I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 164238572534.jpg - (366.34KB, 2432x3445, i do it for free too.jpg)
i do it for free too
I don't usually want to draw a lot of attention to myself, but that can't be helped in this instance, so I put on my name and trip and everything.

As it says on the tin, I'm primarily propping this thread up to promote a personal site of mine dedicated at least in part to talking about matters related to THP. Now, before you run away, this isn't meant to be a bunch of opinion pieces from some doofus who happens to be a janitor. Some who have been around might have heard me talking about a project to document THP for the benefit of newbies and otherwise. Well, this is where that project has ended up.

That's why the first post I want to present publicly is dedicated to a very important topic for the health of the site: tagging. You might have noticed that a lot of stories in the Story List are missing tags. There is a solution to this, but I can't promise it's a trivial one. Still, it's important that we get as many people as possible contributing to this cause, so I took the liberty of writing out a little guide to how tagging works in a rough fashion. I've also tried to explain a little bit of the rationale behind why tagging is important for the site. Check it out at the link below.


I will be periodically posting entries like this for the benefit of the community. There might also be occasional opinion pieces for the morbidly curious. Rather than trying to integrate comments or such Web 2.0 inanity, I'd prefer to use this thread for discussion and feedback. Feel free to tell me if I've got my facts mixed up or whatever. If there's something more private to discuss, find me on Discord or send an e-mail to the address on the front page of my site.
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You can't legislate good behaviour, but you can have reasonable rules-of-thumb. I had a few thoughts about things in our outer communities, so I decided to share some of those.

N.B. This shouldn't be taken as a do-or-die pronouncement by moderation. Just take it all into consideration and otherwise continue acting like a decent human being, okay?

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Did you know THP had a birthday yesterday? Happy fifteenth, THP. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything.

Anyway, I started this post a while back and meant it to be something of a long 'user's manual' sort of thing, but that got pretty tiresome. I ended up retooling it to be a lot more concise, mostly because I didn't feel it needed to instruct as much as bring attention to things. With any luck, I'll have brought some previously unnoticed things to someone's attention.

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Here's a quick little piece about a long-time daydream of mine. It's idealistic and perhaps unfeasible. Hell, maybe impossible. I'd still like to see it happen someday.


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Let this post mark the inaugural session of the THP Book Club! For those of you living Underground where news comes slow, slurred, and shōchū-soaked, or up high on the gentle Moon where it hardly ever comes at all, this is an idea piloted by a member of our very own community here at Tea Haitch Pee dot moé, and buoyed into reality on the updrafts of your (yes, your!) participation. The incipiatory discussion can be found in this blog post here >>16758, as well as in the Site Events Discussion Thread from roughly here >>16759 onwards; but just to reiterate, we'll be reading through some of the older stories on the site, one bit at a time and week over week, sharing our thoughts and impressions as we go along together. Our hope is to lend forth a little light to stories that are somewhat shaded from the selective spotlights of mention, as well as to cultivate a climate of discussion and dialogue, by concentrating here what might otherwise
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So, as a writer, I personally love write-ins, as they're a sign of viewer interactions. Granted, I haven't had anything I'd consider a particularly silly or unwarranted write-in, so I might be a bit biased. I have had a few that have been fairly off-the-rails, but they've still been legitimately good (or at least reasonable) ideas based off of the information available at the time.

As far as writer interaction with the readers go, that's tricky. See, the thing is, I actually love talking about my story. I could easily throw several paragraphs in almost per update about what might have happened, or could have happened, or my thoughts on something. But I don't. I'll throw stuff in as an end-of-part coda, perhaps, but I fear to say too much.

Two reasons for this. The first is that I don't want to bias the readers with my personal commentary. Author's notes are fun, but the story must stand on its own without them. If someone who doesn't read any of the notes about what I intended comes to a completely different interpretation of the characters than what I intended, then I've screwed up as a writer, and that's a real risk if I keep outright telling the viewers what I intended after each update.

The second comes down to vanity. There was a previous community I wrote in where I got in trouble for self-advertisement, and I had a bit of a rant about how my story wasn't getting the attention it deserved compared to other, worse stories. It's not something I'm proud of, and pretty much ended my involvement in that community, as well as the story I'd been writing at the time. (Which is honestly a shame, as I wouldn't mind finishing or maybe rebooting that some day.) Because of that, I try to take a hands-off approach to commenting. It's easier for me to avoid attention seeking if I minimize my interaction outside of the updates. Or, as is increasingly the case these days, apologizing for updates being late. Alas.

Speaking of apologies, I'm one of the anons who floated the idea of participating and never did anything. So... sorry about that, I've just been busy lately. Even finding time t
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>If someone who doesn't read any of the notes about what I intended comes to a completely different interpretation of the characters than what I intended, then I've screwed up as a writer
I mean, that's going to happen no matter how much footwork you put into stage managing reader perception of things. You can outright directly tell people that things are one way or another, yet they'll still come to head-scratching conclusions based on inherent biases or whatever. I've had it happen time and again in my own writing to the point that I long gave up trying to correct people. Dunno, though. Maybe it depends how much investment people have in your story. Nobody around here really has the same experience writing, for better or worse.

As to actual book club matter, well, no real need for apologies. There was hardly a call for strong commitment. The pacing that so annoyed certain people was chosen with the assumption that people would probably fall in and out. If things go on and you happen to only find time to get involved every once in a while, that's fine enough.
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Very belated in getting my thoughts in.

>Did the story make you feel anything?
Hesitation, mostly, or a sense of "waiting for the other shoe to drop". I get the feeling in the end that it was mainly supposed to be a fun adventure focusing on personalities rubbing off on each other and which wouldn't get super into it, but it really was hard to tell because I still felt like that could have changed at any moment.

>What did you think of the writing style?
I think the author is a fair hand at scene-setting and has a good sense for personality as external affect, but could probably stand to get a little deeper into a character's psyche, past, and whatnot in order to get them to really stand out from the page as fully-developed people. Of course, I haven't seen them write any characters in extremis, so maybe they were simply keeping it up their sleeve, but the keystones-and-chicken-twine analogy from earlier still strikes me as salient.

>Was there any passages that stood out to you?
Hobo silence

>Would you recommend this story?
I don't think I could, in good conscience; but then again I pretty much have to have liked something nearly unreservedly in order to be able to recommend it to anyone else without a whole bunch of caveating. Besides, it just didn't get far enough.

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File 166716160598.webp - (7.17KB, 512x512, nanoreimulogo.webp)
Getting a jump on this for various reasons. Obviously, Nanowrimo doesn't start until 01 November and ends 30 November. What time? Doesn't matter, just as long as it's November in your timezone.

But, for the newcomers and slow-comers, what is Nanowrimo? For THP purposes, Nanowrimo is when we spend the entire month of November trying to either write thirty (30) updates OR thirty-thousand words total. This can be and often is taken to mean daily updates, but it doesn't matter how you get there. That's just the goal.

You don't even have to write a new story for this; you can enter an ongoing story if you want.

Why do this? Personal satisfaction and community engagement. If you want a prize, I dunno what to tell you; we tried that before. Badger someone into giving you one if you so desire.

Other than the above-stated goals, there aren't any rules as such. It would be nice if people who are participating indicated in this thread that they are doing so. Nothing fancy, just something like:

I'm participating in Nanowrimo. This is my story:

It would be helpful for following anyone participating, and I imagine that would be desirable for those writers.

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Looking forward to the eventual /at/ spinoff, Lust Market.
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Is that anything like Lust Bees, the porn companion to Lost Bees?
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When the Last Bee is gone, and the Lost Market fades...

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File 166897091647.png - (133.42KB, 400x280, concentratedhatlessness.png)
Ladies, gentlemen, and all in between,

Many a time, (for a long time), has it been debated among our peers in the Touhou community to appraise and rate each and every hat in the series, but I ask,
"what about those who cannot qualify, those who do not wear hats?"

Many a time, (for a long time), they have been left alone, cold, hatless, and double–crossed for something beyond their control.

I daresay it is time to do something about it!
With your cooperation, we will determine the best hatlessness in the Touhou Project.

"How?" you might be thinking. Fret not! It is easy:
You shall choose a candidate who does not wear a hat (the best picks have never worn a hat*, unlike Udongein, for example) and explain how they are the best at being hatless.
To be more specific, tell us why this character is better off without a hat, and how wearing one would only weaken them, whether it be by design, or presence, or some other characteristic they would stand to lose.

Godspeed all, and have a jolly day!
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>>16660 here.

Spontaneous manifestation of head ornamentation for medical purposes shouldn't count, I'd think. It's not part of their normal attire, it's just there for safety.

In other news, of the true hatless 2hus not yet discussed, I think Kaguya has a pretty good shot of dethroning the current leader.

Kaguya doesn't wear a hat, and doesn't need to. She has her own personal doctor in case she ever gets sunburned, she doesn't get much sun in the first place, and if she got a hat she'd stop having a character design in eternal stasis. Plus, Mokou has a very high hat score, and those two would obviously be on opposite sides of the scale.
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File 166953446053.jpg - (49.16KB, 480x269, hatted your umbrella.jpg)
hatted your umbrella

Not to be needlessly contrarian, but I cannot accept 'medical reasons' as a valid explanation for this phenomena. A vast number of post-battle band-aid application are placed in strange places such as over the clothes/hair. Meanwhile scuff marks, bruises, and other clear indicators of fisticuffs remain uncovered and untreated.

I can only assume that the bizarre ritual of increasing a defeated opponent's hat/accessory score is meant as a show of dominance.
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File 166985238412.jpg - (292.35KB, 750x750, __houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_mu_ye_xia_junsh.jpg)
Jade Beauty

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File 16272477803.jpg - (84.99KB, 724x1023, come on through.jpg)
come on through
Since the old thread that was stickied at one point is seemingly just gone, here's a shiny new one to be largely disused in favour of shitposting on the Discord for talking over neato ideas involving 2hus that could be put into prose.

I look forward to the odd newcomer excitedly posting their 2hu x [insert flavour-of-the-month game here] crossover idea. Or I guess folks could seriously discuss ideas, too. Whatever y'all want. Anyway, doors are wide open, so come on through.
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Odd newcomer here, swinging in hard with something that isn't 2hu x [insert flavor-of-the-month game here], this has been bouncing around in my head since I started playing touhou

Anon wakes up in the middle of a forest with amnesia. They realize they have with them a big binder chock-full of pages written in by their past self, who claims that Anon entirely intended to end up smack dab in the middle of this secret magic land, but is unable to disclose any real details for reasons they refuse to elaborate on. Looking through the pages reveals large swathes of blank space in what's written, as if chunks of text simply decided they never existed in the first place.
Anon, of course, wants to go home (wherever that may be), but the binder insists that there's something really important they have to do before they can.
Thus, Anon is forced to fend for themselves in Gensokyo with vague guidance from their past self as they try to, in no particular order:
A) Escape
B) Regain their memories
C) Do whatever the fuck it was they wanted to do before they got brain-wiped

But it'd sure be nice to figure out why Past Anon was so insistent on nobody finding out about the binder...
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Alright so check it...Gensokyo gets destroyed by some cataclysm at a specific point in time after MC awakens right? Only he doesn't die and instead gets sent back to that point in the past for whatever reason. Certain parts of the notebook are 'blank' because there are 'allies' close to him that either contribute to or cause the collapse and they have ways to see the notebook. His future selves found a way to hide these entries untill certain conditions are met. The story progresses through several iterations of MC ignorance, investigation, and strategic combat with the enemy until the inevitable doomsday(or death), at which point the voters can choose a new vague hint they can send back in time(let's make friends with Sanae, watch the stars on XX day, 9PM curfew DO NOT answer the door, ect...ect..). For added mystery, be sure to make MC a bit of an unreliable narrator, with some of the pre-loaded hints/ journal entries being true/false depending on other factors in the current run.
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Oh boy, just what we need, a few more uninspired babby's first fanfiction Anon drops into Gensokyo isekai stories that could be fitted into any franchise with the serial numbers filed off because the story itself isn't a product of the setting and the author doesn't even care that much about or understand the series they're writing for since they just want to wank over their newly minted OC that doesn't even fit into the setting, mmmmmm just love them, gimme more

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File 166024408829.jpg - (2.06MB, 1680x3320, cool as a.jpg)
cool as a
Man, it's a hot one
like seven inches from the mid-day sun

That's the sort of feeling everyone's having in Gensokyo right now. Is it the seasons acting up again? Are things on fire? Has Hell come to establish itself on the surface? Whatever's causing it, pretty much everywhere is hot and humid. That's why the theme for 2022's annual contest shall be a Red-Hot Day in Gensokyo.

Some of you may already be wondering what I'm on about, considering the customary yearly contests generally don't have themes. That's absolutely true in most cases, but in a (sort of) democratic process of discussion and exchange of ideas, it was decided that a narrowing of topics would help bring a bit of focus to potential entrants. Sure, there's the risk that some won't like the theme and not participate, but the flip-side is potentially having nobody participate because the range of potential subjects is too wide. After all, can you easily think up something contest-worthy off the top of your head? (Rhetorical question, do not answer.) Better to buck tradition and have slightly higher hopes of participation than be stubborn and probably get nothing, I think, anyway.

With that in mind, I think newbies and old-bies alike are on the same footing here. Thus, I'll go ahead and explicate everything:

* The theme of the contest is 'a hot day in Gensokyo'. As such, that should be the main topical focus of any entry. What that means is ultimately down to the entrant; it could be as much about a nuclear meltdown as 2hus cooling off by the river. Just keep it in mind when writing your piece.

* There is also a secondary (read: optional) theme of the colour red. Again, there is no set meaning as far as the sort of content that encompasses. There's also no pressure as far as its inclusion, so feel free to ignore the secondary theme if it doesn't fit your plans. That said, I will give extra kudos to
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>I deliberately chose to execute it in a way that would not give away that the fact that it I wrote it.
You got me there. I mainly suspected it was yours but there was room enough to second-guess myself.
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Dammit. I like to consider myself a big fan, but I was totally fooled.

>lack of character
Just to quibble, what I meant was in terms of distinctness. I'll be honest in that I didn't give any entry a particularly deep look-over, so I wasn't primed to appreciate any subtleties of your work. Basically, I took the most shallow route for judging things for lots of things I could — but will refrain from — whinge about. That's rather unfair to you and others, but it is what it is.
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>It was really gratifying to see someone comment on the metaphorical aspect of it.
You’re welcome. Well done.

Hello. To no one’s surprise, I authored the fishtits piece. The aim, aside from you being happy to see me, was to effect a more “generic” pornographic scene such as may be found in other fanfiction repositories, complete with, yes, repetition, crudeness, etc. – but, between a somewhat confounding theme (how would a Slav know what summer is…?), work and and being busy with the bun over in /shrine/, I couldn’t commit 100%. Well, at least it filled out the category. Was better than leaving it (at the time) empty. Too bad about the middling, stopgap quality.

On which note, combined with Mibya’s comment up above, damn, we really screwed the pooch this year on that, didn’t we? Guess those votes of no confidence were deserved after all. I’m going to have to think about breaking some promises (er, again) and maybe making up for it in some way…

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File 158898536334.jpg - (700.27KB, 869x1000, cirreading.jpg)
Whoops! Looks like the previous one is finally on autosage. Here's to another five years, I guess.

Let's not actually take five years, though it's most probable at this point.

Might as well take this opportunity to repeat my recommendation for From the Scarlet Moon Flows the Spring and add that Clever, Audacious, and Wise -- and most of Teruyo's stuff from the past couple of years, really -- is worth a read.
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Procurement Specialist?
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oh shit thats it thanks anon, gonna read it again
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Hey, i'm fairly new to touhou (and so, the board) and i just wanted to drop in a rec for the story that got me interested: [i]Scarlet Devil Project: Antinomy of a Devilish Vampire[/]

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File 165326200919.png - (36.56KB, 359x454, dbklz2s-6845aafb-2b46-4e91-8f01-38a6bc07d0ba.png)
It seems like many people on here are very much interested in bees and beekeeping (very much so). Why is this a thing?
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They pollinate plants, build neat structures, and make honey. What's not to like?
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Nice. I give it a 🅱️/🅱️.

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File 164572362883.jpg - (111.48KB, 850x478, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_torinari_dtvisu__sam.jpg)
(I'll start, here's an oneshot.)

Impossible Spellcard: The Musical.

Does anybody ever wonder if I have my reasons?
I’m not as weird as they say.
It’s funny how the world can change so much throughout the seasons.
And here I pretty much..staaaay the same!
Some might say that life is an Impossible Spellcard.
Trouble knocking at your door.
I can’t take it anymore!

It is my tragic duty….
To flip around society!
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What is blue?
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gee I wonder
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I am a blind fish then, sorry for posting at the wrong spot.

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>>/blue/23156 brought up a pretty good idea, so let's give it a go and see how it works out.

This is the thread for all writers who want critique (despite the title, yes, real critique) hurled their way based off of their posted work. Put your name on, link your story, and wait for anon to roast. Easy peasy.

And since it'd be kind of silly to start off a thread without, y'know, contributing to its premise, I'll go ahead and offer my own work up for roasting. Sure, it's dead, but go ahead and roast away anyway: >>/youkai/28957
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Alright I looked at that forest story. The main criticism I can give is that the story is very meandering. When I was reading it, I got the feeling that things just sort of happen to Rumia instead of there being a central driving plot guiding Rumia. There used to be a central driving plot at the beginning, where a mysterious disembodied voice gave Rumia a mission to kill all the Anons and promised to guide Rumia on her adventure, but the voice just sort of vanished without explanation after Rumia killed the weird Alice goo monster and fell unconcious.

That's the other main criticism I have with this story. Characters and plot points have a nasty tendency to just sort of disappear from the story without warning. Take Wriggle for example. Wriggle ended up being killed by the Alice goo monster entirely offscreen, with no way for us to influence Wriggles fate. According to the Alice goo monster, it was entirely our fault that Wriggle died, even though the last thing we voted for prior to Wriggle's death was "lets try really hard to beat Wriggle to Marisa's house." Having the result of "lets race Wriggle" be "Wriggle is dead and its all your fault" seems like a rather extreme and unfairly unforeseeable consequence of our actions.

And Wriggle was one of the lucky ones, she actually got an explanation for her disappearance. Some characters don't even get that much. Like the Black Knight Anon that attacked us in Rinnosuke's shop. Rumia gets into a big fight with the knight, covers the area in darkness, and then the knight just sort of disappears. What happened to him, where did he go, what is he doing now? Who knows. He basically just fell out of the story with no explanation. A similar thing happened with the fairies Rumia met in the forest. Rumia attracts a horde of hundreds of fairies and runs to Reimu's shrine to escape them. Rumia spends maybe 10 minutes in the shrine and leaves with Shion through a window, and suddenly the fairies are gone, despite there being hundreds of fairies outside surrounding the shr
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I've read your criticism and firstly want to thank you for giving them. I'm sure it took some time to write all that and all of those are really good points that you're making.

Now I'm going to explain stuff as much as I can without making any sort of excuses for myself.

>Wriggle death.

That was going to happen anyway, you are absolutely not responsible for that outcome. It's simply something the thing said to make you feel even worse at what it thought was going to be your last moments for that extra juicy tears. The thing was blatantly a sadist and deserved to die. (And would be a nice thing to suddenly remember if you ever you yourself making someone suffer for the same reasons only to end up disgusted by how similar to it you're acting since I don't have the guts to make Rumia into a total monster regardless of how much she hypes herself up to be one).

Wriggle's revival is meant to be a main motivator to keep moving even if you decided to simply not listen to some voice in your head that told you to eat some yummy outsiders. There were multiple ways to achieve it and you're already found one of them so I have to praise you for that.

Heck, once that's achieved.

>Black Knight
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You know what, I'll throw my story into the ring here. In particular, I'd like to know if there's anything in particular that works/doesn't work about my writing style, or any high/lowlights of note in the updates. A lot of what I've been doing has been making things up as I'm going along, so any feedback would be useful.

Urban Student in Limbo: https://www.thp.moe/th/res/202201.html

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