I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 149627530894.jpg - (404.36KB, 850x3400, Walk into the light.jpg)
Walk into the light
Yeah, I know. Odd name, right? Well, this contest is focused on picking any two games or written works' cast and slapping them together in some way. The only limit is that it has to be the first game they were in. So no picking SA or PoFV and getting a ton of characters. If you want Reimu, you need to be more highly responsive to prayers, if you get my drift.

The deadline will be July 1st at 00:01 site time. If you need more time, say so before the deadline.

As with the previous contest, there will be prizes. First place on a given category will earn you what amounts to crappy commission art. However, I do intend to give it my all, so long as the request is within reason. Ties will both earn a prize. In the event you don't request one, I'll draw something based on the story itself.

On that note, one prize remains unclaimed in the previous contest.

Categories are: SFW and NSFW. The flavor of the day is Best Pairing.
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File 150219218987.png - (1.12MB, 3000x3000, Will he ever wake.png)
Will he ever wake

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This is a digital image. All drawfagship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with rage, wanton destruction and character derailment, studded with crossovers, adorned with hanging rings of donut steel and encircled by bands of impatient voters. This object menaces with spikes of snark and fat jokes.

On the item is an image of Doyou Evenliftimus the Angry Marine and palm trees in glorious RGB. Doyou Evenliftimus is reclining in a hammock. Doyou Evenliftimus is flipping off in his sleep. The palm trees are bending under Doyou's immense weight. This artwork relates to the hiatus of FUCK GENSOKYO in the early spring of 2017.
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File 149745161596.png - (8.71KB, 112x112, thinky.png)
When is the Story List going to be updated again?
It was last updated back last September.
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/blue/ is our off-topic board, where you can post whatever.

The story list is rarely updated because it has to be done manually by an admin. People don't mind much because it's there for archival purposes rather than for up-to-date following of stories.

I suggest additional lurking. You seem to have come in like a wrecking ball, not pausing to absorb board culture as is the etiquette before posting your own story and making a whole bunch of posts and threads. I don't really care that much myself, but people tend to get upset over this.

Cheers m8.
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(names are usually reserved for writers)
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I'm still hoping that our Patreon gets enough funds saved up to hire a magic coder man to write us an automatic Story List. (Or at least, one that allows user submission/edits that can be easily moderated.)

Tbh I no longer care about this board's culture. We're so small and diluted at this point that there's very little of it left to "preserve". I just like seeing this place get attention in any capacity whatsoever.

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File 149100489935.png - (1.08MB, 724x1292, They tripped.png)
They tripped
What is the focus, I'm sure you're wondering. Why, the pint-sized, puntable pests, of course! No, not Shinmyoumaru, you monster. Fae!

Cirno, Daiyousei, the fairies of light, Lily, generic fairies, PC-98s, you name it. If it's a fairy, then that's where the focus of this contest lies! Ohh, right. And Clownpiece.

Terrible character designs aside, the focus of this contest is what you make of it. However, the special category will be Shitpost, in honor of THP's birthday, so make of that what you will. As always, the special category is entirely optional. If you want to write a serious short with serious tones, just do it. Seriously, it still counts, assuming fae are involved as an important component.

The contest will run from right now up to the 30th at 00:01 After that, voting begins, lasting up until the 24th at 00:01. Why the 24th? Why, that gives an exact week break between voting and the next contest starting.

This time, I'm going to have a prize for every category! A shitty prize of shitty art! More on that when I link the threads. I have a literal minute left to write this.
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Wait what that was me you were talking about? Fuck me sideways with a rake and call me Genji, I really am slow.


Keine headbutting Sekibanki's head off. Because that is a thing that needs to be drawn.

Or if that's too complicated then pretty much anything involving Sekibanki. Maybe it'll guilt-trip me into actually writing about her.
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File 149658018124.png - (356.07KB, 2000x2000, Keine's hair sucks.png)
Keine's hair sucks

I made Keine DBZish, as it was easier to visualize. Hope you don't mind.
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File 149658193730.png - (55.35KB, 500x500, Bouncy Backup.png)
Bouncy Backup
For the writer of our shortest winning entry, I give a generic Twitteriffic Dai. With extra dai.

And extra dai on the extra dai.

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File 149083380927.jpg - (342.55KB, 961x1000, miko.jpg)
Hey there! THP’s birthday is in a couple of days and there's plenty of cause to celebrate it. It's a good excuse to look back some and an even better one to look ahead a bit. Forgive me for being a little circumspect but I hope you’ll take the time to read this post and properly give me feedback since it’s essential to the future of the site and worth being just a little bit verbose about it.

First, with people joining and leaving our community all the time, I can’t assume that everyone is familiar with the administrative history of the site. I feel it’s worth going into a few details about how the site works and how we’ve gotten by this far. A few of the following paragraphs should help you understand the basics. That said, feel free to skip ahead to the red sentence in this post if you know all this already.

A little over nine years ago, the first real choose-your-own-adventure story featuring touhous suddenly appeared on 4chan. A few weeks later, for a variety of reasons, it found a new home on a little-used imageboard with the domain touhouproject.com. From there, others where inspired to create their own stories and soon every board on the site had at least one active story on it. This went on for some time until the person who ran the site could not be bothered to host it anymore. And the site died.

The THP community had grown quite a bit by then, and there was a lot of discussion as to what would happen next. It became clear that the only way that these stories would be able to continue was if someone else hosted the site elsewhere. This was because the owner of the old site was not interested in selling or giving away the touhouproject.com domain. As a result we had to settle for the touhou-project.com domain which, we reckoned, was close enough. In the meanwhile, quite some time passed with the original site looking completely dead despite having an active IRC community. All in all, it was a painful transition that saw the loss of many users but it was also one that for the first time allowed people from the touhou community to be in control of the site’s fate.

I was involved with the site’s reviva
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Welp, that's enough to fund the server twice over. Good job.
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Thanks for the explanation wall. This helps my to-read list a lot. I still have to read Flight of the Lost Soul, Tenshi is in This Story, Superstitious and Cowardly Lot, Fairy on Scarlet Lake, Animating Gensokyo and An Excuse for an Excuse for Aya with the prequels. So yeah I have lotsa stuff to read. I've already read (or I'm reading) the other ones and I agree, Keymaster's stories are all amazing, along with many others like SDM:LA, Pathcy Quest, Scorn's story in /forest/ etc.

Ah well ok. I'll go with Patreon then. Paypal is really full of bullshit for this though.
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> I was there when people cried when Bunny shot bunny and when guy shot maid.

>The first is most likely Favors Owed, but I don't remember the author of that nor what the second one is.

As the author of both, yeah, that first one is definitely Favors Owed. The other one is Compensation Adequate. It was... my first real attempt at a story. Couple great moments in a literal sea of shit!

On a more thread-related note: I'm glad to have the opportunity to give back to the site that's given me so much, now that I have the means to do so.

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File 149187694897.png - (134.85KB, 400x150, unknown.png)
I am proud to announce Poi eSports will be hosting a Touhou 12.3 tournament as our first official tournament! We would like to invite you all to participate and come give it your best effort! For more details please refer to our discord for information how to join! Side note; We do need commentators aswell so if you'd be willing to commentate over it, that would be wonderful. https://discord.gg/Sw9KJSv
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File 148522082150.jpg - (677.50KB, 800x600, Terminally in need of love.jpg)
Terminally in need of love
It's that time of the year again, and love is in the air! To celebrate, let's focus on the bad part! Yes, that's right: rejection, failed confessions and all things bad about Valentin's Day!

Now, the rules of the contest shall be rather simple: no holds barred, as many entries as you like, and let's see if we can have a better voter turnout than last time! Ohh, and entries should be anonymous. I'm likely going to toy with other options next contest, but, as things currently are, we're going anonymous again!

Deadline is still up in the air. It shall be one of two dates: either February 14th 00:01, or February 28th 00:01. In the end, I took the feedback on monthly contests into account, and we shall be having one every other month, with a month to vote, give or take. As of right now, start your engines, but we need to discuss when to end the contest on.

Voting shall, of course, end on March 31st 00:01. I felt that the winter contest was too short, and at least one person didn't make it in time to vote. As such, I figure that if I just say screw it and make the entirety of the time between contests a voting period, we shall get more!

Categories shall be Lewd, Normal and Lunatic Soul-crushingly Depressing! The first two shall be the main distinction, but the third applies to both categories! I figure I'd test an idea I had. Each contest will have a flavor category to liven things up. I noticed the fun that was had in the yearly contest from the Shitpost category, and figure that it might be interesting to try something of the like, if different.

Anywho, the categories shall be up as soon as I have images, then I'll link them to here in the next post. Annoying delay does get in the way a bit, though.
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And I wrote Good shitpost, I raise you another.

Mine was bigger.
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File 149100943990.png - (693.87KB, 849x849, lylack.png)
It was me. I wrote the untitled story.
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i wanted to write something for once for a contest

but i procrastinated so i decided to figuratively shit on a keyboard and write something horrible at least

maybe i'll make time for a serious entry or not

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File 148971541693.png - (47.88KB, 1198x675, capture.png)
Thanks to Keine Kamishirasawa the Internet Archive, we are granted the access to an almost complete history log of our site. I thought of sharing this for the ones who are relatively new here, like me. Let's start, shall we?
Notice: all the backups before the address change have the page code not saved properly, aka with no formatting and css. Don't know why.

- Apparently, before being a Touhou only CYOA/discussion site, touhouproject.com was a place for sharing all kinds of doujin/anime material through torrent, with a Touhou section: http://web.archive.org/web/20070502184709/http://www.touhouproject.com/
- That went on until june of 2007, when the site disappeared (http://web.archive.org/web/20070623142517/http://www.touhouproject.com/) and was then put under construction (http://web.archive.org/web/20070921182022/http://www.touhouproject.com/).
- The site as we know it - kinda - saw the net's light on the 8th of january 2008, according to the admin's first message on the homepage: http://web.archive.org/web/20080112115311/http://www.touhouproject.com/. Interesting are the TouhouTube and Releases sections. Almost all them are saved, just go and browse around.
- The site went on during 2008 and 2009 (http://web.archive.org/web/20090803100351/http://www.touhouproject.com/) until middle august, when the site dies (http://web.archive.org/web/20090822050540/http://www.touhouproject.com/) and stays dead (http://web.archive.org/web/20090918084911/http://www.touhouproject.com/) at least at that address.
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File 148971691577.png - (178.95KB, 1334x676, download.png)
- THP revives on the 1st of september 2009, under our current domain (http://web.archive.org/web/20090908185556/http://www.touhou-project.com/). Also the infamous /coriander/ board is added during that period, the first of many addictions - http://web.archive.org/web/20090415000000*/http://www.touhou-project.com/coriander/. That's pretty much the site's general history.

There are a couple of very interesting threads in the post-revival /gensokyo/ section of the site (http://web.archive.org/web/20090930151449/http://www.touhou-project.com/gensokyo), in particular these ones:

- http://web.archive.org/web/20090923141810/http://www.touhou-project.com/gensokyo/res/806.html#852 and http://web.archive.org/web/20090907164223/http://www.touhou-project.com/gensokyo/res/1468.html give an explanation about why the domain switch happened.
- http://web.archive.org/web/20090907163000/http://www.touhou-project.com/gensokyo/res/932.html is a huge recap of all active writers/stories during that period.

The general timelines are here:
- Old domain: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.touhouproject.com/
- Current domain: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.touhou-project.com/

Thanks Keine Internet Archive. It was nice knowing this place's story. Probably part of you already knew this,
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Thank you for all of this. It's always nice to hear more about THP's past.

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File 148147782151.jpg - (96.04KB, 1280x960, analcoholicandhissidechick.jpg)
Welp, it looks like we've got another Tasofro game coming. More urban legend shenanigans for everyone!
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Not sure if they would; sort of pointless for a game centered around flying magical girls to be ground bound.
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File 148412540936.jpg - (83.14KB, 850x881, Close enough.jpg)
Close enough

Huh. Google translate seems to think Inuyasha is on the list...

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File 148141907145.jpg - (184.04KB, 850x1039, Sad isn't it.jpg)
Sad isn't it
You know what we need? A contest, of course! Christmas, snow-ins, snow days and all things that make winter wonderful and/or bleak and terrifying.

Rules are mostly the same as the yearly contest: deadline is 00:01 on the 1st of January, and you can make as many entries as you like. Anonymously, of course.

Also, don't be the guy that votes on their own stuff.

Anywho, categories are Porn, Newbie and Veteran. If you think yourself a newbie, novice, or just generally aren't confident in your writing, go write there. It's a contest, so don't be afraid to write, even if you're not the best.

Characters can be whoever! Doesn't matter, really. Just make sure it's taking place in winter, more or less. I'm mainly doing this to drum up more activity on the site. Expect more contests to come, though the next one will be less short notice.

Thread links coming shortly!
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Did you have any comments for the authors? Even if it's late, I'm sure those would be appreciated.
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I wrote the newbie entry. I've only written one other story on this site, and it was for the last contest. Once again I ended up writing something at the very end, rushing to get it done. I wasn't planning on writing anything for this contest, but I wanted there to be at least one story in the newbie category. If I knew I would get one more vote than the other stories I probably would have spent more than a minute thinking of a title. I thought up the idea for a story like this a while ago when I was sick, after I finished reading curiosities of lotus asia. Next time I write something I'll put more thought and effort into it. Still, this was fun.
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File 148389293983.jpg - (210.79KB, 304x600, pixiv_60295509.jpg)
I wrote Winter's Warmth. My goal was to create a work that perfectly encapsulated certain feelings, so I'm glad that the execution of that worked out for most of you. I don't mind that it's a little predictable. Thank you all for your feedback, and congratulations to everyone who wrote for the contest! You're all winners to me.

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File 147136817427.png - (3.24MB, 2000x1414, __hieda_no_akyuu_and_motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_b.png)
It doesn't feel like it's been a year, but it's August once again. And, since no one else has made any mention of it, I suppose I'll get the ball rolling in starting this year's annual contest!

As usual, EVERYTHING MUST BE SUBMITTED ANONYMOUSLY. Breaking this rule WILL result in disqualification. The deadline is the 16th of September, 23:59 GMT, AKA site time, because I'm not seeing much reason to break from tradition here. Submissions after the deadline will be disqualified.

There's a two-post limit per entry, as usual. They must be obviously connected with each other, preferably with in-thread links.

After the last annual contest's newbie turnout of nil, I'm also trimming categories down to just Regular and Lewd. However, because at least one chucklefuck always makes comedy porn, I'm also instituting the bonus Best Shitpost Award, because if people are going to write joke lewds they might as well be recognized for it.

So, for example, votes would go like:


Speaking of, voting will last until the 23rd of September, 23:59 GMT. Everyone will get a vote in both regular and smut categories, plus the optional BEST SHITPOST vote in case you feel like throwing it in. If you don't wanna, or if there aren't any shitpost entries, feel free to ignore it.
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Pardon me for bursting in with this, but I've got the OP's permission. The survey will remain open for the next couple of weeks.

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Welp, I've begun the redux of Forgotten Gensoukyou. This time it will be as it was meant to be, if with minor alterations based on the ideas of another.
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