seen that pyres still have access to their powers as youkai/gods- two of the fairies of light as seen in youmu's flashbacks, and more pressingly:

> The earth beneath her roiled with the unearthly howl.

seems like suwako can, too. and as an earth goddess... yeah, no. we struggled enough as is earlier, and without any backup... air advantage we go.

seeing as there's no strike stat right now, i'm inclined to agree with you.
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Given what Gooboi said, the solution to this death trap is to Re/Awaken, problem is how do we trigger it? Re/Awakening triggers whenever the present life is in stark contrast with one’s previous life, and I’ve no clue how to do that. I’ll leave it up to the other anons to figure it out as I’m not to good at reading between the lines.
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That doesn’t feel like it’s super relevant right now, though I do have an idea of my own. Right now, what matters is making sure everyone is safe.

[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.
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[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

Pyres retain the abilities of their previous selves. That means we need to use similar tactics as we did fighting Suwako before.

Theorising spergery below. Read at your own risk.

My plan for how we could not only beat this, but save Suwako? We need to "unlock" that final flashback of memory, of the end times. I hope to God that its Sanae, or something relating to Sanae's situation, because if it isn't I can't see any way to pacify Suwakrispy other than killing her. If what we get from the flashback is what we need to communicate, the badge we have might still work to talk to Suwako inside the pyre.
this comes with some issues though. for one, experiencing a flashback knocks Youmu out, and she's the only one properly equipped to deal with this shit, other than Akyuu, who herself is exhausted and even then has much less knowledge to combat this thing than Youmu. For two, its a gamble who this greenie is. is it Sanae? Is it Mima? Is it fucking Wriggle? They say cockroaches would inherit the earth after an apocalypse...
However! This can be offset using, you guessed it, a Re/Awakening. I think we could trigger this by bringing our jenny-say-kwahded younger sister into the fight alongside us, to link us back to when we had two bodies way back before the end of all things! This'd give Youmu cool crystal samurai armor to protect against the black flames, and likely Okuu too. I can't see any issues with having Okuu fighting with us! None at all. I'm sure she'll be absolutely fine fighting whatever the fuck this is. I thought it could only take over fairies...
The core of the problem of this little plan I've cooked up is achieving the Re/Awakening. Once that's out of the way, Okuu will share the same memories and maybe even the same mind as Youmu, like with Myon before. Saying that though, Re/Awakening could just spread the PTSD attack across both birds, then we'd still be fucked. But maybe, just maybe, by Re/Awakening we could access that memory of Konpaku Youmu's final moments safely, and if that final memory contains what we need to save Suwako...

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Alright, so firstly, good job on defend for rallying! To bad we now got to fight an extra boss when we don't have any of the Ammo to actually deal with it.

Vote is obviously in the air. If we stay on the ground I can't see of a way we can overcome a berserk ball of fiery death earth goddess.

[x] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

Second order of buisness, it looks like Sanae is soft-confirmed the 6th Immaterial Child, though she may be an awkward position that prevents her from emerging too early (especially since Akyuu, whose primary role was to remind everyone, doesn't remember her). In the previous timeline she likely only regained her memory at the point Pyres actually struck out, so its up to Youmu to "remind" her this time early enough to be of help since she is the only one who outright knows she exists.

As for triggering Re/Awaken, I will quickly look at both of the other two. Keeping it in spoiler since its mostly speculation still.

For Reimu, the difference that allowed for the harmony was obvious. As a Youkai and Shrine Maiden, and amount of serious combat was likely going to trigger Re/Awakening, as her identities are so vastly different that any combat where Reimu tries to fight as both a Youkai and a Miko is going to trigger it.

For Akyuu, her contrast is also fairly obvious, and she is another character who likely can do Re/Awakening at will due to the trigger being the differences between the Child of Miare and Eagle Ravi of the Moon. Importantly, I think this shows that what is needed is both the difference (which Reimu and Akyuu have in droves) and a trigger, as both times we have seen Akyuu Re/Awaken it was in using her recollection as the Child of Miare.

For Youmu, we WERE counting on getting nuclear Youmu to try and sidestep the issue, but that isn't going to be available. I think the most likely contrast we are going to have available is going to be fighting together with Okuu (assuming the speculation is correct and that Youmu's missing half is there), as it provides the needed contrast (Half-Ghost vs 2 Birbs) while also providing a form of harmony (two halves of a whole fighting together). The other possibility I had in mind was contrasting Youmu's instinctual follower personality and her almost being forced to take up leadership of the Immaterial Children after Reimu, Akyuu, and Marisa were incapacitated, but I don't think that is enough for now to speculate off of.

As for the trigger? Probably will need to be trying to fight as Konpaki Youmu with the body of Utsuho Youmu, so will probably need Okuu around to help with a special twin sign.


I agree that the likely reawakening trigger is going to be Okuu, so glad that someone else is on the same page! As for not!Sanae (at this point Greenie is all but confirmed in my book), as long as Youmu is able to give Suwako some confirmation that she exists and what kind of Youkai/Spirit she is, it may be enough to get her back to her senses.
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[X] Fight her on the ground. She might be able to maneouvre faster there.

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X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

There is a case to be made that fighting on the ground could potentially be more likely to cause a re/awakening, since Konpaku Youmu wasn't a bird and didn't have wings to fly with. But given that she(and all Touhou characters lol) could fly anyway, I'm sticking with the aerial approach.

>>208891 I think there's a decent chance Okuu/Myon Re/awakening might unlock her memories of being the Subterranean Sun, seeing as how she seems to have the impression of fighting with an arm cannon like she did last time.

... What's up with Akyuu not having that sense of 'wrongness' about Sanae's absence though? Reimu was her close friend/rival so it makes sense she remembers her out of closeness, but I can't really see Youmu being much closer to her than Akyuu, so I'm wondering what gives? Maybe Reimu remembers her out of closeness and Youmu out of seeing Greenie at the end?
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[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

Damn, so the black flames really are a flame of despair and hopelessness. Getting off the ground will definitely help reduce collateral damage, we can't have Suwako potentially use her powers over earth to cause more destruction, not to mention she commands Curses.

Btw, I think Sekiro's Demon of Hatred theme could really fit this EX battle too :>
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Adding to my previous music recommendation, I also thought of Shura ending Ashina Isshin as fitting too, maybe even Owl's themes too:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=h6zaG46LeD4 (Shura ending Isshin)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y87-hYHH0Qg&pp=ygUSc2VraXJvIG9zdCB0aGUgb3ds (Great Shinobi Owl)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv6Dg1zIKiA&pp=ygUSc2VraXJvIG9zdCB0aGUgb3ds (The Owl)

I keep thinking of Sekiro themes, maybe it's because I'm kinda drawing similarities between these black flames of despair to Sekiro's Flames of Hatred and the Shura ending of the game.
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[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

Pushing ourselves is the way to success. That and she's right. Too much risk.
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>... What's up with Akyuu not having that sense of 'wrongness' about Sanae's absence though?

She's used to her memory being infallable in every regard and the fact that it survived a reincarnation "in-tact" (to be determined, obviously) probably served to reinforce that. Not to mention the looming threat of the button and the fact that there is no option available to her to forget it.

She can't fathom her memory somehow being inaccurate or unreliable.
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[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

We gotta get this away from everyone first. This is way too dangerous. Also, no idea if this is legal, but...

{X} Okuu: Grab Hakurouken and help, using every bit of swordplay you might have picked up on from growing up with Youmu.

We've picked choices for Okuu twice already, so maybe we can give her a write-in, AND we know she can wield Hakurouken too, thanks to her accidentally breaking that window. They're a team, so they should fight together.
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[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.
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Huh. I'm not 100% sure on Okuu deciding to fight with Hakurouken, (she's under the impression that she's misunderstanding how to use it, I think). But I reckon Youmu using it could cause a re/awakening, seeing as how that sword literally represents the Konpaku lineage.
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[x] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage
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I went ahead and reread the scene, and I feel like it could go either way? She had been under the impression it would just go through things, but she did damage with it, so that's what confused her. At the very least, it could just be more of a matter of "use it 'wrong' for long enough to get it to Youmu (or until Youki notices it working for her and says something)," since I'm pretty sure Youmu was still hesitating to grab it herself when Pyre Suwako happened and had to jump into combat without it.
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[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

yeah, considering even the grass died in the previous timeline, I don't want to risk it spreading anywhere especially to any of the nearby trees considering that fairies can be tied to them, and it would suck to find out if that goes both ways and have fairie pyres to deal with too...

speaking of which

(X) shout at those that can to get a cordon to prevent anyone from getting in, it would be bad in curious fairies or the riled up Tengu bumbled their way into the middle of this!

I still don't think it's Sanae for one major question which if it is Sanae becomes really important. If she was able to remember and had some power up and the like... why wouldn't she go to her parents and find a way to convince them it was her, yeah they wouldn't have the context that there was reincarnation shinanigans going on, but there should still be a way to do so, and its Sanae, she definitely would!

and also, if she had been fighting in the end of fire before she came upon Youmu, wouldn't she have been in Re/In form? it would've been even without context something that would grab Youmu's attention.

not that I think it is hopeless for her, Reimu, and particularly Youmu, could tell there was a hole

>“We’ll figure it out.” Youmu sat up, bringing the sniffling rabbit with her. “There’s two of us here now.” She took an unsteady breath, trying to hold back from bursting into tears. “We’ll get them all home. Marisa, and Reimu, and Kosuzu, and, and, uh-”

She was instinctively trying to add Sanae there!

and that is probably why Reimu and Youmu both noticed the hole and Akyuu didn't, in their previous lives they relied heavily on instinct.

>“Yeah, but… it’s not that simple. You need to be in a life and death situation… or at least feel like it… and you need to have your past and current lives being super-heavily juxtaposed. And you need to have a little bit of your past life in your memories, too.”

Sanae didn't have Akyuu go with her, so there wasn't a way to awaken her past memories... as I stated in an earlier post, she likely was eliminated before ever finding getting a hint of her memories, but since her first loop changed history, ran again, and brought us here... she should still be where she ended up the first restart... and hey, if a miracle is needed to find her... well, a conveniently dropped manuscript sounds like a pretty good one.

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Well damn. That's one way for an entrance. So the Moriya were affected as well, even though Sanae didn't make it in the shrine. Maybe her stats as a god helped or something, idk. For now, we have a pyre to extinguish.

[X] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

I'd rather it not burn down. By it I mean everything. As for additions...none yet, but if any seem neat...
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Youmu describes Greenie as cloaked in Green Light and having a strong ‘presence’. And apparently Akyuu when Re/Awakened has a ‘strong presence’ too. Akyuu’s recent Re/A is the first time we’ve seen it from an outsiders’ perspective, and I feel like it was partially to convey that exact hint.
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My assumption was that Sanae only regained her memories in the middle of the incident, so likely had little to no time to actually organize anything beyond joining up with Yukari/The Immortals and trying again, this time with a plan to keep Akyuu alive so they can actually get everyone regrouped ahead of time. Even if Sanae's first instinct would be to go to Moriya Shrine, she may just get the distinction of putting down the Moriya Goddesses at the start of the disaster if it was THAT bad. Her task probably was to then show up at Hakurei Shrine when it returned from the Gap to collect the humans, only to arrive at Reimu's combustion and Youmu being on her last legs. She pulled a Miracle out to prevent their souls from being destroyed, then just stalled since there was nothing she could do in that timeline.

As >>208906 says, all of the signs point to someone in the Re/Incarnation state rather than one of the other possibilities.

Reading back to sidestory on Youmu already "saving" the next VIP, I'm actually wondering if that VIP was Greenie/Sanae rather than Koishi. While I love Koishi, its hard to argue that she brings much to the table that would be required to avert the Pyres, while actually getting the 0th Immaterial Child in play soon enough to actually affect things would be more impactful given that Ichi/Go are limited in how they can change the timeline. Now that Youmu actually has her identity pegged she may be able to help get her awakened soon enough to actually change things, even if its just giving Suwako/Kanako the lede on their missing Shrine Maiden.

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The Re/in state also forms the light into distinct parts of the person's past life... so where is the ethereal snake and frog hair decorations? and the Gohei?

and Sanae hasn't fought against Reimu that many times, much less put Reimu in a state resembling desperation that would leave Sanae with an impression of "defiance to the end" especially compared to two of the other greenies, (and one is ruled out due to the worng colour of eyes.

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Where’s the moon staff? Where’s the pointy hat? Where’s the ghost tail? You’re pointing out we got no distinct shapes described in the light, and not the fact we didn’t get Leg Status?

I think Greenie was deliberately described super-ambiguously so we’d all THINK it was Mima, and it was only with later context we’d start to understand it was Sanae.

And if anything, I’d kinda expect Mima and Yuuka to understand Reimu’s breaking point better, being more dangerous and much more experienced. Keep in mind the figure says their impression was wrong, too.

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Counting to >>208905:
Main Choice:
[1] Fight her on the ground. She might be able to maneuver faster there.
[19] Get her to the air. There were far, far too many things Youmu needed to protect down here, far too much risk of collateral damage.

Potential Additions:
-{1} Try to coax Suwako away from the others via taunting movement or the like. The others getting hurt is the last thing we want right now. (>>208880)
-{1} Okuu: Grab Hakurouken and help, using every bit of swordplay you might have picked up on from growing up with Youmu. (>>208899)
-{1} Shout at those that can make a cordon to prevent anyone from getting in. It would be bad if curious fairies or the riled up Tengu bumbled their way into the middle of this! (>>208904)
Apologies for editing your write-in.
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Well, that's easy, Youmu wasn't focused on the legs and the presence greenie gave off, but the hair was focused on and is missing something that has been promenant on both of the previous (Horn for Reimu, flower for Akyuu... huh I wonder if the human/youkai spirit level has an impact on how the Re/In state manifests in a inverse fashion? (Reimu was neutral, had sleeve (human) and Horn (youkai). Akyuu was Youkai-2 and only manifested the flower and the shards (human.)

and if its Mima, then it wouldn't be a Re/In state, and well, it was a hard week for everyone, quite simply, she could have lost them over the time span,

yeah and Sanae is so far in the other direction that she couldn't have formed the impression via fighting at all, She got Bodied by an Annoyed Reimu in MoF, and then faces her in SA extra, and a minor fight in Hisoutensoku. (as for anything in context to the shrine and worship, most of Sanae's expressions of any sort of superiority come mainly from Reimu's imagination.)

Furthermore she's worked alongside Reimu quite a lot, even being trusted with taking care of the shrine on a couple of occasions, and seeing at least one rough spot that did not involve Sanae fighting Reimu at all/ so why would the focus of knowing reimu be on 'fighting' her?

oh, slightly related to the aside above, would all the... natural?... all those that were originally and still are Youkai from the first timeline... would all of their spirit levels be Youkai-5? or would it vary? knowing how Reimu and Marisa were considered 'Youkai-like humans' in canon they possibly would've been spirit Human-2 or something in the last 2 timelines...
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no worries! I noticed the error only after it was too late to delete and fix, so thank you!
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I feel like we ignore 2nd mystery that gooboi trying to lead us on. Like how aunn became a shikigami or role of yukari in this whole ordeal. We have no idea for now of origins of black flame. I have suspicion that Rin Satsuki will be the villain of the story as a girl that "never existed". We also have 2 time travelers who are trying to right the course of the timeline. Also we do not know what where Okina, Hecatia or lunarians were up to. Black flame burning life itself sounds very lunarian, but I don't think story will go that way.
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I'm fairly certain the second mystery was intended to be the Early Presence of Moriya Shrine (or who the heck was Rana) rather than involving characters that didn't appear much in this arc.

For Aunn Shikigami, the most likely answer is that Gensokyo was at risk of being destroyed, which semi-forced Okina and Yukari to work together to make a strong enough fighter that can consistently beat opponents to keep Haru alive rather than any deep lore, which is why Aunn has a youkai body rather than being statues (Okina's contribution), and Yukari made her a shikigami. While there is some question on question on what spirit is being used specifically to finish the Shikigami process, there isn't really much of a need to speculate on that given that essentially nothing has been given to speculate with due to Aunn not really featuring much even in Akyuu's chapter.

Yukari's role doesn't appear to need to be expanded much at the moment since it seems she was given a tip off (like Yuyuko) that the disaster would happen, and thus acted accordingly to preserve the Immaterial Children before it kicked off. Unfortunately, like Aunn it appears that if there is another mystery at hand we don't really have much to speculate with given she hasn't appeared much outside of Youmu's flashbacks.

As for Rin? I wouldn't speculate much on whether she is the culprit yet, especially since Ichi/Go implies the presence of at least 3 other co-conspirators working behind the scenes. Even if all of them end up being more PC-98 characters I just don't think there is much reason to assume that the character that wasn't would be the culprit, especially given that Pyres appear to be a semi-natural phenomenon (though that may just be a product of it being the other fate distorting ability along with Re/Incarnation, so it can appear in the past now that its happened in the future. I actually don't think its any of the mainline superbosses either, as it really doesn't fit into the skillset of any of the Lunarians, Hecatia, or Zanmu. The closest it could have been is Junko, but still has zero resemblence to what her powers have looked like before (as consistent as 'purification' is anyway).
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[1] Fight her on the ground. She might be able to move faster there.
[19] Pull her to the air. There were far, far too many living things, far too much risk of collateral damage.

Youmu rushed forward, blades at the ready. She ducked under the fluid motion of the distorted goddess’ arm, catching her in the side.

On the far side of her, she took off, spinning around. She had to use the flat of Kuroihane to block another boneless swing, her teeth juddering as she spiraled upwards. The goddess’ froglike legs crouched, and she sprung up, at shocking speed.

Youmu gasped, trying to keep her distance as she flew up, with the Pyre in hot pursuit. For a mercy, it appeared the flames did dissipate a ways from it, but that had a middling effect on the danger of the distorted Pyre - Suwako’s limbs whipped out in rubbery arcs, whistling through the air as they sought to strike the hell-raven. Even at 30 ken out, she was still well within reach, and the speed of the actual appendages only got faster further out.

One caught her in the side, knocking Youmu back. It stung, it burned, but… as Youmu inspected the damage, it was better than she hoped. She hadn’t actually caught the flame, only gotten singed - good to know that the becoming-youkai plan was working. But just because she hadn’t started burning on the first attack didn’t mean she wouldn’t. She turned to the raging goddess, giving a weak smile and brandishing her swords.

“I’m the only one in this world who’s beaten a Pyre before! I’ll beat you too, Lady Suwako!”

Okuu’s wings flapped, desperately. She twisted and spun her body, finally freeing the shortsword from Mr Youki’s grasp.

The battle in the sky was raging. Most of the group had retreated behind what remained of the boulder, to take the various injured and incapacitated out of harm’s immediate way. Mr Youki, however, objected strongly to being counted among either camp, so Satori had tasked Okuu with removing her swords. He’d resisted to the best of his abilities, but he hadn’t tried to stop her with anything more than a tug. And he was still nursing some injuries.

Parsee looked up. “That black fire… I’ve never seen anything like it.” She started to bite at her thumb.

Orin looked at her, flatly. “What, you jealous of her for managing to power up from that?”

Parsee shook her head, slowly. “...That wasn’t jealousy. It was just despair.”

“That fire - Youmu had memories about it!” The group turned to look at Koishi. “I-it burns everything but the soul… but humans and other stuff burns a lot faster than youkai do!”

Her elder sister hummed, rubbing her chin. “...Perhaps one’s spirit acts as a barrier of sorts. Water on the fire. Spiritual beings would last a lot longer, if that was the case…” All three of her eyes narrowed. “...But not forever. The longer this goes on, the more danger they’re both in.”

Koishi pointed at the sword in Okuu’s hands, turning to Youki. “Th-that sword… it’s the special one, right? I-in her memories, that was cutting through the fire itself…”

The half-ghost glared at her. “That blade might be the only thing that can stop Suwako now.”

Satori nodded, but kept her hand on Youki’s shoulder. “That may be the case… but you’re in no state to be the one wielding it. And the only other one who can… is already in the sky. ” Okuu wrapped her arms around it, defensively.

Orin stepped forward. “I’ll take it up to Youmu, then-” Satori’s free arm shot out, grabbing her by the shoulder.

Satori glared. “No you won’t. You’ve been pushing a cart around all day, you don’t have the energy remaining.”

The kasha turned around. “And you think you do?! Just getting close to her nearly knocked you out!”

“I am the mistress of Chireiden. I will not put my pets in mortal peril while I sit on the sidelines.” Her mistress’s tone was firm, brooking no room for discussion. Rin found some room anyway, somehow, and the two began yelling.

Okuu stared down at the sword. Could it really do that? …It certainly seemed like a powerful sword. She reached for the blade again, unsheathing it.

And… for a moment, in the reflection of the blade, she saw something on her chest. Something round, right in the center of her collar.

And made of ethereal, almost transparent crystal.

Two hands suddenly emerged, on either side of the sword, and Okuu jumped, letting the sword slide back in and instinctively pulling it back. Both Satori and Orin were holding their hands out, looking at Okuu with pleading eyes.

“Okuu… we can’t let Satori-sama do this.” Orin begged. “Give the sword to me.”

Satori outstretched. “Okuu, at the Mistress of Chireiden, I order you to give me the sword.”

[ ] Stay at range from Suwako. Surely her stretching had some sort of limit?
[ ] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.

{ } Give it to Satori.
{ } Give it to Orin.
{ } Take it and fly!

Y 0/3 S 3/?

There was no strike for you guys in play this time. Youmu's on defense, here.

The second mystery isn't about Aunn or Yukari. It's a question possibly nobody even knows to ask yet - I certainly haven't seen it asked. I will be presenting that question before the end of the arc, though, assuming all goes well.

But if you have the right theory about Greenie... then maybe you'll get somewhere. There is something someone has said about Greenie in Yester/Youmu that will confirm which theory about Greenie is true... and lead you very promptly to the second layer, which if you REALLY squint, you have just barely enough information to solve. Mechanics-minded guys might need to step in for that one.

As a prize for avoiding a hit, instead you get a hint... Maybe you should ask a certain eccentric princess.

...Oh, and before I forget... let me remind you there's a teeny tiny bit of counter-evidence in an earlier arc, before I had this arc mapped out. I haven't fixed it in Ao3 yet, because fixing it would point it out. But maybe if you know the counter-evidence is unintended counter-evidence, it suddenly becomes evidence?
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A certain eccentric princess, huh? Well, that doesn't leave many options now does it. Off the top of my head, the only princesses I can think of are Kaguya and maybe the Satori sisters if you stretch hard enough. Could be missing some though.
Anyway, time to overanalyze like I did for when a phase 2 was started

If we stay at range, we have the benefit of evading some of Suwako's attacks by virtue of distance, however, Suwako's long range attacks, if any, will most likely cover a larger area, which would make them harder to dodge
If we stay in close, we have the advantage of any attacks being thrown being easier to dodge because of some stuff with circles I'm too lazy to explain The disadvantage here is that the attack will come out faster because we have less distance to react to whatever Suwako dishes out.

Now for Okuu's choice

Giving it to Satori is, in my opinion, the worst choice here. Not only did she almost lose consciousness merely upon the creation of the pyre, but she also has no feasible way get the Roukanken to Youmu aside from throwing it to her.
Giving it to Rin: She's probably the most physically fit here, given she pushes around that cart all day, so she could keep up with her. Problem is getting the Roukanken to Youmu, which is the same as Satori's issue, no way to get it to her aside from throwing.
If we take to the skies with the Roukanken ourselves, we have the advantage of being (likely) faster than both Satori and Rin on the ground, and we're able to get it to Youmu easier as we're able to fly and therefore close the distance between the sword and Youmu without having to throw it into the air. The downsides were, as Satori said, that Okuu is exhausted, meaning we might not have the reaction time to dodge attacks, or that our flying may be sluggish. Not to mention, us being in the air kinda negates the first choice we made, as now we're directly in Suwako's line of fire.

Sorry for text dump lol, hope at least someone finds this useful. If anyone has any additions, go ahead lol
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>>208916 here
Just realized I had the wrong sword, it was the Hakurouken, not Roukanken.
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I think what Gooboi meant by "a certain eccentric princess" is Kotohime.
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Hi, >>208916 here
Yeah, I figured I was missing something. Gave it a quick search, she's from the PC98 era.
Not too well versed with anything PC98 era, so you guys are gonna have to do some patchwork for my analyses
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the hint is about Kotohime, who is appearently a princess, in a village where we otherwise know no nobility... and who thinks she's a cop besides... granted it makes a much sense as everything else she says...
and this doesn't matter to Re/Do Reimu, but considering that her name translates out to Little rabbit princess I have either a strong suspicion... or just a head canon, that she's actually Kaguya and it turns out she's a character outside of Reimu Marisa, Alice and Yuuka to make it out of PC98. it would also make her visits to the village in Cheating Detective Satori less out of left field... but again, that's out of Re/Do Reimu and has no bearing here

I'll go over what Kotohime said in another post... it looks like it'll be the conversation with SaTorisa and Okuu that might be where to look? and also time to re-read through the story on AO3!

and It was Orin that was tired, not Okuu... and she's manifesting a Re/In state so

[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.

{X} Take it and fly!
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Oh, well in that case my vote for Okuu's side is solidified
{X} Take it and fly!
Still undecided on the other choice, I'll get back to it
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Forgot to write this but lol I misread when making that post lol, thanks for correction
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.

If her melee attacks are stretching out that far, we gotta get in close. With the way rotational motion works, it means the ends of her arms are going to be moving much faster than the bases, meaning that the further we stretch her, the faster we need to dodge.

{X} Take it and fly!

Looks like my Okuu write-in was about to be a choice anyways. 😆 Even if Satori and Orin were in their best shape, and even if Okuu wasn't an Outlier, this would still be the best choice. She may not be as fast as Youmu, but she'd be able to reasonably close the gap and give the airborne Youmu the sword, unlike Orin or Satori, who would likely have to resort to throwing it. But as it stands, Orin is worn out, and Satori might pass out just from getting NEAR the Pyre, AND it seems that Okuu may be able to Re/Awaken herself, just as I'd been suspecting since we gave her that first choice, and having her twin by her side is almost certainly a key part of getting Youmu to Re/Awaken too. This is just the best choice by far.
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.
{X} Take it and fly!

I reread all the Kotohime sections and might have found something

>>“Yeah!” Kotohime pounded one fist into the palm of her other hand. “Meira’s saying that there’s like… four Immaterial Children? Five now? But there’s only the shrine maiden and the one with the fancy sword, right?”

>>Meira scowled. “You’re forgetting the two civilians and the Child of Miare. And the latter’s pretty important, I’d think.”

At first glance it looks like she's talking about Reimu and Youmu. But what's the distinction between those two and the rest of the Immaterial children?

My first theory was that maybe she only counts the children she's encountered personally. It would imply that she's met the reincarnated Sanae. So she would be referring to Sanae and Youmu .But then I saw that Akyuu delivers medicine to Kotohime weekly. If this was the criteria, Akyuu would probably be included too.

But then I had a thought.

Kotohime can remember at least a bit of the previous timeline. She references Reimu and Marisa as being in the Touhou 3 incident.

What if she's referencing the Immaterial children of the previous timeline?

What if the second mystery is who also came back with Sanae?

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Ok, let’s see what’s here with Kotohime… going at the second conversation

>“For the last time, there was SEVEN people, counting the mastermind and yourself.” The purple haired woman was all-but banging her head against the wall. “The shrine maiden was licking her wounds, and I don’t know where the hell this talk of a magician came from.”

Hm, there WAS seven characters (just not the ones Miera knew of…) so was Kotohime talking about the Phantasmagoria? Because she is talking about the final day later on… wait. including the mastermind, that’s suppose to be nine. there’s only two missing? Kotohime beat Mima? Or who was the seventh? either Mima got out even though it was Haru that sealed her (at the price of being wounded!) but was weakened enough that Kotohime could beat her… without spellcards... but from everything else said about the formerly training incidents Haru would never have been in position to seal Mima again (and Kotohime never indicated she even attempted to, you’d think how she was mentioning everyone else she was trying to put in Jail she’d mention that!) and she’s loose, either that, or again, who is the seventh contestant?

>“Yeah!” Kotohime pounded one fist into the palm of her other hand. “Meira’s saying that there’s like… four Immaterial Children? Five now? But there’s only the shrine maiden and the one with the fancy sword, right?”

Which is about where Youmu’s flashback were at the time where Reimu hadn’t burned yet (THE Shrine maiden, not second/a or more notably Wind Priestess, though I suppose that would be too obvious if that was it) as this is right around when Youmu is talking with Akyuu.

Maybe something in the first conversation? This is what stood out to me so far.

Now if only I knew whether it was the arcs themselves I need to focus on or the epilogues…
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If the hint is about Kotohime, it's probably "why the hell does she know what she does," which I had initially just written off as Typical Kotohime Bullshit. It's fun to lean into the maniacal part of Maniacal Princess, and I had initially just written it off as that, which was probably a mistake on my part. Either way, there's some Interesting details to look at.

>The lady tilted her head. “Still… that Youmu girl came from Makai? …You don’t see many half-phantoms from there, do you?”

First off, she could clearly recognize Youmu as her past life rather than her current one.

>“For the last time, there was SEVEN people, counting the mastermind and yourself.” The purple haired woman was all-but banging her head against the wall. “The shrine maiden was licking her wounds, and I don’t know where the hell this talk of a magician came from.”

>“You’re just trying to play me down, arencha?” The redhead responded, pointing her fingers up. “You’re just jealous of my talent and beauty and cooking prowess and brains.”

Second off, she remembers Reimu and Marisa being present for Dim. Dream, which very much didn't happen this time.

>“Lady Kotohime has always had some… eccentricities. And now those eccentricities seem to be adjusting the numbers in her head…”

>Satorisa looked over at Kotohime, smirking. “Numbers, plural? Are there other cases?”

>“Yeah!” Kotohime pounded one fist into the palm of her other hand. “Meira’s saying that there’s like… four Immaterial Children? Five now? But there’s only the shrine maiden and the one with the fancy sword, right?”

>Meira scowled. “You’re forgetting the two civilians and the Child of Miare. And the latter’s pretty important, I’d think.”

Third off, she only remembers two Immaterial Children, which is honestly the biggest outlier of all. If we consider that she's remembering last timeline, then the shrine maiden she's vaguely referring to must be Sanae instead of Reimu, which just leaves "the one with the fancy sword," which would ALSO line up with Greenie's mysterious ally, though that begs the question of who. It can't be Youmu, given that we know where she was during those flashbacks, and when it comes to known swordfighters in Touhou, we quickly run out of options for those who had any other level of humanity:
*Meira - She's still around as a human. It's not her.
*Tenshi - She was a former human before becoming a Celestial, but I don't think anyone would want to rely on her, and I don't think she'd agree to be reborn as a youkai either.
*Miko - Another former human. She's a lot more reliable than Tenshi would be, but eating and rewriting her history would have hilariously far-reaching consequences.
*Rinnosuke - ... He's half-human, and he does own the Kusanagi, though it was given to him by Marisa, who didn't realize it was anything special. Plus, he's really NOT a fighter, but we can't discount the possibility, especially since we haven't seen him appear yet, I'm pretty sure.

This is why we ALWAYS gotta accept that Kotohime is always right. 😆
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.
{X} Take it and fly!

We dont listen!… They’re gonna be so angry at us for doing this😅.
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{X} Take it and fly!

Orin is tired, Satori was incapacitated a few minutes ago by being near Suwako, Okuu is the best at flying between the two sisters and should be the best suited to get the sword to Youmu without putting the others at risk.

I'm torn between getting close and staying at range.
Staying at range gives us more room to breathe but a hit with those arms might hurt.
Being close means we're more exposed to attacks and maybe risk getting grabbed since Youmu is not that comfortable with flying yet.

Last time I was in the wrong with the divebomb but now it's a 50-50 gamble.

[X] Stay at range from Suwako. Surely her stretching had some sort of limit?

I'll play if safe for now unless there's a good reason to choose the other. (also this should keep Okuu safer when she brings the sword to Youmu but that's not something Youmu knows now)
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.

{X} Take it and fly!
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.
{X} Take it and fly!
- {O} "I'm sorry, Orin." / I'm sorry, Miss Satori.

yeah lets be honest there's no real choice here. I do appreciate the proper use of applied physics when it comes to speed during rotation, though.

I don't know if the reincarnated swordfighter would have to have been one in their past life, but we could probably shotgun approach all the humans it COULDN'T be by seeing who's around in this timeline- like, we can be sure that it's not Sakuya, for example.
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.

{X} Take it and fly!
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.

Seems like a decent choice, if she's swatting at us using her long limbs, getting closer might help negate that advantage.

{X} Take it and fly!

I'm pretty sure this is how we're going to trigger Youmu's Re/Awakening, hell, seems like it might even do it for Okuu too. Doublt Re/Awakening!
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Alright, finally made up my vote for Youmu's action, I say we get up close and personal. Not only is the attack not as fast as explained by that one anon who took physics, but it would also make Suwako's attacks more clunky, by virtue of long range attacks inherently being very laggy.
[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.
Ill throw in this addon as well cuz why not, doesn't hurt us any
- {O} "I'm sorry, Orin." / I'm sorry, Miss Satori.
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Perhaps we should keep distance from Suwako until we get the sword?

[ ] Stay at range from Suwako. Surely her stretching had some sort of limit?
{ } Take it and fly!
Do these choices mean that Youmu will be on defense untill she gets the sword from Okuu?
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.
{X} Take it and fly!

I'm not entirely sure what the best course is for Suwako distancewise, but I think that Okuu needs to show off her Jenny Say Qwah and recklessly charge into danger.

Now, my terror is that if we fail, Youmu will get Re/Awakening at the cost of Okuu, so we still need to be careful.


At the moment, my best guess for the swordfighter is Tenshi, not only because she is really the only proper swordfighter left in gensokyo, but she happens to share a few characteristics with Sanae in that both have divine power and mentality to avoid going up as a pyre, which would give them the edge to survive long enough for the first generation immaterial children incident.

My only fear with Tenshi is that I can't remember how old she actually is, so her death could be more problematic then I am remembering (though Iku would probably have less paperwork to worry about).

I think we can eliminate most other members of the human/near human cast other than Tenshi and Rinnosuke though, since none of them have any connections to swords that would be defining enough.

I think it may also be worth tossing in some of the youkai/spirits that use swords/ swordlike objects though, since they may not have been able to be picky about who to send. That gives us a few more characters to consider.
-Shinmyoumaru - Young enough to actually work as an immaterial child, and would also probably not be detected.
-Nemuno - Her sanctuary ability could keep her safe long enough to make it to the travel part, but may be too antisocial.
-Konngara - The joke option, has essentially no character so pretty unlikely relative to the other two.

Realistically I think only Shinmyoumaru would have the mentality to do it, and if the first generation immaterial children needed some other tender (like miracles) to rewrite their past then the Miracle Mallet should be sufficient.
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>>counter-evidence in an earlier arc
That's way too much information on its own, quickly remove it before someone instantly guesses the character.

[X] Stay at range from Suwako. Surely her stretching had some sort of limit?
{X} Take it and fly!
-{O} "I'm sorry, Orin." / I'm sorry, Miss Satori.
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>>208938 thanks for bringing that to my attention, must've missed it earlier.

I'm going to go scour all of R/R for mentions, since it's only two threads. We can probably divide A/A among a few people if we want to search through it.
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Youmu doesn't have Hakurouken yet.
[X] Stay at range from Suwako. Surely her stretching had some sort of limit?
{X} Take it and fly!
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.

youmu's a close range fighter. we push advantage here- even if she's not that comfortable with flying with her wings, she understands how to well enough.

only problem i actually see is that okuu has a higher chance of getting hit since we're all going for her joining the fight. but again, it's not like she's entirely helpless either. speaking of which...

{X} Take it and fly!
- {O} "I'm sorry, Orin." / I'm sorry, Miss Satori.

she's clearly the best choice. not instantly capacitated within a certain range of the pyre, not exhausted from the events of the day so far. and if she's uncapable of giving it to youmu, then she can use hakurouken and join the fight herself, possibly unlocking re/awakening for both her and youmu.

also, we can finally use those twin spellcards suggested earlier. fun!

don't forget the ao3 versions are still unfixed and are free of all the voting discussions!

i have a free day tomorrow, fast reading speed, and too many thoughts about this bouncing around in my head. i'll see how much i can finish and take note of.

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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.

{X} Take it and fly!
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[X] Stay at range from Suwako. Surely her stretching had some sort of limit?
{X} Take it and fly!

If we're having Okuu fly in, let's not have Youmu increase the danger of her doing so.
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Keeping in mind that the proving disproof is focussed on it greenie being either Mima ot Sanae, if there is a second person from the first set of immaterial children, its not Tenshi,

>among others that new perspective tied back to her past life, like a blue catfish and a pink snake.

Reimu clearly remembers Tenshi... Which aww, after helping her with ms. pink Snake's (aka Kasen) arm Reimu did consider her a friend! =)

Will continue through AO3 to see what else i can find.
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The figure kept looking at Youmu. She couldn’t read her expression from this far away. “...I’m one of the two reasons Yukari decided to sequester you all away.” She looked up at the sky. “The other is responsible for our little light show here.”
Light show red pulsating sky. I don't remember any character that did such an effect. Any anons can help?
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You do have a good point, but I at least wanted to bring the known sword users to attention, given how Reimu and Youmu still prefer their old weapons.

Something I forgot is that Byakuren's vajra can be used as swords. She's got a similar mark against her as Miko does, but her being removed from history wouldn't cause nearly as bad of a ripple effect, at least.

Genuinely, the only one I can think of is Tenshi, but >>208946 pointed out that Reimu remembers her, but that could just be an artifact of a time before Goo put this plot point in stone, or it could be an indicator that Reimu had run into Immaterial Tenshi last time. We should keep it in mind but maybe not rule it out entirely, just in case.
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I'd argue against Byakuren solely because we know that the Buddhists are underground, and they'd probably have never met without her.
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.
{X} Take it and fly!

2v1 is better than 1v1
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[X] Stay at range from Suwako. Surely her stretching had some sort of limit?
{X} Take it and fly!
-{O} "I'm sorry, Orin." / I'm sorry, Miss Satori.
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Ah, yep, see, there we go. I knew I'd forget a detail somewhere. We can almost certainly cross out Byakuren, then.
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this is probably the 4 am brain talking and i'm definitely not confident in this at all given that my track record regarding speculations have been shit this arc, but fuck it, might as well throw this out there:

i'm fairly confident that akyuu's re/awakening earlier is what caused suwako to go pyre and brought them into the timeline early, and youmu's re/awakening (which we're working on right now) is to rectify that.

when she activated it in phase 1, there wasn't really any big fate to change on our end. no one to save.

but changing fate isn't always a good thing, is it? after all, remilia trying to give herself a grand entrance via fate manipulation was what set the shrine maiden's death date originally according to komachi. so akyuu activated the big fate-changing ultimate move, and what did she do in that state? she blasted suwako with the truth, which made her lose all hope of seeing sanae again, therefore kickstarting the pyres.

we know the timeline akyuu remembered went up to the ability card incident. according to the hourai immortals, the apocalypse took about a week, so the pyres must've been after that. we're roughly around the same time period as the scarlet mist incident, if i remember correctly, so we are far, far too early for any of the pyres to appear at all. and by that conclusion, suwako wasn't fated to become a pyre at all today. akyuu's re/awakening changed that fate, so now youmu has to re/awaken to save suwako from the black flames and change it back to how it was.

meta-wise, this also serves to subvert our way of thinking of re/awakening as a good thing, something to remind us that the ability to change fate does not always mean we change it for the better. we can't just pull it out willy-nilly like akyuu did earlier- as eiki warned both her and us the audience and ultimate decision-makers, it's powerful and dangerous.

gooboi's already pulled off something similar in the first arc with the oomukade centipede making reimu give herself away due to instinct. there's precedent for this. i won't be surprised if this is a similar thing to teach us to at least reconsider gunning straight for a re/awakening.
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The proving disproof is related to the second mystery, not Greenie. From earlier itt:
> (The second mystery has a teeny-tiny bit of conflicting information in an earlier arc, where it wasn't quite settled yet.)
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.
{X} Take it and fly!
{O} "I'm sorry, Orin." / I'm sorry, Miss Satori.

Okuu your time to shine has come
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[X] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.

{X} Take it and fly!
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Hm, noted. Still don't think it is Tenshi, as not having her would have devastating consequences when Kasen reunited with her arm as Tenshi is the one that just waltzed into hell where reimu was trapped and delivered the shard of the sword that originally severed the arm.
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Okay, but who's to say that Immaterial Tenshi wouldn't just do that anyways? She would have memory of it happening last time, and even if she couldn't get to Kasen's Senkai without being a Celestial, she'd still be able to get Komachi to take her there as an alternative, and all things considered, the way that fight plays out would barely even change. This would've been rather deep into the initial timeline reset, so the original Immaterial Children likely would've been already active and making their moves. PLUS, Immaterial Tenshi being familiar with Reimu would explain why Immaterial Reimu has the catfish Tenshi plush.

Assuming there really is a first generation, their seeming absence this time is just due to the fact that Keine wouldn't have known to put their history back in their original spots (or knew to deliberately not put them back) when sending the second generation back. That first generation must still be out there doing their original plan, potentially even unaware of this new generation. We just haven't seen them yet. Maybe they're working with Ichi/Go in some manner even.
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Brief double post 'cuz I'm dumb as shit, obviously the first gen would be at least vaguely aware of the second gen even without a heads up from our hooded strawberry friends 'cuz there are five girls now very obviously missing from the timeline (and slowly turning up as youkai elsewhere). 😆
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OH SHIT this is far too early for Dark Souls. Anyone got divine confetti?

[X] Stay at range from Suwako. Surely her stretching had some sort of limit?
{X} Take it and fly!

Ok firstly,

Right now, Suwako is being controlled by/is a large dark fire. Now I’m now exactly a physicist, but I’m pretty sure normal swords can’t cut through something as intangible as fire.

> Th-that sword… it’s the special one, right? I-in her memories, that was cutting through the fire itself…

> That blade might be the only thing that can stop Suwako now.

We need the Konpaku swords to do any damage, getting closer would be no use and just put us closer to the danger. This would also make it harder for Okuu to get to us in the first place to deliver the swords to us.

I don’t think I need to explain the second choice.
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Why would Tenshi have memories of her first life if she didn't have Akyuu go with her? That was why Akyuu was so important to send this time around was that she could help the other 4 regain their memories
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Am I the only person who noticed that Okuu just Re/Awakened? How come nobody is talking about that?

[X] Stay at range from Suwako. Surely her stretching had some sort of limit?
{X} Take it and fly!
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Both Youmu and Reimu showed some dim memories of their past timeline before remembering - it’s how both families knew about spell cards. Perhaps that’d be the way of it?
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Building off of >>208964 real quick, Reimu also didn't even need Akyuu to be able to get her memories back. They came with the Yin-Yang Orb instead. Tenshi (if it is her) would probably have been able to manage something similar, likely with the Sword of Hisou. Plus, the first gen sounds kinda doomed from the start if they didn't have SOME way of retrieving their memories.
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and how would a random person get their hands on the sword of Hisou without knowing they needed the sword of Hisou?

Reimu is a little unique there as the Yin-Yang orbs being hereditary would have sought her out regardless of whether Haru lived or died, I don't think that works for the Sword of Hisou... furthermore unlike Akyuu and Youmu, Reimu's had a LOT of holes in it since it wasn't via Akyuu.

I think that's the point, that they were doomed from the start, but if this was the first try, then they likely didn't know that, until the week of fire started again for them.

btw, regarding the second mystery:

>and lead you very promptly to the second layer, which if you REALLY squint, you have just barely enough information to solve. Mechanics-minded guys might need to step in for that one.

"mechanics-minded" sounds like something to do with our stats? I don't think the second mystery is "who" but instead "How", If not something else...

and its also a question that hadn't been asked when the quote was posted...they might've been the wrong questions, but I had asked regarding "the shrine maiden and the one with the fancy sword" (maybe its not someone that necessarily wields the sword... just has it?) granted it was under the assumption that Kotohime was somehow in tune with Youmu's flashbacks

if the "How" was Kiene, its not likely to be Miko or Byakuren as both are over a millenia old.

>The farther back we go, the more energy it takes.
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Counting to >>208963:
Main Choice #1:
[8] Stay at range from Suwako. Surely her stretching had some sort of limit?
[15] Get in close with Suwako. With these sorts of attacks, longer distances only added more momentum.

Main Choice #2:
{0} Give it to Satori.
{0} Give it to Orin.
{23} Take it and fly!

Potential Additions:
-{O} "I'm sorry, Orin." / I'm sorry, Miss Satori. (6; >>208931, >>208934, >>208938, >>208942, >>208951, >>208956)

Should be good...?
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if its alright to add to the prospective soundtracks for this fight, this one has been sitting in my mind a good fit not just for this fight, but the Re/Awakened as well

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Not sure how to maneuver around Reimu potentially dying at the end of timeline B's WaHH, but I can see why Tenshi would be a good one to go back as like Hakurouken the sword of Hisou can cut Spirits (or something like that?) but... how would immaterial Tenshi get her hands on it? and how would she even get into heaven to get close to it?
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I completely missed the whole conversation about another sword user, I went to look for another thing altogether. Whoops.

Meira - Is there.
Tenshi - Does have a fancy sword, but I'm not sure she's young enough to do this since we don't actually know when she ascended to heaven (depending on which lore you look at, in SWR she ascended while young, in WaHH it's stated she was born a celestial). As for a reason, she does have one: Heaven is boring. Flimsy, but possible. Against this is the possible plushie (blue catfish?) that was in Reimu's pile.
Miko - Does have a fancy sword, but she was a possible outcome for Youmu's story. She's also hundreds of years old.
Rinnosuke - We know nothing about him in this reality, but there was absolutely nothing pointing this way. Doubtful but not impossible.


Shinmyoumaru - Doesn't have a fancy sword, it's a needle.
Nemuno - A cleaver.
Konngara - Does have a sword, not overly fancy.

Other sword users I can think of are:

Momiji - Tengu. Was the other option for Youmu, so she probably is around.
Yorihime - Lunarian. Gets actually mentioned by name, so no.
Gengetsu - huh... demon? maid? Is usually depicted using swords plural. Also probably no.

The other thing I can think about is that they're not called "swordsman" or "swordswoman" just "the one with a fancy sword". Maybe it's someone related to someone with a fancy sword, or even Rinnosuke lol.

By this point, if there's a second reincarnator (which seems likely by this point), going by Occam's razor it's probably Tenshi, but I wouldn't put my hands into the fire for this.

I checked both Redo/Reimu and Again/Akyuu for changes between the thp text and ao3 text and couldn't find anything major. (I checked their epilogues, too, but still nothing of particular note save for small corrections). I didn't check Yester/Youmu if someone wants to do that.
I admit that I rushed the job somewhat because I'm tired and my stomach is acting up again so I might have missed something. If someone wants to check too, feel free to do so.

Once again, I'll try to just wait and see what happens.
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if the mystery is a second person, are they the other reason greenie mentioned?
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I feel like tenshi existing as a yokai would have massive effect not history of the gensokyo. So I'm still not convinced about theory about her
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I am pretty sure that the other group that greenie mentioned are the hourai immortals. Especially since what we are left with as of the latest flashback is Youmu learning that she needs to survive long enough for said second group to reach her and the motes, then a gap of the last flashback(?) And then Mokou finding them at the beginning.

On a seperate topic while i'm pretty sure the argument is dead, i do have one more bit of "evidence" of greenie is Mima which is namely thus:

What is her theme song called again?
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I don't know if I'm just repeating what someone's already said, but it appears to me that Kotohine is not remembering the original Gensokyo previous timeline, and instead the edited Gensokyo previous timeline.
This is because there was no mention of immaterial children in the original timeline, Sanae is birthed normally, and our mysterious fancy swordsman presumably is as well. This means that Kotohime must know the same timeline as in Akyuu's memory, where Sanae is immaterial.
That could mean that this fancy swordsman originally didn't wield a sword in the OG timeline, just like how Akyuu didn't wield a lunatic gun in the OG timeline. If this is true however, what do we actually look for now? An incident resolver or villager who is "fancy"? I hope I'm making sense.
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Ah so the second mystery would be what is the fancy sword?
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>>208938 here:
Note that:
>>and lead you very promptly to the second layer
tells us that these two mysteries are somewhat related. By telling us that solving the mystery about Sanae will lead us to the second mystery, the vice versa must be true. Determining the second mystery would also tell us what happened to Sanae, no? :3
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>>208974 here again.

If my theory is correct, that rules out Byakuren and shotoku being immaterial as Akyuu talks about them in the ending of AA:

>>The chronicler felt her memories pick her up like a tide, thinking back. “A bunch of… youkai buddhists, on a flying ship, came in to Gensokyo, and started preaching acceptance. Then, they accidentally raised no less than Prince Shoutoku, completely by accident.” Ani kept grinning, remembering the two leaders squabbling.

If either was immaterial, I'd imagine these events wouldn't have gone down so similarly to the original timeline - unless this is the counter-evidence? I doubt it, since this is late into AA.
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new thread at >>208978
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Ah yep, as said above, new thread at >>208978!

Missed my last shoutout, but imma bludge it and call this a twofer! The Exhibition of Luck and Fate has had it's entries posted! Lots of Yakuza Mom Yachie in there, though she does take a few Ls. You can find the discussion thread at >>/gensokyo/17300, and the actual stories at >>/shorts/2884. Hope you enjoy!
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